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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 接種輝瑞疫苗一周后,美國護士感染新冠
時間 Thu Dec 31 15:09:18 2020
TheHill 國會山
Alexandra Kelley
ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 a week after getting vaccine
Emergency Room Nurse Matthew W. reported contracting the virus after receivi
ng the first of two COVID-19 vaccination doses.
急診室護士Matthew W.報告說,在接種了兩劑COVID-19疫苗中的第一劑后感染了病毒。
Experts say this is an example of why public health protocols should still b
e followed.
A San Diego nurse who received the Pfizer vaccine during the initial rollout
was diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection on Dec. 26, despite being vaccinate
d more than a week earlier.
ABC 10 News reports that the nurse, identified Matthew W., works as an Emerg
ency Room attendant in two separate Southern California hospitals, and only
noted that after receiving the vaccine, his arm was sore but had no other si
de effects.
Then, on Christmas Eve, following a shift in a COVID-19 unit, Matthew became
ill, with symptoms including chills, muscle aches and fatigue.
On Dec. 26, he tested positive for COVID-19.
While disappointing, this outcome is not unexpected among public health expe
rts, officials say.
"It's not unexpected at all. If you work through the numbers, this is exactl
y what we'd expect to happen if someone was exposed," Christian Ramers, an i
nfectious disease specialist with Family Health Centers of San Diego, told r
“這一點也不意外。圣地亞哥家庭健康中心的傳染病專家克里斯汀· 拉默斯告訴記者:
Ramers also notes it is possible Matthew was infected prior to receiving the
vaccine, and symptom onset occurred after he was vaccinated.
"We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it's going to take about 10 t
o 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine," he added
At that point, Matthew also only received a single dose of the vaccine. The
Pfizer vaccine is composed of two separate vaccines, which are to be given i
ntramuscularly three weeks apart.
Documents issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show
a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine yields an average 88.9 percent efficacy
rate of preventing an infection. Researchers note that a lack of available
data for outcomes with participants who only received a single dose of the v
accine "cannot support a conclusion on the efficacy of a single dose of the
vaccine" since most participants in clinical trials received both doses.
Ramers says that the efficacy rate after the first dose of the vaccine is li
kely around the 50 percent mark, and the second dose yields a stronger 95 pe
rcent efficacy against the virus.
"You hear health practitioners being very optimistic about it being the begi
nning of the end, but it's going to be a slow roll, weeks to months as we ro
ll out the vaccine," Ramers added.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 a week after getting vaccine | TheHill
Public health experts say this isn’t unexpected. ...
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推 : 可惜不是柯畜感染1F 12/31 15:09
推 : 疫苗效果沒那麼快產生吧2F 12/31 15:10
→ : 字體與IP正確3F 12/31 15:10
→ : [url=https://imgur.com/V6kG2fx]https://i.imgur.com/V6kG2fx.jpg[/url] 1樓被退註 呵呵4F 12/31 15:10
噓 : 笑死5F 12/31 15:10
推 : 流感疫苗都要至少兩週才有抗體 一週?6F 12/31 15:10
→ : 都講了要時間,而且第一針50%,第二針95%7F 12/31 15:11
噓 : 一樓多重異常帳號被退註了還能日夜發是什麼巫術8F 12/31 15:11
推 : 那就不用打了阿 反正接下來也會有抗體9F 12/31 15:11
聰明!!!→ : 一樓是不登出直接狂發利用帳號最後價值嗎10F 12/31 15:11
噓 : 你他馬打一劑就想百毒不侵膩11F 12/31 15:11
推 : 本來就是要隔三周打兩針才有效,第一針只是安慰12F 12/31 15:11
※ 編輯: MaoZeDong ( 中國), 12/31/2020 15:12:05推 : 還好台灣沒有買這支13F 12/31 15:12
推 : 疫苗本身就是病毒了不是嗎???14F 12/31 15:12
→ : 一樓怎麼多篇推文都在罵柯15F 12/31 15:12
推 : 打完疫苗要產生免疫能力需要一個月的時間...剛過一星期16F 12/31 15:12
推 : 所以接種後最好自主隔離14天等抗體出來?17F 12/31 15:13
推 : 一樓都異常帳號被退註了 公關黑人文狂發應該是在利用帳號18F 12/31 15:13
→ : 最後價值
→ : 最後價值
→ : 免疫系統都還在訓練期...20F 12/31 15:13
推 : 蟑螂死到臨頭仍在執行任務 可憐21F 12/31 15:14
推 : 疫苗被病毒吃掉了吧22F 12/31 15:14
推 : 不是中國疫苗不能酸喔 美國疫苗不會出包都是小護士的錯23F 12/31 15:20
→ : 疫苗從來就不會保證不會中,而是能減輕感染症狀,最佳情24F 12/31 15:21
→ : 況下還能壓住感染。
→ : 疫苗真正的效用在有效大幅降低重症與死亡率
→ : 況下還能壓住感染。
→ : 疫苗真正的效用在有效大幅降低重症與死亡率
推 : 即使兩劑也不100%,但只要打的夠多自然有效27F 12/31 15:25
→ : 要打兩劑的疫苗 而且不是當下就會發生效用28F 12/31 15:26
→ : 通常都要兩週免疫力才會達到最高峰
→ : 寵物疫苗也是 我以為這是常識
→ : 通常都要兩週免疫力才會達到最高峰
→ : 寵物疫苗也是 我以為這是常識
→ : 一樓被抓到笑死31F 12/31 15:34
→ : 所以疫苗中病毒的活性都還在?32F 12/31 15:37
推 : 一樓救了這篇33F 12/31 15:41
推 : 疫苗第一波抓大數據用的啦 這樣第二波之後才能更精準34F 12/31 15:45
→ : 這接種之前就有病了 不關疫苗的435F 12/31 15:48
推 : 打針手臂會非常痠痛36F 12/31 15:49
推 : 流感化37F 12/31 15:54
推 : 幹,全世界哪一種疫苗敢說都不會得到感染?小題大作38F 12/31 15:58
→ : 支那:不管拉 大家的疫苗都無效不能只有我無效39F 12/31 16:00
推 : 1F可以幫我問一下開蟑聖母 推發文黑柯的行情價嗎?最近缺錢40F 12/31 16:51
噓 : 支那人滾41F 12/31 17:12
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1594
1樓 時間: 2020-12-31 17:28:25 (台灣)
12-31 17:28 TW
推 Yunk: 1F可以幫我問一下開蟑聖母 推發文黑柯的行情價嗎?最近缺錢 推 Yunk: 1F可以幫我問一下開蟑聖母 推發文黑柯的行情價嗎?最近缺錢 推 Yunk: 1F可以幫我問一下開蟑聖母 推發文黑柯的行情價嗎?最近缺錢