※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-22 13:08:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 「我們中國人不吃這一套」的英文怎麼說?
時間 Mon Mar 22 12:09:17 2021
美國代表布林肯 說了兩三分鐘的話
想不到戳中了中國代表 楊某某的玻璃心
直接長篇大論20分鐘 讓口譯人員不知所措
Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_I01WD.
剪了這個影片,我是不是不用去香港了= =?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WM1XuEM (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1616386168.A.396.html
推 : we chinese dont eat this tao1F 03/22 12:09
→ : I dont give a shit2F 03/22 12:09
推 : we chinese don't eat this shit3F 03/22 12:10
→ : まいがわらいじっ套4F 03/22 12:10
推 : NMSL,左岸人士一律只會這四個英文字母5F 03/22 12:10
推 : We Chinese dont buy this sh!t6F 03/22 12:10
→ : 不吃這一套 we don't buy it7F 03/22 12:10
→ : 花Q8F 03/22 12:10
推 : we chinese people no eat this one condom9F 03/22 12:10
噓 : i don't car10F 03/22 12:10
推 : We china people no eat this condom11F 03/22 12:10
→ : 但是老婆跟小孩都在美國吃洋屌12F 03/22 12:11
推 : Chinese eat shit13F 03/22 12:11
推 : chinese dont eat sets14F 03/22 12:11
推 : Ci Gin Ping is dead15F 03/22 12:11
→ : we costco don't eat ikea16F 03/22 12:11
推 : We China man don't eat this combo.17F 03/22 12:11
推 : We chinese no eat this one condom18F 03/22 12:11
推 : 日本不就弄了無料包子嗎?19F 03/22 12:11
推 : China eat shit not this20F 03/22 12:11
推 : wo men chun guo ren bu ch j y tao21F 03/22 12:11
推 : China eat SHIT22F 03/22 12:12
推 : I don't give a fuck23F 03/22 12:12
推 : This is not the proper way to deal with Chinese people.24F 03/22 12:12
噓 : we chinzai won't eat this condom25F 03/22 12:12
→ : We CCP eat shit only.26F 03/22 12:12
→ : Wo men geon guo ren bu chi je i tao27F 03/22 12:12
推 : i have a pen , i have an apple28F 03/22 12:12
推 : China like eat shit29F 03/22 12:12
推 : 都不吃洋人那套了當然講中文啊30F 03/22 12:12
→ : Chinese eat nothing but shit31F 03/22 12:13
推 : fuck u garbage32F 03/22 12:13
推 : Volley Jr Zito33F 03/22 12:13
推 : We don’t eat that shit34F 03/22 12:13
→ : Suck my35F 03/22 12:13
推 : DPPer, aka US cock sucker will buy this shit.36F 03/22 12:13
推 : we are ching chang chong37F 03/22 12:13
→ : we don't eat your milk.38F 03/22 12:14
→ : China sucks39F 03/22 12:14
推 : Chinese is Lord of the world40F 03/22 12:14
→ : 幹不對阿不吃你那套要翻譯個屁,奴喔?41F 03/22 12:14
推 : Chinese eat Baozi42F 03/22 12:14
→ : We Chinese don’t eat that condom43F 03/22 12:15
推 : We like big LP44F 03/22 12:15
→ : we Chinese don’t eat this shit!45F 03/22 12:15
推 : we China Man no eat this set la46F 03/22 12:15
推 : 14億韭菜:CCP不下台 韭菜繼續割47F 03/22 12:15
→ : don't eat this condom48F 03/22 12:16
噓 : We not eat condoms.49F 03/22 12:16
推 : We Chinese eats shit only51F 03/22 12:17
→ : we dont car52F 03/22 12:17
推 : We Chinese don't eat food, but shit.53F 03/22 12:18
推 : Chinese don’t eat condom with shit.54F 03/22 12:18
噓 : 反美只是工作 留美才是生活56F 03/22 12:19
→ : Our Chinese don't eat this one condom57F 03/22 12:19
推 : We don't eat that set58F 03/22 12:20
推 : We Chinese eat shit!59F 03/22 12:20
→ : We China man don't eat this condom60F 03/22 12:20
噓 : Don't take this shit61F 03/22 12:21
→ : 哈哈哈62F 03/22 12:23
→ : FUCK CHINA64F 03/22 12:23
噓 : It's free sets for Chinese!65F 03/22 12:23
推 : fk china, global garbage66F 03/22 12:24
推 : We eat another67F 03/22 12:25
推 : condom XDDDDDDDDDDDD68F 03/22 12:25
→ : it doesn’t work in China69F 03/22 12:25
推 : we China only eat shit70F 03/22 12:27
推 : Go fuck yourself71F 03/22 12:27
噓 : englishit72F 03/22 12:27
推 : we Taiwanese eat Ractopamine Pig73F 03/22 12:28
→ : mutada74F 03/22 12:28
→ : Fuck you America!75F 03/22 12:28
推 : People in China only eat shit.76F 03/22 12:29
推 : We don’t eat 岡本77F 03/22 12:29
推 : we chinese dont use this condom78F 03/22 12:30
推 : Our Chinese don't give it a shot!79F 03/22 12:33
→ : shit
→ : shit
→ : We chinese dont give a shit81F 03/22 12:34
推 : you China like eat shit82F 03/22 12:35
推 : Give Chinese shit. they like it83F 03/22 12:35
→ : Kina don’t eat condom.84F 03/22 12:37
推 : chinese always eat shit85F 03/22 12:38
推 : We NMSL don't eat this suit86F 03/22 12:38
推 : We Chinese don't eat this condom87F 03/22 12:39
推 : wo mien chung kuo ren bu chi che tao88F 03/22 12:39
推 : We China people don't eat this.89F 03/22 12:40
推 : CHINA five 毛 eat more shit~ not noly these.90F 03/22 12:40
推 : Don’t give a shit91F 03/22 12:41
→ : We chi-na eat all of shit, not only 1 order.92F 03/22 12:41
推 : We don't give a shit93F 03/22 12:41
噓 : CCP eats dicks and sucks cum for a living.94F 03/22 12:42
推 : How old dare u95F 03/22 12:42
推 : we chinese eat shit96F 03/22 12:42
推 : NMSL97F 03/22 12:42
→ : NMSL98F 03/22 12:43
推 : dpp buy things from shopee99F 03/22 12:44
→ : China likes to eat shit100F 03/22 12:45
→ : good morning mother fxcker101F 03/22 12:45
推 : Woman Chong Guo ren bu chi zei e tao102F 03/22 12:48
推 : We Chinese don't eat this condom103F 03/22 12:49
推 : China likes shit!104F 03/22 12:50
推 : chinese like suck white dick105F 03/22 12:51
推 : 認真回 We don't give it a shit.106F 03/22 12:52
推 : we don't buy it.107F 03/22 12:54
推 : we Chinese eat baby108F 03/22 12:55
推 : we chinese dont eat that shit109F 03/22 12:55
→ : u wife & daughter eating US dick.110F 03/22 12:57
推 : Chinese blow it without using a condom111F 03/22 13:03
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 507
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