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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-18 10:48:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 EvilisGood (Hustler)
標題 [問卦] 「停止仇恨亞裔」登上推特流行趨勢的八卦
時間 Thu Mar 18 08:34:04 2021

各方名人和組織單位都紛紛在推特上呼籲#Stop Asian Hate,

女星Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian West
It breaks my heart seeing all of these devastating stories of the violent cases towards Asians that happens everyday, particularly the elderly. Asians are human and deserve to be treated as such!!! #StopAsianHate

女星Zooey Deschanel
zooey deschanel
We must work together to #StopAsianHate. Click through to see how to support. Graphic by Zenerations.

歌手Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson
My heart breaks for the Asian community. Sending prayers to all affected by yesterday’s tragedy. #StopAsianHate

男星Dane DeHaan
Dane DeHaan
I stand with and send all my love & support to my Asian friends, family, fans, and coworkers. #StopAsianHate  

女星Olivia Munn
o l i v i a
Would killing 8 people while specifically targeting Asian women at 3 different locations be just something he did “at the end of a bad day” if his skin was a different color and his eyes were a different shape? #StopAsianHatehttps://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1372203730481864713 …
"Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did" -- a law enforcement official explains Robert Aaron Long's decision to kill 8 people in a strange manner

Last night’s tragic events in Atlanta are part of a disturbing rise in violence and discrimination towards Asian Americans. Today and every day, we stand with the Asian community and condemn all acts of hate and racism. To learn more visit http://stopaapihate.org . #StopAsianHate

Today and every day, we stand united against all acts of racism, hatred, and violence. We condemn the tragic recent attacks and remain in solidarity with the Asian community. For resources on how to help, visit http://stopaapihate.org . #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

球星Dwyane Wade

Jeremy Lin
This is sooo heartbreaking...praying for our world. To my Asian American family, please take time to grieve but know youre loved, seen and IMPORTANT. We have to keep standing up, speaking out, rallying together and fighting for change. We cannot lose hope!! #StopAsianHate #NOWhttps://twitter.com/time/status/1372006018767593474 …
BREAKING: Eight people killed, many of them Asian women, in shootings at three Atlanta-area massage parlors https://ti.me/3bU7AIB 

Portland Trail Blazers
Please visit https://stopaapihate.org/  and http://www.advancingjustice-aajc.org  to help #stopAsianhate

金州勇士/教練Steve Kerr
Golden State Warriors
“The continued hatred and racism that’s going on in the wake of the pandemic — it’s devastating.”

Steve Kerr addressed the media prior to tonight’s game regarding the most recent anti-Asian violence that took place in Atlanta

Visit http://stopaapihate.org  to help #StopAsianHate

The #SFGiants denounce the violent acts targeting our AAPI community and we stand with our AAPI community and allies against these injustices. #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate
Please visit http://www.StopAAPIHate.org  for resources on how to aid the AAPI community.

Carolina Panthers

Chicago Bears

球星Tobias Harris
Tobias Harris
Sending love, support, and solidarity to the Asian community. We cannot accept hate in any form and must all do our part to be better people. #StopAsianHate

脫口秀主持人Jimmy Fallon
jimmy fallon
#StopAsianHate There is no place for racism, violence, prejudice, or misogyny of any kind, towards any one. My heart is with the victims and their families.

To report a hate crime or to read more and support, here are some resources:

Paramount Movies
We continue to stand united against racism, hatred, violence, and the attacks against the Asian American & Pacific Islander community, including last night’s shooting in Atlanta. Our hearts are with the victims, their families, and the AAPI community. #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

We stand united against racism, hatred, and violence #StopAsianHate

Please take a moment and listen to this powerful message from @ashleyparklady

We stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

We stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

Visit http://StopAAPIHate.org  for resources and to find out how you can help. #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

The Walking Dead
We're devastated over yesterday's senseless killings in Atlanta, along with the sharp rise in hate crimes against our Asian friends, family, & colleagues over the past year. There's no room for hate in this fandom, and we will always stand with the Asian community. #StopAsianHate

The Flash
We remain in solidarity with the Asian community. For more resources, visit http://StopAAPIHate.org  #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

We remain in solidarity with the Asian community. For more resources, visit http://StopAAPIHate.org  #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

We remain in solidarity with the Asian community. For more resources, visit http://StopAAPIHate.org  #StopAAPIHate #StopAsianHate

眾議員Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
We must pass the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act #StopAsianHatehttps://twitter.com/RepGraceMeng/status/1370073751442821121 …
There's been a disturbing surge of anti-Asian hate crimes & incidents in the US due to #COVID19. To combat this trend, @maziehirono and I intro'd the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act. We need greater oversight, online reporting & talk about COVID-19 in a way that’s not racially charged. https://twitter.com/nicholaswu12/status/1370013561104257031 …

Houston Mayor's Office
Mayor Turner's statement on the nationwide rise of attacks on the #AAPI community. #StopAsianHate

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Read our statement denouncing the white supremacist attacks on our Asian communities

We condemn acts of xenophobia, violence and intolerance — and call for anti-Asian hate to stop.  To the Asian community and everyone who has been impacted and hurt by recent events, we see you and stand with you. #StopAsianHate

We condemn acts of xenophobia, violence and intolerance — and call for anti-Asian hate to stop. To the Asian community and everyone who has been impacted and hurt by recent events, we see you and stand with you. #StopAsianHate

Starbucks Coffee
To learn more from our partners at @AAAJ_AAJC and to read first-hand accounts of racism experienced by AAPI communities visit http://sbux.co/_aajc 


Warner Music Group
Join us in supporting @ActToChange and #TakeThePledge to stop AAPI hate: http://acttochange.org/ 

If you have experienced or are aware of a hate crime against a person of Asian descent, report it at @StopAAPIHate. #StopAsianHate



Dennis O'Donnell
Just came upon an attack on an elderly Asian woman on Market Street San Francisco.  Effort I got more details


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WKg0DZc (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1616027661.A.8E6.html
YLTYY: (づ′・ω・)づ中共病毒1F 03/18 08:35
heyd: 這次什麼標語?黃人的命也是命?2F 03/18 08:35
mirza: 仇恨亞裔的其實是中共3F 03/18 08:35
Guren8000: BLM和YLM4F 03/18 08:36
mikemagic88: 雖然晚了 但總比沒有好5F 03/18 08:36
marunouchi: 中命貴6F 03/18 08:36
sheepmeamea: 停止仇恨人民幣7F 03/18 08:36
A80211ab: 進行種族清洗也不意外8F 03/18 08:36
squeakywheel: 綠川糞潛意識覺得自己是白人,真以為白種豬分的出來9F 03/18 08:37
violegrace:  yellow monkey lives doesn’t matter10F 03/18 08:37
squeakywheel: 817,可憐吶11F 03/18 08:37
TFFs: 亞裔包含中國人嗎?12F 03/18 08:37
chungkai: 猴子的命也是命     MLM13F 03/18 08:37
sy4826951: 人民幣真香14F 03/18 08:38
ivorysoap: 蠢吱還真的以為自己不算亞裔15F 03/18 08:38
waza: 中共不等於中國,要解放亞裔只能滅掉中共16F 03/18 08:38
keepstudying: 應該改成:請繼續仇恨中國,但不要仇恨亞洲人17F 03/18 08:38
tupacshkur: Stop Asian Hate18F 03/18 08:38
clearday: 終於輪到我了嗎19F 03/18 08:38
Ericz7000: 支那賤畜以外的亞裔才值得重視20F 03/18 08:38
kidd085: 只要能抗中保台被歧視算什麼 嘻嘻21F 03/18 08:39
theBATMAN56: 謝謝你不歧視台灣22F 03/18 08:39
ljuber: 仇視亞裔是從日本經濟強大開始的23F 03/18 08:39
ljuber: 事實是自己歐美好吃懶做的關係
squeakywheel: 亞裔被歧視早已破百年,就只有覺醒仔在扯中共25F 03/18 08:40
iamala: 謝謝你說亞裔也是人。26F 03/18 08:40
squeakywheel: 真是一群無知之人27F 03/18 08:40
lwamp: 綠畜披著黃皮拿著ROChina護照 看到中裔亞裔被歧視表示開心28F 03/18 08:40
ilovebooks91: 最仇恨亞裔的就是共產黨了,人是幾千萬的隨便讓它餓29F 03/18 08:40
ilovebooks91: 死,殺自己人來下手也狠
rickcoo: 還不是中國武漢肺炎害得31F 03/18 08:40
fup6456: 謝謝你終於發覺亞裔也是人32F 03/18 08:40
science556: 有黃人死了才開始停止歧視XDDD33F 03/18 08:40
gameguy: 支那武漢肺炎34F 03/18 08:40
jeffguoft: 綠畜以為自己是美國人35F 03/18 08:41
frlair: 好的黃猴子36F 03/18 08:41
bloodmickey: 翠翠共有13毛 翠翠支8毛 問 翠翠剩幾毛?37F 03/18 08:42
BaRanKa: 每年都有的議題 你各位想取美國夢的自己小心安全38F 03/18 08:43
RLAPH: 沒屁用吧 亞洲人根本沒黑人那種團體意識39F 03/18 08:43
heyd: 說真的 他們只是在玩政治正確而已40F 03/18 08:43
ironfisted: 蠢吱會覺得槍手會先問你是中國籍還是台灣籍之後再開槍41F 03/18 08:43
fenix220: spa館?說不定是支那黑道在談非法交易42F 03/18 08:44
hunterh01: 跟共匪有個鳥毛關係?恁杯國小過來OHIO就被歧視過了,那43F 03/18 08:44
thatear: 美國影星是不會停止舔共的 有這種當然搶著發44F 03/18 08:44
Insania: 現實就是在米國亞裔地位遠低於你哥,關注度也是一樣45F 03/18 08:44
ballby: 美國人的子彈很NICE的 遇到台灣人都會轉彎46F 03/18 08:44
foolfighter: 支那的鍋不要扯到亞裔47F 03/18 08:45
fenix220: 亞洲人都被支那人搞臭的48F 03/18 08:45
heartblue: 智障台派覺青以為低端白人不會歧視台灣人49F 03/18 08:45
hunterh01: 時候對面根本窮到靠杯...50F 03/18 08:45
huckebein12: 都是中共私下帶風向在洗標題而已吧51F 03/18 08:45
thatear: 香港被虐也沒看這些人權鬥士出來講話 很怕中國阿52F 03/18 08:46
TruMadDeeply: 要去美國就自己承擔吧!就像黑人一樣不想被歧視又53F 03/18 08:46
TruMadDeeply: 不要主動滾回非洲,自己愛蹭美國又不想被歧視......
seemoon2000: 亞裔在美國的幾乎都是有錢人 然後地位比黑人還低XD55F 03/18 08:47
nosay: 應該要全世界都去抵制中國才對 ~ 垃圾國家56F 03/18 08:47
tupacshkur: Asian Lives Matter!57F 03/18 08:47
ColdP: 其實是真的有組織在推動Stop Asian Hate, 去年組成的58F 03/18 08:47
kidd085: 乾脆說槍手是中共請的算了59F 03/18 08:47
frlair: 黑人哪天真的跟白人平起起坐再說吧...這真的是原罪...無解60F 03/18 08:47
ballby: 連黑人主動滾回非洲這種話都說得出來 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD61F 03/18 08:47
ColdP: 該組織叫做Stop AAPI Hate, AAPI是"Asian Americans and62F 03/18 08:48
mirza: 事實就是亞洲人被中國共產黨弄的更臭啊,不想承認?63F 03/18 08:48
C8C8DHC: 支命貴64F 03/18 08:48
heartblue: TruMadDeeply是什麼智障言論?65F 03/18 08:48
※ 編輯: EvilisGood ( 臺灣), 03/18/2021 08:52:25
Timba: 所人都該滾出美國  還給紅人66F 03/18 08:49
ColdP: Pacific Islanders"的縮寫67F 03/18 08:49
fenix220: 支那人散布病毒不要把台灣人拖下水68F 03/18 08:49
ironfisted: 呆灣郎不用怕 槍手只是歧視中國人,秀TAIWAN護照給他69F 03/18 08:49
heartblue: 原來黑人是心甘情願當奴隸種棉花?白痴嗎?70F 03/18 08:49
ironfisted: 們看,他們知道Taiwan can help不會對你開槍71F 03/18 08:49
woook: 亞裔不意外 根本就垃圾  台72F 03/18 08:49
mirza: 也是那些為了賺人民幣老外,無限消費裔啊73F 03/18 08:49
huckebein12: 槍手確實很可能是中共買的啊,壞事幾乎都有中共的鍋74F 03/18 08:50
berserk: 黃命賤75F 03/18 08:50
fenix220: 滯台支那人快去大外宣亞裔支那人好棒棒吧76F 03/18 08:50
Andrew90: 綠畜以為自己不是亞裔 垃圾川普帶頭歧視77F 03/18 08:50
jark41: 10f 認真?78F 03/18 08:50
mirza: 與魔鬼交易的下場電影不就早演過了79F 03/18 08:50
love1500274: 乾 我發了類似的文沒人屌我 這篇怎麼那麼多人80F 03/18 08:50
heartblue: 乾脆說911也是中共策劃的81F 03/18 08:51
DOOT: 中國人到全世界掠奪資源被歧視也是正常82F 03/18 08:51
KasperTW: 再拍一部黃豹了83F 03/18 08:52
heartblue: 說中國人到全世界掠奪資源,英美快笑死了,史盲?84F 03/18 08:53
hunterh01: 亞洲人先被日本弄臭然後又被中國弄臭?幹都你白人的毛啦85F 03/18 08:53
fenix220: 黃豹打一打會甩手86F 03/18 08:53
Andrew90: 在白人眼中 你們黃皮膚都是中國人87F 03/18 08:53
mocca000: 剛CNN在回顧川普說中國病毒的精選集 說川普遺毒害的88F 03/18 08:54
huckebein12: 黃皮膚都被當中國人也是中共害的啊89F 03/18 08:55
zzahoward: 其實那些人攻擊亞裔也不是真的因為武漢肺炎....90F 03/18 08:55
astrayred2L: 過幾天就停了啦 你以為他們真的在乎黃猴子的死活嗎91F 03/18 08:55
zzahoward: 武漢肺炎只是一個冠冕堂皇的理由 其實他們就是想打你92F 03/18 08:56
Emper: 吱吱的皮膚是綠的 歪國人一定都分得出來93F 03/18 08:56
t340081231: 綠畜:我們不是亞裔 我們是Taiwan can help啦 請美國94F 03/18 08:56
Heedictator: 白豬吃屎95F 03/18 08:56
t340081231: 爸爸搞清楚96F 03/18 08:56
mirza: 是誰讓亞裔變得更危險..97F 03/18 08:57
zzahoward: 那些人根本分不出來日裔韓裔中裔台裔 瘦弱黃皮膚的就打98F 03/18 08:57
DOOT: 去查查一帶一路吧...別活在過去了,正在發生呢99F 03/18 08:57
zzahoward: 早在中國那麼囂張之前亞裔就是攻擊對象了好嗎100F 03/18 08:57
Andrew90: 防疫不行就怪罪中國 廢物川普 你們美國早在武漢爆發前就101F 03/18 08:58
zzahoward: 後來是韓裔第二代開始硬起來 一堆練成大隻佬 不然以前102F 03/18 08:58
Andrew90: 發現病例了103F 03/18 08:58
※ 編輯: EvilisGood ( 臺灣), 03/18/2021 09:00:48
zzahoward: 韓裔在學校裡面也是被欺負的那群XDD104F 03/18 08:58
cocabell: 我黃奴 我怒噓105F 03/18 08:58
scoutking85: 正好合了中共的意106F 03/18 08:58
Andrew90: 不然流感死一堆死假的喔107F 03/18 08:58
heartblue: 一帶一路掠奪什麼?還不是到找窮國大灑幣裝闊,窮國沒108F 03/18 08:59
heartblue: 得到好處嗎?
zzahoward: 一帶一路說不是掠奪也好笑 那個就是學西方國家的掠奪阿110F 03/18 08:59
XDD: 中國人不屬亞裔,除非擁有其它國家國籍的才算111F 03/18 09:00
mb: 這句話本身就歧視了,就像婦女保障名額一樣112F 03/18 09:00
DOOT: 日本殖民也沒掠奪啊,台灣沒有得到好處嗎,邏輯真的死的徹底113F 03/18 09:01
ARCHER2234: 香港被殺被抓的時候這群人就消失了114F 03/18 09:01
ARCHER2234: 這是別讓中共不開心團體吧~柯柯
zzahoward: 日本殖民最好是沒掠奪啦116F 03/18 09:01
darkbrigher: 還在正在發生中勒 一帶一路當初吹上天說啥可以取代海117F 03/18 09:02
zzahoward: 這是在美國本土發生的 跟香港當然差很多...118F 03/18 09:02
darkbrigher: 運 結果連海運的毛都趕不上119F 03/18 09:02
zzahoward: 自己國家發生的 死者說不定還都是美國公民 當然反應大120F 03/18 09:02
zzahoward: 就跟台灣多數人在意香港 對緬甸就是一句:喔 利害關係輕
tyifgee: YLM?122F 03/18 09:03
heartblue: 一帶一路是殖民政策嗎?當時日本和台灣是國與國關係嗎123F 03/18 09:03
heartblue: ?邏輯崩壞者?
asiaking5566: 好的 ChineseVirus125F 03/18 09:04
DOOT: Z>B 好的中國武漢肺炎126F 03/18 09:04
zzahoward: 一帶一路就是披著援助外皮的經濟殖民政策啦127F 03/18 09:05
zzahoward: 本質上就是準備要來掠奪的
DOOT: 幫你做基礎建設順便用這些建設搬你家的資源,日本殖民如此129F 03/18 09:06
kimura0701: 美國仔真的吃飽太閒130F 03/18 09:06
legos4710: 像小商人這種華裔他們就不敢仇了吧 仇完全家變蜂窩131F 03/18 09:06
DOOT: 中國一帶一路也是如此啦,還幫CCP擦脂抹粉,真噁心132F 03/18 09:06
ken1990710: 亞裔是美國人阿,亞洲人還是活該被仇視133F 03/18 09:07
heartblue: 接受一帶一路那些窮國還不是覺得人民幣真香134F 03/18 09:08
Dia149: 被共害了啊135F 03/18 09:08
DOOT: 政客覺得香,百姓:?136F 03/18 09:08
ranpla: 停止仇恨RMB137F 03/18 09:08
heartblue: 學店覺青仔論述被打臉,又開始抹紅,廢!138F 03/18 09:09
heartblue: 什麼時候政策是百姓決定?尤其那些獨裁窮國
arue: 亞裔再店店,就真的被認為好欺負140F 03/18 09:09
heartblue: 不舔人民幣中共可以怎樣?不買鳳梨?141F 03/18 09:10
DOOT: 所以那些人討厭黃臉孔的不是很正常嗎....142F 03/18 09:10
aduijjr: 這裡的"亞"絕對不包括台灣~143F 03/18 09:11
DOOT: 就跟台灣人討厭陸客一樣啊(攤手),只有既得利益者開心而已:)144F 03/18 09:12
shadowdio: 我已經在蘋果專賣店門口待命了145F 03/18 09:12
wwvvkai: YLM146F 03/18 09:12
WuDhar: 亞裔真他媽超衰洨,明明最奉公守法幹你娘就被死中共帶賽,147F 03/18 09:13
WuDhar: 還一堆中共狗裝傻
divaxxxx: 五毛真噁心,就支那拖亞裔後腿還在講一些五四三,無恥149F 03/18 09:14
DOOT: 最慷慨的CCP現在拿著超香的疫苗在釣巴拉圭跟我們斷交呢^_^150F 03/18 09:15
bizer: 歧視也沒管你哪裡人,黃種人就是被欺負151F 03/18 09:18
laukun: 都是些影歌名人,這掛就左膠底的152F 03/18 09:18
lawliet1015: 我會繼續歧視亞洲人153F 03/18 09:19
peasuka: 一堆跳板仔在急什麼154F 03/18 09:20
s10112: 笑死 吸獨畜生們恨不得把皮換掉 世上最低賤廢物的雜碎群體155F 03/18 09:21
exceedMyself: ALM156F 03/18 09:21
aokitaka: 亞裔是風評被害,追根究柢都是被支那人搞臭的157F 03/18 09:21
YAUN: 亞裔都被低水準支那豬害死了158F 03/18 09:22
RoaringWolf: 被支那人搞臭159F 03/18 09:22
diablohinet: 謝謝您歧視亞洲人160F 03/18 09:24
hachibuya: 大家要掛牌說我不是中國人了161F 03/18 09:25
paul1951: 有種就直接反中國共產好嗎162F 03/18 09:25
phf5566: 又川普的鍋了? 川普當政怪川普 川普下台後也怪川普163F 03/18 09:26
a92005712d: 沒用啦 連自己族群都在酸自己族群了 還幫別人發聲164F 03/18 09:27
ycjcsie: 中國人是黃種人之恥165F 03/18 09:27
lwamp: 嫌中國臭 綠畜什麼時候要把ROChina護照丟掉166F 03/18 09:28
zo789652: 都支那人的鍋167F 03/18 09:29
SimplePraise: 黃種人被歧視根本不分國家 在種族主義者的眼裡台灣168F 03/18 09:30
SimplePraise: 大陸菲律賓韓國都是一樣的
s10112: 吸獨賤畜看見白人直接跪下去的  真的黃種人之恥 比狗不如170F 03/18 09:30
hw1: #SAH #YLM171F 03/18 09:31
DOOT: 所以佔最高比率的胡作非為說是被他帶賽也是剛好而已啊...172F 03/18 09:32
t1329kimo: 怪川普的真的低能  川普什麼都不想擔  低能覺青川粉一173F 03/18 09:32
gunfighter: 沒上街燒警車 搶超市 別跟我說什麼SHA174F 03/18 09:32
t1329kimo: 直要算在川普頭上175F 03/18 09:32
SimplePraise: 智障覺青還以為是因為對岸被歧視事實上要不是還想176F 03/18 09:33
balance90316: 不想被歧視就滾回亞洲啦 垃圾黃猴子 討個屁拍幹177F 03/18 09:33
SimplePraise: 賺人民幣 在他們眼裡黃種人就是猴子 根本沒尊嚴178F 03/18 09:33
mihono: 垃圾中國人拖累全亞洲179F 03/18 09:33
zealeliot: 平等是要爭取的180F 03/18 09:34
pokemonoxo: 仇視共匪,舉國狂歡181F 03/18 09:35
OAVAYAVAO: 這都是風向炒作182F 03/18 09:37
yusanhu: 內奸,中國人叫漢奸,黃種人叫黃奸?183F 03/18 09:38
rebai: 支那又可以躲在亞裔後繼續偷了184F 03/18 09:40
Puribaw: 終於把黃種人當人看了185F 03/18 09:41
newstyle: YLM186F 03/18 09:41
s10112: 笑死我 吸獨賤畜智商怎低成這樣 中共還沒崛起前 亞裔被歧187F 03/18 09:42
s10112: 視更慘 現在有國家對白豬們有威脅了 吸獨智障跟著喊燒 想
s10112: 繼續當白奴賤狗 賤的要命
Arnol: Monkey life MatterS190F 03/18 09:48
zylsg5347: 是老奶奶把攻擊者打趴的嗎==191F 03/18 09:49
Sousake: 美豬真的要把美國玩垮了。 永遠弄錯問題點。192F 03/18 09:50
Sousake: 支那豬真的可以繼續躲在裡面偷爽爽。
ash9911911: 我們把你們黃猴子當人看運動194F 03/18 09:53
CORSA: 一帶一路其實是「以鉅債騙取領土」的伎倆 可惜被疫情毀195F 03/18 09:56
ben1013: 中共不等於中國,要解放亞裔只能滅掉中共196F 03/18 09:57
s10112: 笑死 吸獨賤畜真的可悲 一輩子當白豬奴197F 03/18 09:59
kkb512sk: 笑死排華法案咧198F 03/18 09:59
WuDhar: 馬的智障現在討論亞裔跟獨不獨什麼關係?199F 03/18 10:02
miler22020: 藍畜趁機崩潰 嘻嘻 垃圾蘭畜200F 03/18 10:03
theclgy2001: RMBJ 又要裝死了 可悲 永遠只能當老二201F 03/18 10:03
mmnnm: 支那賤畜越來越多了...幹202F 03/18 10:03
Taiwanotoko: 我的twitter都沒有這些人 XDD203F 03/18 10:03
bart102617: YLM!!! 終於輪到我們了嘛204F 03/18 10:04
saiboos: 黃猴子的命也是命205F 03/18 10:04
whitelady: 重點是這個白癡殺的都是韓國人..........206F 03/18 10:05
babyMclaren: 終於輪到亞洲人了嗎?207F 03/18 10:06
kissung: 黃命貴208F 03/18 10:06
smonkey: 這會不會是支那出手的阿,畢竟死的大多不是支那人209F 03/18 10:06
ionchips: 韓國才不會有反應哩  只會繼續噴旭日圖形210F 03/18 10:09
secret1414: 就算討厭中國人也不要討厭其他亞裔211F 03/18 10:09
whitelady: 應該不是,他只是搞不清楚而已212F 03/18 10:09
yun0112: 韓裔以前在美國暴動的時候表現很猛啊213F 03/18 10:10
wutsubasa: 舔共仔跳針還真是數十年如一日,腦殘沒藥醫214F 03/18 10:10
zzz50126: 100年內不知道有沒有辦法不被歧視 可憐215F 03/18 10:10
whitelady: 嫌犯曾經公開在社群軟體罵中國是肺炎禍首216F 03/18 10:11
richsogood: 我只要一想到國外亞裔被打 台灣人討論的全是中共我就217F 03/18 10:11
hat13201: 呃不管什麼人種都有智障218F 03/18 10:11
richsogood: 想笑219F 03/18 10:11
beariscut: 綠共就是想被CCR或給白人奴役呀220F 03/18 10:12
rick789j: 一下黑人一下亞洲人221F 03/18 10:13
thesoul: 台灣是華人淨土222F 03/18 10:14
AUwalker: 支那賤畜就是欠打223F 03/18 10:15
aibayui: 美國人內鬥而已,不要干預他國事務224F 03/18 10:15
googee002: Hate China Only225F 03/18 10:15
currygaygay: 哇 終於輪到亞裔喔226F 03/18 10:16
a37821910: yellow is life227F 03/18 10:17
yang0623: 黑人表示被歧視 黃猴子:我笑了228F 03/18 10:18
FiveSix911: #黃猴子的命也是命229F 03/18 10:19
AKIRAYOUNG: 4%又跟支那站一起囉230F 03/18 10:20
happyjames1: 有屁用 亞裔他媽也是被白人黑人一起歧視231F 03/18 10:21
dou0228: 支那害的232F 03/18 10:22
chrisdddd: 美國治安真的可怕233F 03/18 10:22
chestnut82: 看荒唐分局後以為亞裔Spa店是洗錢用...這個攻擊會不是234F 03/18 10:23
chestnut82: 黑道之間的糾紛?
AKIRAYOUNG: 支那4%有臉去指責人家騎士喔,世界災難不就你們造成236F 03/18 10:24
serding: 刷一波YLM237F 03/18 10:25
fufugirl: 看到影片超火的!老奶奶被打只給她冰塊冰敷,攻擊者卻給238F 03/18 10:26
fufugirl: 他躺擔架!到底誰是受害者啊!
AKIRAYOUNG: 整個Asian都被你4%支那連累240F 03/18 10:26
jkreg: 支那畜民族主義國家的作為跟惡劣形象,自己造成的能怪誰241F 03/18 10:26
itsmegd: 支那人不是亞裔是蟑螂242F 03/18 10:29
mopigou: 把支那人滅國才有用拉243F 03/18 10:33
NEWDEED: 支那人不是人是韭菜244F 03/18 10:34
kendavid001: 推文都在討論中國人 熟悉的八卦版245F 03/18 10:34
gureen72: 只是針對支那而已吧  可憐其他國家被掃到246F 03/18 10:35
daemonshadow: 垃圾五毛又崩潰了247F 03/18 10:36
ohlong: MLM monkey lives matter248F 03/18 10:40
js9550107: 美國人:我們堅決反對任何歧視,對亞裔人種應該使用動249F 03/18 10:42
htwlovefl: start china hate, fuck you china virus250F 03/18 10:42
js9550107: 物保護法予以保障251F 03/18 10:42
Brucetk: 黑人最歧視亞裔,第二是白人,第三是亞裔自我歧視252F 03/18 10:42
chysh: 是中共的鍋,別扯到全亞洲人253F 03/18 10:42

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1309 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b a0987789369 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p tcblow2001 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2021-03-18 08:54:52 (台灣)
  03-18 08:54 TW
2樓 時間: 2021-03-18 08:57:32 (台灣)
  03-18 08:57 TW
3樓 時間: 2021-03-18 09:23:32 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
4樓 時間: 2021-03-18 09:37:37 (台灣)
  03-18 09:37 TW
要區隔啦~台灣人 日本人 韓國人這些不必列入區隔!標注華人&中國人就好~撲殺 滅絕 屠宰 清算 一次處理^_^
5樓 時間: 2021-03-18 09:41:50 (台灣)
  03-18 09:41 TW
真多虧了trouble maker中國,亞洲人蒙受其害
6樓 時間: 2021-03-18 10:14:25 (台灣)
  03-18 10:14 TW
7樓 時間: 2021-03-18 10:43:41 (日本)
  03-18 10:43 JP
8樓 時間: 2021-03-18 10:49:33 (台灣)
  03-18 10:49 TW
9樓 時間: 2021-03-18 12:02:38 (台灣)
  03-18 12:02 TW
10樓 時間: 2021-03-18 12:50:23 (台灣)
  03-18 12:50 TW
隨便  我又不會去白種猴子的地盤
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