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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-06 17:37:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 MartianIT (Martian Institute Tech)
標題 [新聞] 英國撤銷中國環球新聞網執照
時間 Sat Feb  6 07:35:35 2021

Ofcom (英國政府下轄媒體監管機構)

2.記者署名: (英國政府機構官方網站)

Ofcom revokes CGTN's licence to broadcast in the UK

London, 10:15 GMT, 4 February 2021: Ofcom has today withdrawn the licence for
CGTN to broadcast in the UK, after its investigation concluded that the
licence is wrongfully held by Star China Media Limited.

China Global Television Network (CGTN) is an international English-language
satellite news channel.

In the UK, broadcasting laws made by Parliament state that broadcast
licensees must have control over the licensed service – including editorial
oversight over the programmes they show. In addition, under these laws,
licence holders cannot be controlled by political bodies.[1]

Our investigation concluded that Star China Media Limited (SCML), the
licence-holder for the CGTN service, did not have editorial responsibility
for CGTN’s output. As such, SCML does not meet the legal requirement of
having control over the licensed service, and so is not a lawful broadcast

In addition, we have been unable to grant an application to transfer the
licence to an entity called China Global Television Network Corporation
(CGTNC). This is because crucial information was missing from the
application, and because we consider that CGTNC would be disqualified from
holding a licence, as it is controlled by a body which is ultimately
controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

We have given CGTN significant time to come into compliance with the
statutory rules. Those efforts have now been exhausted.

Following careful consideration, taking account of all the facts and the
broadcaster’s and audience’s rights to freedom of expression, we have
decided it is appropriate to revoke the licence for CGTN to broadcast in the

We expect to conclude separate sanctions proceedings against CGTN for due
impartiality and fairness and privacy breaches shortly.

Ofcom's investigation
Our investigation found that SCML does not have editorial responsibility for
selecting or compiling CGTN’s programme schedule. It is the distributor of
the CGTN service in the UK, rather than “the provider” of the service.[2]

In addition, none of the employees involved in CGTN’s decision-making, or
day-to-day running of the channel, appear to be employed by SCML. CGTNC
confirmed that its Global Editorial Board is the ultimate decision maker over
the selection and organisation of programmes for the CGTN service and
exercises editorial control.

CGTN's licence transfer application
In response to our enquiries, CGTN accepted that SCML did not control the
channel and should no longer hold the licence. But it confirmed its intention
to restructure to separate the CGTN division from China Central Television
(CCTV) – which is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and
so disqualified from holding a UK broadcast licence[3] – and apply to
transfer the licence to an entity which did control the channel.

Given the revocation of a broadcast licence is a significant interference
with a broadcaster’s right to freedom of expression, we considered it
appropriate to allow CGTN a reasonable period of time to come into compliance.

An application to transfer the licence to CGTNC was submitted in September
2020. However, we were unable to properly assess it. Crucial information was
missing from the application, while the restructure that CGTN had signalled
had not, and still has not, taken place.

CGTN has since repeatedly failed to respond to important questions necessary
to our assessment of its application to transfer the licence, or to offer any
update on progress with its restructure.

Links between CGTNC and CCTV
Having considered the available evidence, we have decided we are unable to
grant the application to transfer the licence from SCML to CGTNC.

Correspondence from CGTN submitted during the course of our investigation
makes clear that CGTNC is controlled by CCTV, which is also the sole
shareholder of CGTNC.

Given CGTNC is controlled by CCTV – which, as part of the China Media Group,
is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and therefore disqualified from
holding a broadcast licence under UK broadcasting laws – we consider that
CGTNC would be disqualified from holding a licence.

An Ofcom spokesperson said: “Our investigation showed that the licence for
China Global Television Network is held by an entity which has no editorial
control over its programmes. We are unable to approve the application to
transfer the licence to China Global Television Network Corporation because
it is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, which is not
permitted under UK broadcasting law.

“We’ve provided CGTN with numerous opportunities to come into compliance,
but it has not done so. We now consider it appropriate to withdraw the
licence for CGTN to broadcast in the UK.”

Other CGTN cases
In 2020 we found CGTN in breach of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code for failing to
preserve due impartiality in its coverage of the Hong Kong protests, and also
found a serious breach of our fairness and privacy rules.[4]

Due to the seriousness of these breaches, we told CGTN that we would consider
imposing sanctions.

Today’s decision does not affect these sanctions proceedings against CGTN,
and we expect to reach our decisions shortly.[5]

We have three other fairness and privacy investigations about content on the
CGTN service which also remain ongoing, pending further consideration.

The Broadcasting Act 1990 prohibits (among other disqualified persons) bodies
whose objects are wholly or mainly of a political nature, or those who are
controlled by such bodies, from holding a broadcast licence. There is no
statutory prohibition on state-funded organisations from holding broadcast
SCML has a contract with CCTV to rebroadcast content provided to it by
CCTV is a body whose objects are wholly or mainly of a political nature
and/or is controlled by a body whose objects are wholly or mainly of a
political nature as a result of its relationship with the Chinese Communist
Party (i.e. a political organisation) through the China Media Group.
The World Today and China 24, CGTN (PDF, 706.0 KB)
Complaint by Mr Peter Humphrey about China 24 and News Hour, CCTV News, 27
August 2013 and 14 July 2014 (PDF, 420.7 KB)
Under the Communications Act 2003, Ofcom is able to continue sanction
proceedings against a broadcaster for breaches that occurred while they held
a broadcasting licence, even if they later cease to hold a licence.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Ofcom tinyurl.com/324qfrnh
BBC   tinyurl.com/3dlo83gy
CNN   tinyurl.com/1tusc8ae

台灣撤銷中夭新聞 中國黨是在靠夭什麼?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W7TP9DD (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1612568137.A.34D.html
madeathmao: 趙少康表示:1F 02/06 07:36
Pietro: 這個有中文報導啦2F 02/06 07:36
ohfly: 總而言之就是“因受中共控制 英國撤銷中國環球電視網執照"3F 02/06 07:37
Toge: 守護言論自由!4F 02/06 07:37
dmanu: 轉youtube開歡樂直播5F 02/06 07:39
A80211ab: 網路一點就看到了。網路時代撤銷意義不大6F 02/06 07:40
SONYPS5: 英國難得硬起來,反觀敗登?7F 02/06 07:40
MartianIT: 這是英國官網 原汁原味 順便附上BBC和CNN的相關報導8F 02/06 07:41
melissalewis: 再一陣子英國就又跪了9F 02/06 07:43
yycbr: 英國人又不看10F 02/06 07:44
venomsoul: 結果拜登開舔,強森繼續硬嗎11F 02/06 07:46
window77: 白蟑螂:英國是柯黑、1450、綠共側翼12F 02/06 07:46
deepdish: 被武漢肺炎害到氣撲撲嗎?嘻嘻13F 02/06 07:48
pipiayin: UCCU14F 02/06 07:49
TANGLEE: 英國硬硬的15F 02/06 07:53
ken1990710: 英國共產化,竟然反言論自由16F 02/06 07:53
elec1141: 4%:言論自由已死17F 02/06 07:54
tassadar1: 抓到,英國是綠的18F 02/06 07:56
amos30627: 4%柯韓糞:英共 英國的英是菜英文的英19F 02/06 07:58
bookseasy: 英國至少清醒了,脫離歐盟是正確決定20F 02/06 08:02
bookseasy: 歐盟根本不在乎自己國民被染疫死亡,只看到人民幣
yesonline: 跟中天不同, Ofcom直接說CGTN是由中國共產黨控制的.22F 02/06 08:03
hanslins: 英國是用環球受中共控制撤銷,美國也是這樣,台灣有種也23F 02/06 08:12
hanslins: 用這個原因撤銷中天,用的原因三立民視年代tvbs都在犯,
hanslins: 那一天政黨輪替國民黨用相同理由撤銷其他台,民進黨如何
hanslins: 擋?
hanslins: 我也贊成撤銷中天,但麻煩用好一點理由,
greensaru: 哈哈哈哈哈28F 02/06 08:18
germania: 中天不就一直違規還不改善 理由不一樣啊29F 02/06 08:21
OverInfinity: 五毛:言論自由5555530F 02/06 08:23
cx3373: 台灣應該全面把中天趕出台灣31F 02/06 08:24
amos30627: 世界各國媒體多半受政黨影響 台灣也是 而中天誇張成那32F 02/06 08:25
amos30627: 樣被拔 還有理由哦XD
LAPDSWAT456: 4%仔憤怒34F 02/06 08:30
AKIRAYOUNG: 英國的蔡英文 英共35F 02/06 08:33
AKIRAYOUNG: 說個笑話:中天沒受中共控制
thindust: 英國不能只有一種聲音37F 02/06 08:42
monkeydog119: 對中出口創新高,民進黨:證明中國需要台灣38F 02/06 09:04
monkeydog119: ,蔡英文卻不制裁敵國萬惡中共竟然還幫扶植產業,助
monkeydog119: 紂為虐,苔派嚼菸還拍手叫好,可憐新疆西藏香港人的
monkeydog119: 血被民退黨用來騙票啊
TaiwanUp: 等美國下令封鎖中國42F 02/06 09:10
zxc17893: 爽43F 02/06 09:17
god2: 哈哈英國中天,活該44F 02/06 09:31
jessicali: 共慘:英國不尊重我們極權政權宣傳的自由45F 02/06 09:37
pavaro: 支那豬關在支那就好46F 02/06 09:39
ndtoseooqd: 英國汪中47F 02/06 09:49
grandwar: 韓粉崩潰48F 02/06 09:50
grandwar: 強森很受歡迎的看選舉就知道,英國人超賭爛那些拉掉邱吉
grandwar: 爾像的左膠
hw1: 趙少康要不要去英國當首相51F 02/06 09:55
lpoijk: 4%:1450 逢中必反 (咦?52F 02/06 10:01
gna239: 趙少康:國民黨有內賊53F 02/06 10:38
Filament: 希望世界上所有被特定政黨控制的媒體都消失 尤其是新聞54F 02/06 10:39
jaguars33: 支那是沒錢加碼嗎 這樣很不維尼55F 02/06 11:38
rayonwu: 推56F 02/06 13:12
ulamong: 小粉紅:英國沒有言論自由!57F 02/06 13:25
yamori: 中天東森有執照嗎?58F 02/06 14:40
gwenwoo:   五毛崩潰  中共不爽59F 02/06 15:45

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 188 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b tcblow2001, a0987789369, ily 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2021-02-06 12:50:53 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
台灣撤銷中夭新聞 中國黨是在靠夭什麼?
2樓 時間: 2021-02-06 13:25:16 (台灣)
  02-06 13:25 TW
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