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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-30 08:00:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 tobetwob ()
標題 [爆卦] 發錢 世界衛生組織WHO最新電子煙規管建議
時間 Fri May 29 19:34:23 2020








WHO FCTC 菸草減害專家 王郁揚
台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體

以下為世界衛生組織 最新電子煙規管建議:

電子尼古丁傳遞系統與無尼古丁傳遞系統 (簡要)
Electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems: a brief (2020)

關鍵訊息與結論 Key messages and conclusions



青少年、孕婦和成人不安全。  雖然這些族群的使用者可能會增加他們健康風險,但對於

*世界衛生組織(WHO)、美國國家學院(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering
and Medicine)以及疾病管制中心(CDC)已經對這潛力有所認知。

EN&NNDS are not harmless. Although the consequences for long-term effects on
morbidity and mortality have not yet been studied sufficiently, EN&NNDS are no
 safe for young people, pregnant women and adults who have never smoked.

While it is expected that use of EN&NNDS in these groups might increase their
health risks, non-pregnant adult smokers who completely switch from combustibl
 tobacco cigarettes to use of unadulterated and appropriately regulated EN&NND
 alone might reduce their health risks.

This potential has been recognized by WHO (41), NASEM (16) and the CDC (42).



織 菸草控制框架公約 締結國會議(WHO FCTC COP)的意見已達政策目標。

As indicated by WHO (41), the key to any policy on EN&NNDS is to “appropriate
y regulate these products, so as to minimize consequences that may contribute
to the tobacco epidemic and to optimize the potential benefits to public healt
”, as well as “avoiding nicotine initiation among non-smokers and particular
y youth while maximizing potential benefits for smokers”.

To strike such a regulatory balance is challenging in view of the existing
scientific evidence and the fact that not all countries will have the required
 regulatory and surveillance capacity (43).

WHO Members States that decide to regulate EN&NNDS may consider the options
below to attain the policy objectives set by the Conference of the Parties
(COP) of the WHO FCTC, which are to (44):





prevent the initiation of EN&NNDS by non-smokers and young people, with specia
 attention to vulnerable groups;

minimize as far as possible potential health risks to EN&NNDS users and protec
 non-users from exposure to their emissions;

prevent unproven health claims from being made about EN&NNDS;

and protect tobacco-control activities from all commercial and other vested
interests related to EN&NNDS, including interests of the tobacco industry.

Countries that decide to regulate EN&NNDS should consider:







being mindful of the unintended consequences of any regulatory measure in
swaying the market towards any specific type of EN&NNDS product;

regulating EN&NNDS that make health claims as medicinal products and
therapeutic devices and authorizing their marketing once such claims have been
 verified scientifically;

banning or restricting advertising, promotion and sponsorship of EN&NNDS,
regulating sales channels (including online sales) and strongly enforcing laws
on minimum age of purchase, while recognizing that restricting access to
tobacco products for minors and adults to make it difficult to transition to
cigarettes when using EN&NNDS is paramount;

minimizing health risks to EN&NNDS users by standardizing:




the manufacture of devices and EN&NNDS components under effective electrical
equipment safety regulations, including waste and safe disposal of electrical
and electronic equipment;

the content of e-liquids, to limit the amount of nicotine available per
cartridge or bottle and avoid some ingredients, such as carcinogens, mutagens
or reprotoxins, those that facilitate inhalation or nicotine uptake and
additives such as amino acids, caffeine, colouring agents, essential fatty aci
s, glucuronolactone, probiotics, taurine, vitamins and mineral nutrients –

the existing evidence is insufficient to recommend banning (or not banning)
certain flavours that may be attractive to children;




開始監控市場上的尼古丁電子煙&非尼古丁電子煙產品並評估其影響極為重要 價格和消



the packaging of e-liquids by requiring child-proof containers and labelling
ENDS to inform users of the addictive nature of the product;

minimizing health risks to non-users by outlawing the use of EN&NNDS in all
indoor spaces or where smoking is prohibited until it is proven that the
second-hand aerosol poses no health risks to bystanders;

limiting the levels and number of specific flavours allowed in EN&NNDS to
reduce initiation by young people;

and setting surveillance systems to monitor the evolution in patterns of
EN&NNDS consumption and detect health or safety incidents involving EN&NNDS –
 given the current state of knowledge about market dynamics, it is extremely
important for countries to start monitoring EN&NNDS products in the market and
 evaluate the impact of regulation on prices and consumption (this includes
surveillance of population patterns of EN&NNDS use by use intensity, type of
device, the content of e-liquid and reason for use, and by demographic
characteristics and smoking status);

as the market is rapidly evolving, adjustments to taxation approaches may be
needed over time.

In addition, countries that decide to impose an excise tax should consider:





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UqFD3Vg (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1590752067.A.7EA.html
Guard3rd: 好1F 05/29 19:34
y9111116: 好2F 05/29 19:34
foolwind: 好3F 05/29 19:35
chino32818: 推4F 05/29 19:35
qqaazz16516: $5F 05/29 19:35
JuiFu617: 錢6F 05/29 19:35
g5637128: 錢7F 05/29 19:35
asd958741: 推8F 05/29 19:35
clerkhsiao: 好9F 05/29 19:35
likejerrycat: 錢10F 05/29 19:35
ponponbear: 錢錢11F 05/29 19:36
bill4051326: 錢12F 05/29 19:36
k44754: 好了啦,電子菸咖還在崩潰喔13F 05/29 19:36
orze04: 早就知道的事了 傷害較小不是沒有傷害14F 05/29 19:36
exarawdon: 錢15F 05/29 19:36
ESRI99: 錢16F 05/29 19:36
allenliao112: 錢17F 05/29 19:36
jimmy0204123: 推18F 05/29 19:36
otoboku: 錢19F 05/29 19:36
ggian123: 抽煙就滾20F 05/29 19:36
ArSaBuLu: 健康無價21F 05/29 19:36
yonghanjhuan: 推22F 05/29 19:36
dolphintw: 錢23F 05/29 19:36
zhtw: 恭喜 你們要的修法已經來了24F 05/29 19:36
mikocwd: 閱25F 05/29 19:37
cavalier920: 推26F 05/29 19:37
ccucwc: 推27F 05/29 19:37
ggian123: 抽煙滾28F 05/29 19:37
NCUCYSHJack: 錢29F 05/29 19:37
zhtw: 希望修法越快越好30F 05/29 19:37
s81048112: 掰掰 沒人會喜歡二手菸的 不管是不是電子菸31F 05/29 19:37
StevoWu: 讚32F 05/29 19:37
ilove0shanya: 推33F 05/29 19:37
alex85: 錢34F 05/29 19:37
Ibugi: 蛤35F 05/29 19:38
pchunters: 推36F 05/29 19:38
Leadkeita: 推37F 05/29 19:38
yonghanjhuan: 推38F 05/29 19:38
xzaa456: 推39F 05/29 19:38
sixonze: 推40F 05/29 19:38
gggg0204: 推41F 05/29 19:38
likejerrycat: 要禁應該連同紙菸一起禁啊,是不敢得罪菸商還是為了42F 05/29 19:38
menshuei: 不行啊,這是我國的固有法,我國自虎門銷煙以來一直把43F 05/29 19:39
likejerrycat: 填補健保缺口想錢想瘋了?44F 05/29 19:39
acelong: 推45F 05/29 19:39
menshuei: 抽大煙視為惡習,每個國家都有不同的文化背景,應遵守46F 05/29 19:39
menshuei: 我國傳統立法基礎。
asoft40: 推48F 05/29 19:39
zxcva12: 好49F 05/29 19:39
good310118: 推50F 05/29 19:39
ccufcc: 推,但別給我錢51F 05/29 19:39
acelong: 推52F 05/29 19:39
dhccc: 建議申請釋憲53F 05/29 19:39
rererere147: 錢54F 05/29 19:39
wangjk812: 推55F 05/29 19:40
omfg5487: ok56F 05/29 19:40
ppptt: 推57F 05/29 19:40
whlinton297: 推,幫高調58F 05/29 19:40
opengaydoor: 抽煙就是滾59F 05/29 19:40
angdafa: 抽菸 BAD   滾60F 05/29 19:40
Abishini: 推61F 05/29 19:40
acelong: 推62F 05/29 19:41
DJRobin: 電菸被禁的唯一原因就是擋人財路,其他健康啥的都是廢話63F 05/29 19:41
halusai: 電子菸也可以抽稅啊 講填補健保根本呵64F 05/29 19:41
justice0616: 錢65F 05/29 19:41
grasstroll: 錢66F 05/29 19:41
apenguin: 超前部署 懂?67F 05/29 19:41
PaulChang: 關本國屁事68F 05/29 19:42
joaoko37967: 推69F 05/29 19:42
sheng116: 推70F 05/29 19:42
andy055097: 抽菸 BAD71F 05/29 19:42
Motor: WHO?72F 05/29 19:43
Dimitre: 兩種菸都有害啦 看政府支持誰囉73F 05/29 19:43
fuckggrun: 錢74F 05/29 19:43
youccyou987: 錢75F 05/29 19:43
locdan: 推錢76F 05/29 19:43
youming: 只要是菸就滾越遠越好77F 05/29 19:43
ncturw: 抽煙 bad78F 05/29 19:43
lt5114: 推79F 05/29 19:43
catnekogato: 推80F 05/29 19:43
Kamollion: 好81F 05/29 19:44
locdan: 推推82F 05/29 19:44
a594020419: 來83F 05/29 19:44
bd8917:  錢84F 05/29 19:44
wwwasnlfejed: 推85F 05/29 19:44
david0426: 好86F 05/29 19:44
phansiou: 推87F 05/29 19:44
jessica00951: 推88F 05/29 19:45
axn99980: 錢89F 05/29 19:45
aletheia: 嘻嘻,電子煙蟲常常在室內偷抽90F 05/29 19:45
freddy8317: 錢91F 05/29 19:45
polong1: 推92F 05/29 19:45
bmwg8: 台灣對電子煙這種規範,還好意思要求加入WHO 可憐哪93F 05/29 19:45
chunyo0229: 少抽94F 05/29 19:45
since5566: 管他哪種煙 通通都不要95F 05/29 19:46
BaLaGan: 要禁連紙菸一起禁啦 政府沒種96F 05/29 19:46
thisu: 抽菸滾97F 05/29 19:46
menshuei: 開放電子菸實在太對不起林則徐先生對反煙緝毒貢獻所做98F 05/29 19:46
menshuei: 的努力了。
t934140225: 推100F 05/29 19:46
wylscott: 菸蟲最好從世上消失 推101F 05/29 19:46
Leo4891: 就是要尼古丁  就算有害還是要抽  電子菸何必強調無害?102F 05/29 19:46
mark7931: 推103F 05/29 19:47
openrobert: 推104F 05/29 19:47
Leo4891: 每次看有人強調無害就好笑  難道有害你就不抽了?105F 05/29 19:47
cool189: 錢錢106F 05/29 19:47
CHYYP: 喔107F 05/29 19:47
asdf45610: WHO講任何跟利益有關的公信度都是問號拉108F 05/29 19:47
fatyi: 推109F 05/29 19:48
VrGnKiler: 推 電子煙是個被忽略的議題110F 05/29 19:48
CYYYp: 喔111F 05/29 19:48
jezz9740: 錢112F 05/29 19:48
tommyohyeah: 推113F 05/29 19:48
asdf45610: 講邏輯就是全禁OR全開114F 05/29 19:48
halusai: 電子菸到底是不是死抽菸者自己啊?115F 05/29 19:48
vul3cp4dd: 錢116F 05/29 19:48
mizuhara: 個人也認為在武漢肺炎事件後,W(C)HO早已無公信力可言w117F 05/29 19:49
TMUMED: 推118F 05/29 19:49
jim543000: 好119F 05/29 19:49
christopherl: 打廣告滾120F 05/29 19:49
teddy1209: 菸121F 05/29 19:49
ahlolha: 紙菸不禁禁電子菸 民進黨為護航財團真他媽沒下限122F 05/29 19:49
y30048: 錢123F 05/29 19:50
dgdgevil: 推124F 05/29 19:50
tcfwaterla: 推125F 05/29 19:50
Chia2323: 電子煙政府抽不到稅被禁正常126F 05/29 19:51
luten: 還是大地之母生長出來菸草最天然惹,科科127F 05/29 19:51
pigrap: 給推128F 05/29 19:51
newsbow: 我不抽煙 但政府應該設立一些吸煙區給癮君子 好過他們隨129F 05/29 19:52
newsbow: 處抽煙
owen870127: 推131F 05/29 19:52
a893: 推132F 05/29 19:52
QQ1973: 錢133F 05/29 19:52
Tianmu: 推134F 05/29 19:53
Rrrxddd: 先領錢135F 05/29 19:53
palapalanhu: XD136F 05/29 19:53
DAANTHONY: 錢137F 05/29 19:53
NewPassat: 看到WHO就不可信好嗎?138F 05/29 19:53
PPPGGG: 推139F 05/29 19:53
Xianrule: 推140F 05/29 19:53
HJC6666: 存夠p幣了? 不抽會死嗎?141F 05/29 19:54
sr20detll: 錢142F 05/29 19:55
saint01: 加油143F 05/29 19:55
flowersuger: 寫太保守了!就百害無一利的垃圾東西開放這做啥?!144F 05/29 19:55
jingDS: 不抽菸就好了呀145F 05/29 19:56
dilbertludan: 好146F 05/29 19:56
jaceda: $$147F 05/29 19:56

※ 編輯: tobetwob ( 臺灣), 05/29/2020 19:58:05
omaha: 禁,都禁148F 05/29 19:57
KCKCLIN: 隨便 反正菸蟲死了也和我無關 尤其那些強迫他人吸的垃色149F 05/29 19:58
pao520217: 推150F 05/29 19:59
zzzikiri: 錢151F 05/29 19:59
neverland4: 錢152F 05/29 20:00
iamstrapless: 對於不抽的人來說 光沒有二手煙就>>紙菸153F 05/29 20:02
BlackBass: 我們有加入WHO嗎?154F 05/29 20:02
halusai: 為啥一堆智障認為紙菸商做不出電子菸XD155F 05/29 20:03
oiixooi: 好156F 05/29 20:04
grandwar: 世衛去吃屎157F 05/29 20:05
yoyotime: 錢158F 05/29 20:05
gwenwoo:  螞蝗表示  人道考量  不殘害幼苗159F 05/29 20:07
a810086: 文太長了,簡單說可以嗎160F 05/29 20:07
GreenBow: 笑死  拿垃圾組織來背書161F 05/29 20:08
god890529: 錢162F 05/29 20:08
zxasqw0246: 你是不是買p幣阿 每次都只會發錢炒議題163F 05/29 20:09
liam0621: 這樣黨團不能買超 當然禁止164F 05/29 20:09
a810086: 補推165F 05/29 20:10
as11121314: 錢166F 05/29 20:11
DJRobin: 等紙菸商也做電菸,電菸就忽然不會危害健康了 看著吧167F 05/29 20:11
garcia: 搞成這樣硬要抽 香菸、電子菸都不要抽 錢拿去抽角色168F 05/29 20:12
headcase: 世衛組織是三小啦 台灣加入了沒啦169F 05/29 20:14
wahaha99: 推170F 05/29 20:14
freeman912: 錢171F 05/29 20:15
k44754: 賣煙油好賺嗎???172F 05/29 20:15
k44754: https://imgur.com/bSBY0aF.png
Sasha0720: 看看抽零丁的被圈內嘲諷就知道都是174F 05/29 20:15
skiro: 推175F 05/29 20:15
rty89512: 推176F 05/29 20:16
k44754: 欸欸,別裝死啦177F 05/29 20:16
k44754: 賣煙油好不好賺啊:)
k44754: https://imgur.com/bSBY0aF.png
srxteam0935: 完全不構成只禁電子菸不禁紙菸的理由 裡面禁電子菸180F 05/29 20:16
srxteam0935: 的理由紙菸幾乎都中了 講白就是跟菸商利益問題而已
clemens123: 錢182F 05/29 20:16
adonisXD: 結論 就是要你去請醫材 然後政府發大財 你去旁邊玩沙183F 05/29 20:17
knuckles1982: 噁184F 05/29 20:18
orange6541: 錢185F 05/29 20:18
bradchang: 推186F 05/29 20:21
joechen03: 推187F 05/29 20:22
radi035: 沒懶人包 滾188F 05/29 20:24
ET58: 去年美國電子煙死一堆人欸 you sure?189F 05/29 20:24
ET58: NEJM連po了好幾個禮拜的病例
k44754: 樓上,那咖就專門讚揚電子菸的ID191F 05/29 20:26
osedax: 把頭罩起來自己把二手菸吸乾淨再說192F 05/29 20:26
k44754: https://imgur.com/bSBY0aF.png193F 05/29 20:26
k44754: 看看這張圖,就懂啦 :)
krjkrj168: 推195F 05/29 20:27
yenchem: 推196F 05/29 20:28
halusai: 電子菸有賺頭 多一項可以賺 紙菸商怎麼可能不做 笑死XD197F 05/29 20:30
halusai: 電子菸到底多難? 難道只有你們抽電子菸的可以DIY????
halusai: 只攻擊紙菸商覺得很可笑
yaehsin: 推200F 05/29 20:33
jrzxc110: 錢201F 05/29 20:35
Jacky18182: 推202F 05/29 20:37
sumarai: 買票203F 05/29 20:39
al199786215: WHO 哈哈 可憐204F 05/29 20:39
pearlsally: 錢205F 05/29 20:41
mark117: 賣電子煙全家得報應206F 05/29 20:42
dennis7653: 推207F 05/29 20:43
zasd0258: 推208F 05/29 20:47
amALu: 支持 華國就是個先禁國家有夠廢209F 05/29 20:47
cheng399: 呵呵  台灣林則徐 說穿了就是政府不想管210F 05/29 20:52
cheng399: 又不知道怎麼收稅 乾脆全部禁一禁
monkey6: 電子煙早過時了,瑞典口含菸才是新潮流212F 05/29 20:52
hjw802: 推 超級討厭菸味213F 05/29 20:52
cheng399: 你看港口釣魚 划船活動不是都先禁一禁214F 05/29 20:53
cooljoe1985: 不如釋憲215F 05/29 20:53
cheng399: 不是說你討厭煙味就禁一禁 重點是你家立委都在混216F 05/29 20:54
redwine58624: 推217F 05/29 20:55
monkey6: 還在抽紙菸電子菸的可以估狗一下瑞典口含菸218F 05/29 20:55
cheng399: 法規跟不上時代 讓國民競爭力也跟不上時代219F 05/29 20:55
cheng399: 建議電子煙民去跟你家立委陳情
s12910: 爽 開心221F 05/29 20:56
cheng399: 這種事是要立委覺得他有票才能幫說話的222F 05/29 20:56
x811105: 說實在的 你們也只是為了自己的利益223F 05/29 20:57
cheng399: 還有我不抽電子煙,我難過的是台灣什麼事都先禁224F 05/29 20:58
cheng399: 然後政府就不用管的心態
cheng399: 然後民眾要爭半天才能拿到。
cheng399: 幹 還說台灣是已發展國家 根本不入流國家
Sajhnne: 錢228F 05/29 21:00
adminxh: 錢229F 05/29 21:00
hj00: 菸蟲滾230F 05/29 21:01
CVchapel:   錢231F 05/29 21:04
cheng399: 跟本不管什麼會不會違憲,反正就先禁232F 05/29 21:06
cheng399: 你各位的選擇去做的權利就這樣被犧牲掉了
cheng399: 香煙不就致癌,但政府為什麼準? 有稅抽阿
cheng399: 你以為政府真關心你的健康嗎?
cheng399: 他們關心的是錢吧
zxcv200298: 錢237F 05/29 21:10
cccict: 只要還有辦法讓我吸到就禁,紙菸蟲還比較有禮貌,會換地238F 05/29 21:11
cccict: 方吸,電子煙蟲一堆就在室內開吸
nojydia: 讚 抽菸去死240F 05/29 21:13
cheng399: 給238樓  是不是沒有法規管的問題?241F 05/29 21:14
cheng399: 重點就是沒有法規。 結束
gamesoul: 發財啦243F 05/29 21:14
fewhy: 對啊 都有害阿 但是菸還不是照賣 那就列管繼續賣阿244F 05/29 21:16
notneme159: 推個幫高調245F 05/29 21:17
kevin0308030: 推246F 05/29 21:18
MadBe: 推247F 05/29 21:23
mayshun: 加熱菸比電子菸好多了248F 05/29 21:34
kent9178: 推249F 05/29 21:36
hodsala: 並沒有XD250F 05/29 21:37
Paradisean: 推251F 05/29 21:37
cy5432005: WHO hahahaha252F 05/29 21:38
mokissru: 推253F 05/29 21:38
kevinpc: 為什麼要遵照CHO的指示254F 05/29 21:40
timgyes123: 錢255F 05/29 21:41
Mr23: 每次都要發錢推爆! WHO哈哈256F 05/29 21:45
gginin007: 狗才抽煙257F 05/29 21:46
khing6997us: 推258F 05/29 21:50
a9318493184: 推259F 05/29 21:52
neil9830409: 紙菸吃屎 不過電子菸也沒好到哪裡去 快禁一禁260F 05/29 21:53
cmcmcmcm2: 有抽菸的都滾啦 吵屁261F 05/29 21:55
Windcws9Z:262F 05/29 22:01
wow4alison: AHO263F 05/29 22:09
guitar0225: 菸粉264F 05/29 22:10
stw0975: 推265F 05/29 22:16
abwaa: 錢266F 05/29 22:25
eddie363: 推267F 05/29 22:27
reexamor: 錢錢268F 05/29 22:29
tzuchun0214: 推用心269F 05/29 22:32
fifybl: 法規什麼時候才要出來..270F 05/29 22:33
kill11111: 這篇是哪來的野雞廣告單的內容啦?271F 05/29 22:35
ChangZhu: 推272F 05/29 22:35
night85844: 錢273F 05/29 22:36
cs02045782: 錢啦274F 05/29 22:39
wolfofschool: 電子菸好歹不會有菸蒂275F 05/29 22:41
color3258: 都不要抽不會喔 臭死276F 05/29 22:45
cannedtuna: 要管制很合理吧 誰知道夜市買的油加了什麼277F 05/29 22:46
l6545646: 可以不要抽煙嗎 一堆菸蟲278F 05/29 22:52
wayhowhown: 推279F 05/29 22:52
seou: 菸仔是智障 奇怪的空氣進肺部還說不會影響健康280F 05/29 22:54
er5820: 菸281F 05/29 22:55
marcus1985: 我們又不是WHO會員國282F 05/29 23:19
fox1001: 推283F 05/29 23:24
Iguchi2B: 推284F 05/29 23:25
markkao456: Who who Cho285F 05/29 23:30
YuzanJhang: 隨便啦 我們又不是會員干我屁事286F 05/29 23:31
kinomon: 能搞成這樣真不簡單287F 05/29 23:32
armfire1911: 尼古丁成癮=海洛英成癮=毒癮288F 05/29 23:34
sam147536: 為健康推289F 05/29 23:34
smallz: 你也不看看收了菸商多少錢290F 05/29 23:38
SEVEnMonth: 抽菸都垃圾,管他電不電子291F 05/29 23:38
aromaraz: 中立推292F 05/29 23:38
zxnstu3104: 推293F 05/29 23:41
a6891605: 推294F 05/29 23:44
penguine33: 推295F 05/29 23:45
jeanpaul: 一堆人在那邊喊都禁一禁,殊不知你小孩長大以後如果不296F 05/29 23:46
jeanpaul: 幸抽煙,就只剩紙菸可選了。
mikijones: 推298F 05/29 23:50
mikijones: 推
mikijones: 錢
mikijones: 推
terrasse23: 推302F 05/29 23:55
g860508: 推303F 05/30 00:18
fakeimage: 臭304F 05/30 00:32
game2327: 推305F 05/30 00:38
jojo2023258: 錢306F 05/30 00:41
astrayred2L: 菸蟲就是該死307F 05/30 01:00
piggymelon: 抽菸就是垃圾308F 05/30 01:07
xhung: 常常有人在公車站附近 抽電子煙 有夠機掰309F 05/30 01:08
juke08964: 推310F 05/30 01:11
agow: 怎麼不全禁?311F 05/30 01:23
jiangjiang33: 還有人信WHO?312F 05/30 02:07
bakapika: 420313F 05/30 02:25
ihczfu: 推314F 05/30 02:26
xinyuxiao: 佳播要戒菸沒315F 05/30 02:57
herbwu: 電子煙無法幫助戒煙,而抽過電子煙的反而變成吸煙人口316F 05/30 07:13

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