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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-19 21:07:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 henryhao (南部山豬批發商)
標題 [問卦] 聯合公園 神曲是哪首??  
時間 Fri Dec 18 23:48:51 2020


某天偶然聽到heavy 這首


然後去聽專輯one more light






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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VtCzbR6 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1608306533.A.6C6.html
Skydier: 快樂崇拜1F 12/18 23:49
elec1141: it’s my life2F 12/18 23:49
neil136: 我難過3F 12/18 23:49
KCKCLIN: 崇拜4F 12/18 23:49
ambitious: Zombie5F 12/18 23:49
a3221715: in the end6F 12/18 23:49
linda17a3: 今天怎麼一直問發生什麼事了7F 12/18 23:49
Takasteric: 只能選一首就Numb8F 12/18 23:49
ymx3xc: faint9F 12/18 23:50
ted01234567: 緊緊相依的心如何say goodbye10F 12/18 23:50
PSptt: numb, in the end, faint, give up, a place for my head11F 12/18 23:50
diadem1122: numb啊還用問12F 12/18 23:50
rxiang: 很多13F 12/18 23:50
PSptt: 我也不知道 不過他們後期的有點抒情的感覺~14F 12/18 23:51
antonny: 你太菜惹,去聽再早點的吶喊很讚15F 12/18 23:51
PPPGGG: faint16F 12/18 23:51
AV771118: Numb真的太震撼,7年級國歌17F 12/18 23:52
rogger: numb18F 12/18 23:52
a3221715: Numb也19F 12/18 23:53
PSptt: bleed it out ~ breaking the habit20F 12/18 23:53
visviva: 翻唱 https://tinyurl.com/ofjhpqb21F 12/18 23:53
heavenlyken: 我難過22F 12/18 23:54
azytjr: good goodbye23F 12/18 23:54
PSptt: waiting for the end ~24F 12/18 23:54
tnpaul: How You Remind Me25F 12/18 23:55
Beanoodle: 絕對是numb26F 12/18 23:55
laputaca: numb27F 12/18 23:56
PSptt: 10年前的歌我覺得還比台灣現在的好聽很多 - -28F 12/18 23:57
ggian123: NUMB29F 12/18 23:57
MadCaro: numb,in the end必推神曲30F 12/18 23:57
chen338: in the end 還用問嗎31F 12/18 23:58
friendA: numb啦32F 12/18 23:58
ericayou: numb33F 12/18 23:59
kevabc1: Numb or in the end35F 12/19 00:00
newstarisme: In the end36F 12/19 00:00
ellisteng145: leave out all the rest 這首也是比較抒情的37F 12/19 00:01
idee26: Numb38F 12/19 00:02
GOD5566: high way to hell39F 12/19 00:03
aa955260: from the inside, figure.9, lying from you40F 12/19 00:03
knight77: numb 以前看到邁阿密風雲預告配這首整個潮指數飆升41F 12/19 00:04
Firmamentee: Numb42F 12/19 00:07
abadjoke: In the end第一 剩下的從第二開始爭43F 12/19 00:08
wuu831: baby shark44F 12/19 00:08
Changster: 只能挑一首就Numb45F 12/19 00:09
s4357gty: numb46F 12/19 00:09
bloodmickey: 太七才是神曲47F 12/19 00:09
hcc570910: Numb48F 12/19 00:11
pierreisme: Numb, in the end49F 12/19 00:14
boboking2: 每首都神曲50F 12/19 00:16
Ommmmmm5566: Eats my life51F 12/19 00:16
lavigneA: 當然是碗丁阿52F 12/19 00:19
prozen21: numb faint54F 12/19 00:20
haha096765: 早期的作品都很經典,後期作品比較像年齡跟心境轉變做55F 12/19 00:21
haha096765: 出不同的風格,還是很好聽,個人喜好不同
occlumency3: 居然沒人推somewhere I belong嗚嗚57F 12/19 00:25
carriechu: New divide前奏熱血58F 12/19 00:27
Cervelo1995: 美特拉整張專輯59F 12/19 00:27
moint: ITE60F 12/19 00:28
CowBaoGan: From the inside, Numb, Breaking the habit61F 12/19 00:31
DMPBBOY: some where i belone+162F 12/19 00:32
jeffrey0112: castle of glass63F 12/19 00:33
cychung: Somewhere I belong +1, 超讚64F 12/19 00:33
eatingsen: 超喜歡 not alone65F 12/19 00:34
burgergirl: one step closer66F 12/19 00:35
icoann: hotel California67F 12/19 00:39
pig80326: 輪框壞掉68F 12/19 00:45
PS5pro: 只挑一首 我會挑Somewhere I belong69F 12/19 00:45
globalhooper: 美特拉和混合理論 這兩張71F 12/19 00:49
tsaotsaogh: Iridescent72F 12/19 00:52
yeeting: 好難選 都是回憶殺QQ73F 12/19 00:53
smartwife: Bleed It Out、What I've Done都是我的最愛74F 12/19 00:57
atfield17: Somewhere I belong +175F 12/19 01:00
Hungwei326: People = shit76F 12/19 01:02
dagehoya5566: 幹當然是numb77F 12/19 01:03
frog0824: Numb 不朽神曲78F 12/19 01:07
pongbao: 我難過79F 12/19 01:08
RosalineN33: Numb80F 12/19 01:08
Innofance: In the End、Numb81F 12/19 01:12
sofina426: 當然是in the end 啊82F 12/19 01:20
cakk: 人生有限公司 派對動物83F 12/19 01:23
ji394tb: Papercut84F 12/19 01:23
SinJCK: Easier to run和Somewhere I belong85F 12/19 01:24
a555444: 我的入坑曲 Faint、no more sorrow  但最愛new divide86F 12/19 01:25
catvsdog: numb87F 12/19 01:29
lanslore: Papercut88F 12/19 01:39
tony831011: 推leave out all the rest!!!89F 12/19 01:42
awr1979ile: 玩丁90F 12/19 01:42
kevin015015: numb91F 12/19 01:45
Aspettare: Battle sympathy92F 12/19 02:01
tommytyc: numb 無其他93F 12/19 02:09
berton0: new divide94F 12/19 02:20
prismwu: In the End95F 12/19 02:22
sasolala: Numb 當初告別的演唱會真的是含著眼淚在唱96F 12/19 02:24
LWSH: numb 神曲無誤 crawling也很棒97F 12/19 02:35
kavlen: no body can save me98F 12/19 02:39
kingcatkuo: heavy 真的讚99F 12/19 02:46
unname: 沒人推somewhere i be lone嗎?100F 12/19 02:46
bake088: 變形金剛用的都能出專輯了吧 可惜四?沒用到101F 12/19 02:57
atk9845: in the end, numb, somewhere I belong102F 12/19 02:57
waitu0526: some where 讚讚讚103F 12/19 02:58
SevenPort: 看完你的簽名檔後突然忘記自己要說什麼XD。我個人最喜104F 12/19 03:06
SevenPort: 歡的是Burning in The Skies,歌詞完美的道出自己對曾
SevenPort: 經做出的事萬分後悔的心境,MV中畫面與音樂的高潮點在
SevenPort: 於石頭砸進玻璃的那一剎那。
jyo1229: Points of Authority108F 12/19 03:09
Jiraya: Burn it down 不錯  當年NBA主題曲109F 12/19 03:12
xylitol: It’s my life.110F 12/19 03:29
bearkitten: 忐忑111F 12/19 03:30
potatochip: 紅明顯nobody can save me,我覺得唱出主唱死亡前的心112F 12/19 03:36
potatochip: 聲
coco8356: somewhere I belong114F 12/19 03:41
F2307925: breaking the habit115F 12/19 03:45
gunfighter: 前幾張nu metal時期都神作 後來電音越來越重就不行了116F 12/19 04:18
johnny612: my December117F 12/19 04:21
biggian: 的一張全部118F 12/19 04:23
high1234: in the end 前奏超熱血119F 12/19 04:41
ginopun10477: enter sandman120F 12/19 05:09
etiennechiu: numb121F 12/19 06:09
e761031: Breaking the Habit 也很棒 搭配AI影片超熱血122F 12/19 06:44
freedom80017: 超神!123F 12/19 06:56
getbacker: numb124F 12/19 07:12
Bluedicker: 紅明顯 What I've done125F 12/19 07:17
zazart: faint啦!126F 12/19 07:24
sanpf: always127F 12/19 08:01
BlueMoonTim: Crawling128F 12/19 08:02
yang0083: 都很棒  神團129F 12/19 08:19
bonnyshin: Somewhere i belong!!130F 12/19 08:20
wingss3025: Numb和Faint二選一,只能選一首的話Numb(安可版)131F 12/19 08:27
trick1014: numb132F 12/19 08:43
DarkHolbach: Numb133F 12/19 08:52
Hsinxyzzyx: numb134F 12/19 08:53
ko363630: Numb啊135F 12/19 08:55
Zzzip: It’s my life.136F 12/19 08:56
yihanm1223: numb百聽不厭137F 12/19 08:57
ng860310: What I've Done138F 12/19 09:00
ninicat0821: Numb現在聽還是神139F 12/19 09:10
typekid: Breaking the Habbit啦幹140F 12/19 09:12
lawrencezxc: Numb141F 12/19 09:12
ninicat0821: 聽到感觸最深的是papercut142F 12/19 09:14
woajw: Numb143F 12/19 09:35
chichi32: Craving 和 papercut144F 12/19 10:06
chichi32: Crawing打錯
awheaton311: 好想念主唱喔...QQ146F 12/19 10:21
faratia: numb147F 12/19 10:57
yorurin: 同意In the End和Numb148F 12/19 11:11
Johnny1101: Meteora整張啦菜B8149F 12/19 11:13
tottoko0908: 前兩張專輯都神150F 12/19 11:23
oantonyo: numb151F 12/19 12:17
xxxcristo: 美特拉整張152F 12/19 12:50
ee8iqp7x: Iridescent153F 12/19 13:27
nat50601tw: numb154F 12/19 13:27
adjj8644: Numb155F 12/19 13:43
assk1231: Good goodbye 也很好聽~~聽了想哭QQ156F 12/19 14:41
UnaBaby: in the end157F 12/19 16:07
Lowpapa: Somewhere I belong158F 12/19 18:19
GGxyz: Somewhere I belong + faint159F 12/19 20:17

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1樓 時間: 2020-12-19 10:13:15 (台灣)
  12-19 10:13 TW
2樓 時間: 2020-12-21 09:17:19 (台灣)
  12-21 09:17 TW
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