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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-17 12:52:27
看板 Gossiping
作者 andrewhung09 (caco)
標題 [問卦] 請問Linkin Park要聽什麼歌才專業?
時間 Sat Jan 16 22:39:52 2021

請問Linkin Park 大家會推薦什麼歌呢?

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1610807994.A.275.html
deep77092: QAQ1F 01/16 22:40
frommr: 輪框壞掉2F 01/16 22:40
GaoYY: it’s my life3F 01/16 22:40
ted01234567: I sad4F 01/16 22:41
nh60211as: hotel california5F 01/16 22:41
crimson11: High way to hell6F 01/16 22:41
renna038766: numb7F 01/16 22:41
k6635285619: 認真推papercut8F 01/16 22:41
DarkIllusion: Numb9F 01/16 22:41
juicebeach: Numb10F 01/16 22:41
Warheart: It's my life11F 01/16 22:42
k6635285619: without you12F 01/16 22:42
a1000359: 陪你昂首直到世界~!13F 01/16 22:42
henryhao: heavy14F 01/16 22:42
wayne206: 主唱已經QQ.....15F 01/16 22:42
DarkIllusion: 美特拉那張整張都不錯16F 01/16 22:42
chunyo0229: 林肯怕17F 01/16 22:43
LEBR0NJAMES6: It’s my life18F 01/16 22:43
a1000359: https://youtu.be/m8F0d77pajE 認真推這首19F 01/16 22:43
twoboy: very women20F 01/16 22:44
sg1987: HIGH VOLTAGE21F 01/16 22:45
lostguy: Lost Highway22F 01/16 22:46
Krishna: I feel sad23F 01/16 22:46
paul1951: Highway star24F 01/16 22:47
JKGOOD: Numb25F 01/16 22:47
casd82: blackout26F 01/16 22:47
shykid: Leave out all the rest27F 01/16 22:48
DirtyVegas: 認真Bleed it out , Faint28F 01/16 22:48
ilovemami: Leave out all the rest 一開始就寫好的遺書29F 01/16 22:49
blackteaaa: faint30F 01/16 22:51
lebron3994: 林肯怕31F 01/16 22:51
gentleman317: Numb encore32F 01/16 22:51
lovemeteor: Numb33F 01/16 22:52
youminlin: In the end34F 01/16 22:53
lovealgebra: Somewhere I belong35F 01/16 22:53
popm: I sad.36F 01/16 22:53
addisonwu: 我難過37F 01/16 22:54
sirloin: numb38F 01/16 22:54
sdemon: in the end39F 01/16 22:55
yig1024: Somewhere I belong40F 01/16 22:57
hero613: Bleed out41F 01/16 22:57
kodo5566: you give love a bad name42F 01/16 22:58
holebro: 一直到世界盡頭43F 01/16 22:58
c3035281: 直到世界盡頭44F 01/16 22:59
kikikinds: 林肯帕!45F 01/16 23:01
IsadQQ56: numb46F 01/16 23:01
Museru: 被輪框壞掉撮到47F 01/16 23:01
lp1029: numb必聽48F 01/16 23:01
IsadQQ56: faint, in the end, somewhere I belong49F 01/16 23:02
ginopun10477: 個人很喜歡burn it down 不過大家都推第一張 可以試50F 01/16 23:02
ginopun10477: 試看喜不喜歡
sagraffiti: numb faint Figure.0952F 01/16 23:03
sbflight: points of authority53F 01/16 23:03
ad0101: 林肯怕!54F 01/16 23:05
mjj90138: 不要聽 去聽Cattle Decapitation55F 01/16 23:06
david83126: 陪你昂首直到世界盡頭56F 01/16 23:06
LeStrange: 我第一個也是想到papercut+157F 01/16 23:07
momocatonly: 美特拉這張58F 01/16 23:09
stewart80591: Iridescent59F 01/16 23:11
pocky0511: The Catalyst60F 01/16 23:14
Lowpapa: Somewhere I belong61F 01/16 23:19
hodj: 我難過62F 01/16 23:21
love121X46: pushing me away63F 01/16 23:22
gn02118620: 聽完混血理論+天空之城再加jay-z連手的就好了64F 01/16 23:25
y12544: 陪你昂首直到世界盡頭65F 01/16 23:26
Lucien7: Somewhere I Belong66F 01/16 23:27
tim32142000: 快樂崇拜67F 01/16 23:28
magiteemo: Lost in the echo, papercut, Crawling, What I’ve do68F 01/16 23:28
magiteemo: ne
Ethan45: 全聽70F 01/16 23:37
catvsdog: Numb71F 01/16 23:37
NeGe56: 我難過72F 01/16 23:41
NUMB43: NUMB73F 01/16 23:42
PF30: 美特拉整張啦   是要問幾遍74F 01/16 23:43
JF5385: Numb75F 01/16 23:44
jordom148: Baby baby baby oh~76F 01/16 23:49
isangxwbh: 被信親77F 01/16 23:51
MahoJJ: 你是不是想釣坤寶78F 01/16 23:56
intheshow: one more light79F 01/16 23:56
RaiGend0519: In the end、Numb、Faint80F 01/16 23:58
cursedsoul: My Heart Will Go on81F 01/16 23:59
freezesky81: faint82F 01/17 00:00
YHikari: 又多了一個坤寶囉83F 01/17 00:01
greensdream: 涉獵啦幹84F 01/17 00:02
xxxcristo: 美特拉整張,就是一個作品85F 01/17 00:03
az1234565520: 我超愛 Waiting for the end 好聽到哭86F 01/17 00:07
zxcvbnmnbvcx: It’s my life87F 01/17 00:08
killer113: How do you turn this on88F 01/17 00:11
aa429: Leave out all the rest89F 01/17 00:13
mimi4me: 陪你昂首直到世界盡頭90F 01/17 00:14
ilovebig99: Give it up,適合一起唱,把自己唱成肖仔91F 01/17 00:18
justboa: Faint、Numb92F 01/17 00:18
sumasuma: Lying from you 跟JayZ的整張都很好聽93F 01/17 00:21
sumasuma: Breaking the habit MV很屌
sumasuma: 還有From the inside
azurestone: crawling 現場版96F 01/17 00:25
SilverGpoint: burn it down97F 01/17 00:40
new71050: In My Remains.  Skin to bone98F 01/17 00:47
andy0219: heavy99F 01/17 00:48
mmnnm: 都聽100F 01/17 00:54
dream0131: In the end101F 01/17 00:59
ptthao: 一直到世界盡頭102F 01/17 01:03
max410286: 楊坤103F 01/17 01:10
totocc: Pushing me away 現場版105F 01/17 01:22
Scott850205: 直到世界盡頭106F 01/17 01:31
q22w: Leave out all the rest、ome more light107F 01/17 01:34
tryst88: A thousand sun 整張108F 01/17 01:55
ChenEye: A thousand suns整張照順序聽 超棒109F 01/17 02:36
noreasonkon: in the end, numb 安可110F 01/17 02:38
jfkl: don’t look back in anger111F 01/17 02:38
gameking16: papercut112F 01/17 02:42
forgiveus: 混合理論、美特拉、末日警鐘,這三張夠了113F 01/17 02:48
weekend88123: Leave out all the rest114F 01/17 03:32
NgJovi: 蔡孟娟115F 01/17 03:34
Caink: one more light,寫完真的走了116F 01/17 03:39
Goldpaper: given up117F 01/17 04:39
Fishing123: 陪你昂首直到世界盡頭118F 01/17 04:48
henry1235564: 林肯怕119F 01/17 05:22
jasonhe2021: 陪你昂首直到世界盡頭120F 01/17 08:07
ambitious: Final countdown121F 01/17 09:10
Hsuannn000: 坤寶的打+1我統計一下122F 01/17 09:56
als8855: It's my life123F 01/17 09:58
YilanRay: 上過南方公園124F 01/17 10:00
b93173: little things give you away125F 01/17 10:12
jfriendtw: 解放軍進行曲126F 01/17 10:12
shadowstrike: knockin' on heaven's door127F 01/17 10:39
ryan0508: shadow of the day128F 01/17 10:43
god1044: 當然是要聽直到時間盡頭 林肯怕129F 01/17 11:40
mynewid: always130F 01/17 11:57
peterou1236: 坤寶釣起來131F 01/17 12:00
klises: numb132F 01/17 12:42

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