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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-21 08:52:35
看板 Gossiping
作者 Hivwing (飛羽)
標題 [新聞] 民調:55%相信拜登可能患有「癡呆症的早
時間 Sun Jun 21 07:08:19 2020


The Daily Wire


Joseph Curl


Poll: 55% Believe That Biden Potentially Has ‘Early Stages Of Dementia’


Is Joe Biden experiencing dementia? That’s a question the pollsters at Zogby
International posed to 1,007 “likely voters.”
Joe Biden患有癡呆症嗎?這是Zogby國際組織在民調中對1007名「可能的選民」提出的一

The results were surprising: 55% said they think the former vice president,
77, “is in the early stages of dementia.”

“Overall, subgroups who normally approve of Trump’s job as president, were
the most likely to believe Biden could be suffering from dementia,” the poll
found. “Thus, majorities of Republicans (77% more likely/23% less likely)
and Independents (56% more likely/44% less likely) thought Joe Biden had
early-onset dementia; while nearly a third of Democrats (32% more likely/68%
less likely) thought this was the case.”
「總體來說,通常贊同川普總統工作的群組最容易相信Joe Biden可能患有老年癡呆症」
/44%可能性低)認為Joe Biden患有早發性癡呆;而將近三分之一的民主黨人(32%可能性高

“At the same time, some important subgroups did not believe the vice
president was exhibiting a declining mental capacity. While a majority of men
(60% more likely/40% less likely) thought it this was likely, women (50% more
likely/50% less likely) were less likely to think that the vice president was
in the early stages of dementia,” Zogby International wrote.
副總統處於癡呆症的早期階段的可能性較小」, Zogby國際組織寫道。

There was also an inverse relationship in the data between age and the
likelihood of voters believing Biden had early-onset dementia, for example;
as the age of voters increased the likelihood of voters believing Biden was
exhibiting early-onset dementia decreased. Younger voters aged 18-24 (60%
more likely/40% less likely) and 18-29 (59% more likely/41% less likely) were
more likely to believe Biden had dementia than older voters aged 65+ (50%
more likely/50% less likely).
例如,認為Joe Biden患有早發性癡呆可能性的選民比例與年齡呈反比關係;隨著選民年
齡的增加,選民認為Joe Biden表現出早發性癡呆的可能性有所降低。與65歲以上年齡較
低)和18-29歲間(59%可能性高/41%可能性低)的較年輕選民更相信Joe Biden患有癡呆症。

Likely voters living in medium size cities (61% more likely/39% less likely)

were more likely to believe Biden had dementia than voters living in the
suburbs (52% more likely/48% less likely) and large cities (55% more
likely/45% less likely). Suburban women (49% more likely/51% less likely) did
not think Biden was mentally slipping but men living in urban areas (62% more
likely/38% less likely) believed so.
比,居住在中型城市(61%可能性高/39%可能性低)的選民更可能相信Joe Biden患有癡呆症
。郊區女性(49%可能性高/51%可能性低)不認為Joe Biden在精神上有所下滑,但居住在城

President Trump has blasted Biden – who he calls “Sleepy Joe” – over his
repeated verbal stumbles and memory lapses, calling him an old man who should
be put in a retirement home.
川普總統抨擊Joe Biden─稱其為「沉睡的喬」─反覆的言語失誤和記憶力減退中稱他為

“They are going to put him in a home and other people are going to be
running the country,” Trump said in early March during a rally in Charlotte,
North Carolina.

“Sleepy Joe,” Trump added, “he doesn’t even know where he is or what he’
s doing or what office he’s running for. Honestly, I don’t think he knows
what office he’s running for.”

Biden has sought to laugh off the reports.
Joe Biden企圖嘲笑這些報導。

During a May interview on Snapchat’s “Good Luck America” daily political
show, Biden was asked by host Peter Hamby how he plans to “fight back”
 against the notion that he’s “old” and “kind of lame.”
5月,在Snapchat的「美國好運」每日政治節目中接受採訪時,主持人Peter Hamby問Joe

“The Shorenstein Center up at Harvard did an analysis of all of the
anti-Biden memes out there on the internet,” Hamby said. “According to
them, the top three slogans they’re seeing, this is from the left and the
right, are Dementia Joe, Sleepy Joe, Creepy Joe. Barack Obama reportedly said
last week that his daughters had been showing him anti-Biden TikToks.
Basically, there’s an entire discourse on the internet right now that’s
painting you as creepy and old and out of touch and kind of lame. How do you
fight back against that?”
Peter Hamby說:「哈佛大學肖恩斯坦中心對網路上存在的所有反拜登迷因進行了分析。
」「根據他們的說法,他們看到的前三個口號,從左到右分別是Dementia Joe,Sleepy

Joe和Creepy Joe。據報導,Barack Obama上週表示,他的女兒向他展示了反拜登TikToks


Biden laughed, then said, “I can hardly wait to get onto the stage with
Donald Trump. Look, I certainly miss being out on the trail connecting
face-to-face to people. Trump is a master at laying nicknames on people.”
拜登笑了,然後說:「我迫不及待要和Donald Trump一起登上舞台。看,我當然想念與人

“But the vast majority of the voters out there, including young people, are
not getting all their news from the internet,” he said. “But I’m trying to
compete there. We’re getting started late in the comparative sense. One
hundred and two million video views across social media platforms since
mid-March for me.”

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Poll: 55% Believe That Biden Potentially Has ‘Early Stages Of Dementia’ | The Daily Wire
Is Joe Biden experiencing dementia? That’s a question the pollsters at Zogby International posed to 1,007 “likely voters.” The resul ...



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z0953781935: 一個癡呆一個草包XDDDDD1F 06/21 07:10
a0986188522: 左膠最愛咪吐登2F 06/21 07:10
ZNDL: ageist==3F 06/21 07:10
smalljacky03: 太老了啦4F 06/21 07:12
milk7054: 一個癡呆一個腦殘,美國人真可憐5F 06/21 07:12
smalljacky03: 兩黨都沒人了喔6F 06/21 07:12
locomorrrr: 川粉高潮= =7F 06/21 07:12
sonyabear: 他上台能推蘿莉控友善法案嗎?是的話我想投他8F 06/21 07:13
rockiey: 南韓總統9F 06/21 07:13
Aidrux: 77歲超老10F 06/21 07:15
dorydoze: 現在癡呆症是用民調診斷喔,這是什麼先進技術阿?11F 06/21 07:15
kaodio: 馬英九都能當完8年了 小問題啦12F 06/21 07:16
brucielu95: 民主黨94假掰啊 連殘障都敢拿出來用13F 06/21 07:16
F93935: 可憐哪 兩個老人的選擇14F 06/21 07:18
dostey: 症狀 跟台灣宜蘭縣長妙妙婆 非常類似15F 06/21 07:20
nodnarb1027: 川粉繼續自慰16F 06/21 07:25
lavine0639: 敗登躺著選了,美國越來越亂了17F 06/21 07:25
G888888: 今日妙妙 明日拜登18F 06/21 07:27
tkglobe: 有癡呆症現象去就醫,做什麼鬼民調19F 06/21 07:29
geordie: 美國報導各種幽默20F 06/21 07:30
CYL009: 臺派賤畜最愛的川建國贏定惹21F 06/21 07:30
ramirez: 我川逆轉勝22F 06/21 07:31
Tamama05: 呵呵支或贏23F 06/21 07:32
crossmyheart: 看到蘿莉就摸跟鄉下老人一樣 民主黨出這咖24F 06/21 07:33
soarling: 檯面上這兩個差不多啦幹25F 06/21 07:33
lucky1lk: 嘛 年紀越大 失智機會也越大 沒啥好驚訝的26F 06/21 07:34
ethan0419: 美國老人的戰爭27F 06/21 07:34
lucky1lk: 不像那些五毛八毛 失智那麼久都還沒治療 摳連阿28F 06/21 07:34
fenix220: 美國韓粉29F 06/21 07:36
sy4826951: 這種的共產黨最愛了30F 06/21 07:36
kiddking: 77歲還出來選喔......31F 06/21 07:37
kixer2005: 整個美國只剩一個瘋子跟一個傻子在競選  可憐哪32F 06/21 07:39
kixer2005: 而且還是老瘋子跟老傻子
Colitas: 兩個老人,哪邊突然失智都不意外34F 06/21 07:42
suhs: 那川普喝水噘嘴跟走路歪歪的是...35F 06/21 07:43
Workforme: 川普不是也差不多年紀嗎?36F 06/21 07:43
danel801003: 翻成失智症比較政治正確一點...37F 06/21 07:47
smallplug: 美國水準,呵呵38F 06/21 07:52
jbking: 從最近Biden 的造勢可以看得出來他的精神狀況不是很好39F 06/21 07:54
chu630: 不知道有幾%認為他是蘿莉控 反正我是信了40F 06/21 07:55
SantaNM: 2020美國大選 邊缘自戀狂v.s癡呆老人41F 06/21 07:57
GGdong: 真· 西瓜42F 06/21 07:57
yoshro: 老美選個白痴也不會那麼容易倒臺,而且也不是沒經驗(呵43F 06/21 08:03
sunnydragon7: 反正還有副總統跟國會44F 06/21 08:11
ScottBrooks: 民主黨這麼多人選 結果初選選出這種咖小 可憐45F 06/21 08:12
ZachBritton: 77歲本來就高危險群還選總統46F 06/21 08:19
upeo: 美國真的厲害了 中二病vs老人癡呆 二選一47F 06/21 08:22
feliz5566: 上網看他的影片真的滿有可能的50F 06/21 08:24
upeo: 這也展現 專業政務官才是核心主幹 擺西瓜都沒關係51F 06/21 08:24
Shopin FrederiQ M (反省中)
allan0926: 77歲的確有很大的機會53F 06/21 08:25
Sayd20: 美國人選出一個實境秀瘋子後 痴呆的也說的過去54F 06/21 08:26
hzs6111: 美國即將滅亡QQ55F 06/21 08:28
kzlivetune: 癡呆不是由醫生認定而是民調?56F 06/21 08:29
fucking: 這三小民調XD57F 06/21 08:34
peasuka: 美版金正恩跟失智老人要怎麼選很清楚吧?58F 06/21 08:35
scott123321: 痴呆比比神經病好59F 06/21 08:36
treeman47: 還好啦 看看空心菜還不是混得好好的60F 06/21 08:37
a1277034: 錢沾一沾還不是817票乖乖入袋,當總統不難,網軍顧好就61F 06/21 08:39
a1277034: 好
AUwalker: 川普根本躺著贏63F 06/21 08:43
k092236: 沒有年輕人哦 超級強國捏64F 06/21 08:46
wenhuanorman: 有這樣的民調哇靠65F 06/21 08:46
JANYUJEN: 靠北,一個瘋子一個呆子,美國好慘XD66F 06/21 08:46
lukeworld: 77歲……67F 06/21 08:49

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