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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-14 16:08:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 ginopun10477 (南瓜薯叔)
標題 [問卦] 黑眼豆豆的代表作
時間 Sun Jun 14 14:36:51 2020





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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UvSM5Za (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1592116613.A.8E4.html
kris4588: Where’s the love1F 06/14 14:37
yorkyoung: 蓋蓋蓋2F 06/14 14:37
asiasssh: 嘎了給給3F 06/14 14:37
gene527823: boom boom boom 嘎啦ㄍㄟˋㄍㄟˋ4F 06/14 14:38
jjooee1428: pump it5F 06/14 14:38
serding: pump it6F 06/14 14:38
BLACKLIONS: 崩崩崩7F 06/14 14:38
antonny: where's the love 硬景,殺黑人怎麼求上帝都沒用8F 06/14 14:39
scores: 咖哩給gay9F 06/14 14:39
caesst85149: 咕咕奈10F 06/14 14:40
Krishna: 還用說嗎?pump it啊,終極殺陣多紅啊11F 06/14 14:40
yzkeroro: I gotta feeling才是真的神曲 層層堆疊猛炸12F 06/14 14:41
我個人很愛Don't Phunk With  My Heart 真是有夠好聽
tfoxboy: 碰碰碰13F 06/14 14:43
※ 編輯: ginopun10477 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2020 14:44:49
SecondRun: 崩崩崩14F 06/14 14:46
meimeiamy: 絕對是boom Boom boom15F 06/14 14:47
tsukasa107: 已經看不懂 說終極殺陣到底是不是反串了16F 06/14 14:47
Nazibest: 我比較喜歡where is the love17F 06/14 14:51
Automatic620: Shut up18F 06/14 14:51
brad001: 蹦蹦蹦 嘎啦給給19F 06/14 14:53
lunqun35: Meet me halfway, just can't get enough20F 06/14 14:55
soria0225: don't phunk with my heart 真的超好聽 找到知音21F 06/14 14:55
RanceTsai: where's the love 非常好聽22F 06/14 14:56
lunqun35: Let's get it started23F 06/14 14:56
joanmayannie: 整張elephunk 都能聽24F 06/14 14:58
jezz9740: Where's the love25F 06/14 15:07
aigame: the app song26F 06/14 15:09
youshallnotp: just can't get enough27F 06/14 15:09
aigame: apl*28F 06/14 15:09
Nazibest: 應該說早期紅的曲子都很好聽,比現在很多紅歌都屌29F 06/14 15:09
aigame: apple自選字去給狗幹30F 06/14 15:09
eippuy: 他們MV很好看,是否沒在出新作品?31F 06/14 15:10
成員有更動 新歌我不太喜歡
wwf1588: 咚雞毛 因為咚雞毛32F 06/14 15:10
a66340538: I got a feeling 慶幸自己有活在他們的年代33F 06/14 15:12
※ 編輯: ginopun10477 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2020 15:15:27
johnruby: 法咧 喔 喔喔 法咧 喔 喔喔34F 06/14 15:17
willywasd: I got a feeling35F 06/14 15:21
willywasd: I gotta feeling
swagger: 麵包37F 06/14 15:23
mosqutiolamp: 幹吶洗偉ㄉㄟˋ38F 06/14 15:25
a000114: shut out39F 06/14 15:32
a000114: shut up 什麼鬼選字...
jpwd: The time41F 06/14 15:35
chocopoodle: 有Fergie的42F 06/14 15:39
chocopoodle: 現在flop不知道到哪
vincefan1347: I gotta feeling44F 06/14 15:43
yyyyyyyv: XOXOXO45F 06/14 15:58
xup946044: will i am 才是本體46F 06/14 16:00

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