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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-25 10:06:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 fakon (騎駱駝樂得像陀螺)
標題 [新聞] French electronic music act Daft Punk
時間 Thu Feb 25 02:17:28 2021

Taiwan News
By Lyla Liu, Staff Writer

2021/02/23 12:05

French electronic music act Daft Punk announces split

Legendary duo announces breakup via YouTube video

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Legendary dance duo Daft Punk split on Feb. 22.
(Facebook, Daft Punk photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The legendary dance music duo Daft Punk on Monday
(Feb. 22) announced it has broken up.

After 28 years together, Daft Punk made the announcement Monday in an
eight-minute YouTube video titled "Epilogue," which they also posted on their
Facebook page. Kathryn Frazier, their longtime publicist, confirmed the
information to BBC but gave no reason for their seemingly sudden decision.

In "Epilogue," excerpted from the 2006 sci-fi film "Electroma" that the duo
co-produced, the musicians go their separate ways in a desert, and one of
them explodes in the end.

Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo founded Daft Punk in Paris
in 1993, revolutionizing the style and sound of house music. The release of
their 1997 debut album "Homework" is considered to be a landmark event in
dance music history.

The duo's robot-like appearance on stage, complete with metal helmets and
gloves, has become iconic. However, they intentionally shy away from the
spotlight and are rarely seen in public without their costumes.

According to BBC, de Homem-Christo told Rolling Stone magazine: "We're not
performers, we're not models. It would not be enjoyable for humanity to see
our features, but the robots are exciting to people."

The musicians' worldwide success was cemented upon the release of their 2013
track "Get Lucky," featuring Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers. The song was
in their album "Random Access Memories," which won five Grammy awards in
2014, including the category for album of the year.

Daft Punk has won six Grammies and is famous for such international hits as
"One More Time," "Get Lucky," and "Lose Yourself to Dance."

"Epilogue" (YouTube, Daft Punk video)

(YouTube, Daft Punk video)

(YouTube, Daft Punk video)

(YouTube, Daft Punk video)



法國電音雙人組Daft Punk 於22日宣告解散,透過8分

傻瓜龐克Daft Punk為法國指標性電音雙人組,由Thomas Bangalter及Guy-Manuel de
少接受訪問,成軍28年於昨日宣告解散,公關Kathryn Frazier 證實此消息,一個時代的

Daft Punk在Youtube上貼出《Epilogue》短片,長達8分鐘的短片是擷取自他們在2006年

French electronic music act Daft Punk announces split | Taiwan News | 2021/02/23
Legendary duo announces breakup via YouTube video | 2021/02/23 ...



#Daft Punk #split #electronic #musicdance #music



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alexhsu0909: 首推1F 02/25 02:18
w790818: 推難過2F 02/25 02:18
Golbeza: 解散為什麼要推3F 02/25 02:18


sondbe: 愛團4F 02/25 02:19
shauwen: 推5F 02/25 02:20
gigibouz: 爆6F 02/25 02:20
henryhao: .7F 02/25 02:20
nicoleshen: 嗯嗯,好新聞8F 02/25 02:21
lonelysin: 沒翻譯發錢還是要水桶。9F 02/25 02:21
grimdance: 腿10F 02/25 02:22
ggeneration: QW11F 02/25 02:23
※ 編輯: fakon ( 臺灣), 02/25/2021 02:27:34
xiang255: .12F 02/25 02:24
tearness: 進桶吧 菜逼吧13F 02/25 02:25
lupefan4eva: television rules the nation14F 02/25 02:29
ROCKSAGA: 推15F 02/25 02:30
lupefan4eva: daft punk根本預言台灣今天16F 02/25 02:30
emptie: :(17F 02/25 02:33
babyMclaren: 也太lag18F 02/25 02:33
gene51604: 爆19F 02/25 02:38
broken119: 錢20F 02/25 02:39
tom282f3: 火21F 02/25 02:40
sorrywow: QQ22F 02/25 02:43
theskyofblue: QQ23F 02/25 02:43
dbwu: 推24F 02/25 02:46
ponypeepee: QQ25F 02/25 02:48
VrGnKiler: 前26F 02/25 02:55
c79860: 夠lag27F 02/25 02:56
sooler: 推28F 02/25 03:01
abccba0310: 錢錢29F 02/25 03:02
aallan: 可惜30F 02/25 03:06
willy5566: 推31F 02/25 03:09
wei071188: 錢32F 02/25 03:11
louiss72: Qq 很愛33F 02/25 03:15
zxcvbnm00316: 推34F 02/25 03:16
Orisinal: 昨天已經有人提到了35F 02/25 03:21
k23210000: 推36F 02/25 03:25
JonDoe297: 推37F 02/25 03:34
teleportcat: 你還來得及?38F 02/25 03:42
gin10791: 推推39F 02/25 03:42
etis: 推40F 02/25 03:43
asdwsd: 錢41F 02/25 03:45
lkjy3697n: 推42F 02/25 03:46
zerhbbo78: $43F 02/25 03:50
jay0215: #1WCyGJeA44F 02/25 03:50
[爆卦] 幹幹幹Daft Punk要解散了嗎 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS
 幹幹幹剛剛看到傻瓜龐克Daft Punk的臉書專頁 分享了一個影片 標題寫終章 影片內有 1993-2021 然後其中一個成員 自!爆!了!!!!! 幹幹幹幹最愛團Daft Punk真的要解散了嗎嗚嗚
VdustR: 之前就有人問了45F 02/25 03:50
ineedpeepee: QQ46F 02/25 03:51
picass0607: 推47F 02/25 03:56
ScoutGG: 錢48F 02/25 04:03
Toyzzz: 爆!49F 02/25 04:06
IpomoeaBatat: 推50F 02/25 04:08
GazingM: 你辣邊還來得及51F 02/25 04:11
stonerr: PUSH52F 02/25 04:21
Juunn: 推53F 02/25 04:27
qpmzw: 推54F 02/25 04:30
AIR28P: 推55F 02/25 04:44
gn02248596: 推56F 02/25 05:05
dream21504: 推57F 02/25 05:19
rickphyman42: 推58F 02/25 05:32
jung810104: 推59F 02/25 05:55
bradygoat1: 錢60F 02/25 06:05
mildred19: 推61F 02/25 06:14
kill2400: 推62F 02/25 06:16
Innofance: 推63F 02/25 06:17
fransiceyho: 超喜歡的團64F 02/25 06:23
blj7331: 推65F 02/25 06:24
Toge: 結果還是沒說為啥解散,唉66F 02/25 06:37
yihlin945: 錢67F 02/25 06:37
yuki77: 啊..68F 02/25 06:42
cr66662002: 難過69F 02/25 06:45
ezafine: 推70F 02/25 06:58
kilof: 錢71F 02/25 07:00
Uhavemyword: 推72F 02/25 07:02
jam42207: 錢73F 02/25 07:04
jasonchangki: 這組也是傳奇了,唉74F 02/25 07:22
ruichang: 66p75F 02/25 07:22
icedog: QQ76F 02/25 07:28
stnap: 推77F 02/25 07:36
s89013349: 推78F 02/25 07:36
Slowbro: 推79F 02/25 07:36
PPPGGG: 超愛這組說80F 02/25 07:37
otter: 錢81F 02/25 07:54
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wind31625: 前天就看到了,但還是推90F 02/25 08:29
OmtRtugh: QQ91F 02/25 08:34
attpp: 誰92F 02/25 08:36
qazwsx199786: 推93F 02/25 08:37
kockroach56: 推94F 02/25 08:38
DeaGoo: 推95F 02/25 08:47
roger4767: 推96F 02/25 08:52
mi324: 推97F 02/25 08:52
mi324: 推
andy878797: 推99F 02/25 08:53
mi324: 推100F 02/25 08:53
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zonehu: 推105F 02/25 10:02

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