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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-16 11:06:43
看板 Gossiping
作者 nietsche (異鄉人)
標題 [新聞] BBC報導:讓台灣科技乖乖聽話的好運零嘴
時間 Thu Apr 15 23:35:28 2021


Hope NGO

The 'good luck' snack that makes Taiwan's technology behave

In Taiwan, coconut-flavoured corn crisps are seen as good-luck charms that
ensure high-tech machines co-operate. But why?

Crisps have a sacred role in office culture. They are the perfect mid-morning
pick-me-up, the moreish side to a light sandwich lunch, or the fuel that
keeps us going when meetings run past mealtimes.

But in Taiwan, one particular brand of crisps does more than keep hunger
pangs at bay. Many of the island’s machines – from cash machines to radio
transmission towers – seem to rely on the presence of green bags of puffy,
coconut-flavoured corn crisps to stay in tip-top condition.

People see these crisps as amulets – or good luck charms – that, if used
properly, will ensure that technology behaves well and doesn’t break down.
They place bags of this humble snack, known as ‘Kuai Kuai’, on or around
vital machines in many of the island’s laboratories, banks and even
hospitals to ensure the machines continue to do their jobs.

But how did this savoury product end up assuming near-mythical protective
properties and, in a technologically advanced society that supplies most of
the world’s semiconductors, why exactly do people buy into it?

‘Be good’

No one is entirely sure exactly when or how the green bags of Kuai Kuai
crisps became seen as symbolic tech whisperers whose mere presence could keep
electronics in line. The Kuai Kuai company was established in 1968 by Liao
Jing Gang and his son Spencer, a team who needed to find a way to keep their
main business, a pharmaceutical importing and manufacturing company, busy
during slow periods, so they began making snacks and confectionery.

“Kuai Kuai were specifically created to be sold to children. Back then,
there was nothing like that on the market,” says Irene Liao, who is Spencer’
s daughter and the firm’s current general manager. But that all changed when
the crisps, whose name means ‘behave’ or ‘be good’ in both Mandarin and
Taiwanese, caught the eye of a graduate student.

The student was in IT, his story spread by word-of-mouth and the Kuai Kuai
legend was born

“It apparently all started with this graduate student who was working on his
thesis and his computer kept crashing. So, he had the idea that his device
might have needed a talisman,” she says.

Lucky charms still play a significant role in Taiwanese society regardless of
industry, so it is understandable that the student felt he needed one. And
there would have been logic behind using a green bag of Kuai Kuai crisps; the
name was right (‘be good’) and there is a general assumption that green is
synonymous with ‘go’, as it would be on a traffic light – so the student
put the bag on his computer. “Next thing he knew, the computer was working
normally, and he was able to get his thesis done in time,” Liao says.

But even Liao says she had to track down the story of Kuai Kuai’s
metamorphosis from children’s snack to technology-tamer online, because she
had only heard it third hand. As far as she knows, the student was in IT, his
story spread by word-of-mouth and the Kuai Kuai legend was born.

The company says it hasn’t promoted the tech-protecting properties of its
product. “The story grew and developed organically, [which means] different
people from different industries are able to put their own interpretation
into how they think the bags ought to be used,” says Liao. A case in point
– as well as being used on cash machines, office servers and copying
machines, bags of Kuai Kuai are also being used in hospitals across Taiwan to
keep critical machines like ventilators going.

They can be found at radio transmission sites, too. Lionel Leng, an engineer
who has worked at International Community Radio Taipei off and on since the
1990s, doesn’t remember when the practice began, let alone who started it.
But he says he started using the crisps because he’d seen other people in
his profession do it. “I saw what they did with the bags, and then I’d ask
the other engineers what they were, and they would say, ‘oh those are Kuai
Kuai’, which means ‘listen to me’ or ‘obey’, so the machines would do

Obey the rules

Although Kuai Kuai’s role in the tech workspace evolved organically, the
crisps’ use is governed by a set of hard-and-fast rules. Kuai Kuai bags may
come in three colours – the other two are yellow for five-spice and red for
chocolate – but everyone knows that only the green bags can be used on
machines. “Both yellow and red are colours that signal caution and alarm,”
explains Leng.

The bags also cannot be used as amulets beyond their expiration date, so Leng
says they are usually swapped twice a year – once during the start of the
Lunar New Year, which normally takes place around February, and again during
the Ghost Festival in July. And lest you think you can get away with
displaying empty bags of Kuai-Kuai, those in the tech world say the snack
shouldn’t be consumed, otherwise you technically void its protective

And it’s not just the tech sphere that relies on these good-luck charms;
Irene Liao says bags of Kuai Kuai make their way overseas when performing
artists go offshore and they need to make sure their equipment is protected.

While Peter Hsu, who has an advanced degree in photonics technologies, was
working on his post-graduate degree at university, he said bags of Kuai Kuai
could be found in the laboratories. “I really don’t know if people buy this
[the idea that the bags keep tech from breaking down], but everyone does it
because it doesn’t hurt,” he says.

The power of ambiguity

Kuai Kuai can even be found at Academia Sinica, Taiwan’s premier research
institute. Ting Jen-Chieh, a research fellow who specialises in social
psychology, confirms that the institute’s technicians have been laying out
bags of Kuai Kuai since 2002. To discourage rodents, the Kuai Kuai bags are
themselves protected by being kept in their boxes.

We believe there is plenty of ambiguity between what is believable and what
isn’t – Ting Jen-Chieh

Ting, who is attached to the Institute of Ethnology, believes the use of Kuai
Kuai reflects several trends: that the practice was something that everyone
wanted to try, that it was not viewed as illogical because everyone else was
doing it, and that it was a ritual that everyone undertook because there was
a genuine fear that without the bags, machines might actually break down. “
Some people may believe it, some may not, but we believe there is plenty of
ambiguity between what is believable and what isn’t, which is why it
continues to be done,” he says.

Irene Liao is grateful that her father and grandfather’s legacy is so keenly
appreciated by Taiwan’s workforce, especially since belief in the crisps’
power as a tech whisperer has helped the brand endure. “This is the only
place in the world where a snack brand can become a cultural phenomenon. I
cannot see that happening anywhere else,” she says.

And even though she believes that only a small portion of the crisps that are
purchased are actually consumed, she is not tempted to skimp on the quality
of the ingredients used to make Kuai Kuai because, as she puts it: “They’re
meant to be eaten.”

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全文好長 _(:3」∠)_


《BBC》報導台灣乖乖文化:是誰發明機器上要放綠色乖乖 | BuzzOrange
台灣人的乖乖文化,在業界聞名。許多跟機器相關的工作人員,將綠色乖乖當作符咒或幸運物,如果運用得當,能確保機器運作穩妥,不會當機。許多人疑惑放乖乖真的有用嗎?但台灣人把乖乖放在機器上的工作場所真的很多,[...] ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (芬蘭)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WU5r8YW (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1618500936.A.8A0.html
DOOHDLIHC: 乖乖要進軍國際了ㄇ1F 04/15 23:36
aggressorX: 沒有翻譯會被水桶ㄅ2F 04/15 23:36
andy199113: 可悲3F 04/15 23:36
forhorde5566: BBC應該是智障無誤4F 04/15 23:36
puretruthson: 發燒妹插耳溫槍AirPods,腦袋燒光碟5F 04/15 23:36
JRanDer: 民智未開6F 04/15 23:36
bathilda: ptt廢文終於傳到英國了7F 04/15 23:37
cream115: 五香很好吃8F 04/15 23:37
globeMIX: fortune cookie9F 04/15 23:37
SinShih: 五香最好吃 最不喜歡吃椰子的10F 04/15 23:37
mudee: 臺灣人的科技秘密被發現了XD11F 04/15 23:38
Enerie: 不要不信邪,我公司前課長把主機房乖乖丟了隔天一直當機12F 04/15 23:38
wonder007: 慘了 Intel會學起來13F 04/15 23:39
pz5202: 好吃14F 04/15 23:39
thindust: 慘了 台積的商業機密還是外流了 明天跌停招待15F 04/15 23:40
leona12: 理組都這麼迷信?16F 04/15 23:40
iMANIA: 幹 knowhow被偷走了17F 04/15 23:40
leona12: 國中生都知道不相干18F 04/15 23:41
junkiewang: 這麼多公司重要機器放乖乖一定有它的道理19F 04/15 23:41
purplebfly: 這是台GG良率屌打美韓的主因..誰洩密的?這是叛國罪啊20F 04/15 23:42
mn435: 國家機密外洩21F 04/15 23:42
TenchiSpirit: 台灣科技業最大的秘密被報導了22F 04/15 23:43
miloskyman: 完了23F 04/15 23:43
RUYAO: 國安危機24F 04/15 23:43
wwewcwwwf: 沒好報了25F 04/15 23:43
k1k1832002: 國安危機26F 04/15 23:44
wwewcwwwf: 我還看過業務放一堆乖乖的27F 04/15 23:44
deathsman: 幹 難怪台積今天暴跌 秘密都被知道啦28F 04/15 23:44
ferrinatice: 糟了,被中國人與韓國人發現了29F 04/15 23:44
darkbrigher: 長榮機鼻放乖乖有被洩漏嗎30F 04/15 23:45
joke3547: 乖乖被人拿走了?31F 04/15 23:46
AustinRivers: 各行業營業機密32F 04/15 23:47
AustinRivers: 公家機關也放很多
ymx3xc: 椰子 五香 都好ㄘ34F 04/15 23:47
ttrreeee: 要買綠色的35F 04/15 23:48
soga0806: 機密欸36F 04/15 23:48
clamperni: 動搖國本37F 04/15 23:49
tsuyoshi2501: 慘了 台灣最大的機密被發現了38F 04/15 23:50
aigame: 銀行伺服器都有放39F 04/15 23:50
chiangburger: 五樓純真子40F 04/15 23:51
kimfor: 國安機密41F 04/15 23:51
ssisters: 一堆人罵媽祖迷信 結果自己研究室主機上都放乖乖XDD42F 04/15 23:52
hans0913: 國家機密曝光,科技股全出,乖乖公司歐印!43F 04/15 23:53
cms6384: 糟了 乖乖要乳滑了44F 04/15 23:53
s8800892000: 乖乖有上市上櫃嗎45F 04/15 23:55
s8800892000: 現在歐印來得及嗎
Superxixai: 外電要附簡單翻譯,水桶見47F 04/15 23:56
yuchienchen: 工程師什麼都得是綠綠的才行48F 04/15 23:56
fudick: 機械神教:機魂喜歡吃乖乖49F 04/15 23:57
fuhoren: 可以納入英文試題50F 04/15 23:57
error123: 良率高的秘密51F 04/15 23:57
yun0112: 巧克力口味的也好吃52F 04/15 23:58
※ 編輯: nietsche ( 芬蘭), 04/16/2021 00:05:08
robertchun: 乖乖會變中資還是美資嗎 美國人來台灣是不是要求乖乖53F 04/16 00:00
robertchun: 去美國設廠?
mina0723: 之前當網管 真的很迷沒了就壞55F 04/16 00:01
jajoy: 醫院機器上面的已經過期5年56F 04/16 00:02
jajoy: 不知道過期的有沒有差
D49361128: 完蛋了明天跌停58F 04/16 00:02
jack168168tw: 有差 過期了要趕快換掉59F 04/16 00:03
seemoon2000: 還是覺得牛奶花生最好吃 可惜沒了60F 04/16 00:03
yyc210: 八卦是 乖乖已被重劃公司買下 和三粒海派關係密切61F 04/16 00:05
yeswecannot: 不要報給三星知道!62F 04/16 00:05
yyc210: 的老闆63F 04/16 00:05
bathilda: 三星和英特爾會不會偷學這個秘訣啊64F 04/16 00:05
HaHaPoint: 上次機台上的乖乖被吃了 後來一直出狀況 我是覺得湊巧65F 04/16 00:06
dss1017: 機器的守護神乖乖應該建廟祭祀66F 04/16 00:06
direct: 台積電有特製聯名款乖乖,才那麼厲害67F 04/16 00:08
Dovahkiin: 幹,誰洩漏國家機密!低調低調68F 04/16 00:08
bathilda: 當然要換掉啊,要不然乖乖銷路不好停產了怎麼辦69F 04/16 00:08
sumaihui: 我們同事放了台南市府城延平郡王祠鄭成功客製化零嘴忘了71F 04/16 00:09
sumaihui: 哪家,五個字“一定要成功”,已經兩年了,呵呵
ThomasBuBu: 小祕密被發現了73F 04/16 00:10
frodoc: 連這個也在報...是台灣外國記者變多了嗎74F 04/16 00:12
andy199113: 三地開發 練台生 林崑海    錢櫃燒死人 董事長不道歉75F 04/16 00:13
maxboy06: 洩漏國家機密76F 04/16 00:13
longway0906: 幹他媽沒救 信這個比宮廟+9還可悲 理組肥宅果然才是77F 04/16 00:13
longway0906: 最該死的垃圾
geesegeese: 台灣半導體產業機密被洩露了79F 04/16 00:14
execration: 完了,被發現了...80F 04/16 00:15
vistas: 台積電跳電 要把乖乖放哪才有保佑? 台積還是台電81F 04/16 00:15
yun420179: 椰子才是經典 好吃好吃82F 04/16 00:15
asxc530530: 國家機密83F 04/16 00:15
BF109Pilot: 不會啊 這新聞很可愛84F 04/16 00:15
EFERO: intel:難怪!!!85F 04/16 00:15
easyman: 難怪TSM大跌86F 04/16 00:16
godkillwe: 就是有乖乖良率才這麼高,噓,別告訴對面的88F 04/16 00:17
ev331: 搞不好又是公關宣傳公司  之前公司做大廠代工的也沒放89F 04/16 00:18
Cyuhsuan: 秘密被發現了90F 04/16 00:18
ev331: 也是有上市上櫃的公司  都講6S跟良率91F 04/16 00:19
k1400: 這幾天好像一直有人發文說拜媽祖是迷信欸92F 04/16 00:20
streakray: 英國報導無誤93F 04/16 00:22
ll6a: 其實有信仰是好事,有時候浪費腦容量擔心還不如拜一下讓自94F 04/16 00:24
ggian123: 機密外洩95F 04/16 00:25
ll6a: 己能安心0.0..96F 04/16 00:25
ll6a: 但如果這個信仰對你的生活沒幫助還有害處那就是邪教了
xmoonlight: 理組真迷信98F 04/16 00:26
Genie00581: 國家機密外洩,讓歪果人發現我們機器耐操的小秘密99F 04/16 00:30
Genie00581: 以前外國工程師看到機器上面有乖乖還一臉黑人問號
chris44099: 洩密,國安危機==101F 04/16 00:31
nanako81240: 國安危機。最大機密被破解102F 04/16 00:33
sanachen: 這也能寫那麼長 哈哈103F 04/16 00:42
darklch: 又沒影響別人 不要搞個開機前還要放鞭炮就好104F 04/16 00:43
kentket: 哈哈105F 04/16 00:43
WiserWilly: 這麼長的英文只翻標題居然沒人噓106F 04/16 00:45
losage: 真的很靈驗107F 04/16 00:50
Tomince: 理工人都信這個的話,那媽祖大顯神威也不要笑人家了108F 04/16 00:54
HYJ627: 國安危機XDD109F 04/16 00:55
icpolonaise: 幹政府還不趕快立法禁止乖乖出口!!110F 04/16 00:57
mudee: 溫馨提醒  不要放錯顏色111F 04/16 00:57
QQmouse: 居然可以寫這麼長一篇112F 04/16 00:58
KMSNY: 國家機密外洩113F 04/16 00:59
TRIzol: 最高機密可以這樣透露的嗎114F 04/16 01:02
greensdream: 五樓純真子在幹嘛啦XD115F 04/16 01:04
jimhall: 乖乖股價要超越台積,變成護國神山了,會不會全世界都來116F 04/16 01:05
jimhall: 搶購啊
amazingwow: 真 隱藏版護國神山被發現了118F 04/16 01:11
henry1915: 慘了 intel三星要跟進了119F 04/16 01:12
whitelady: 理組迷信起來比宗教人士還可怕,親身經歷120F 04/16 01:14
KJC1004: 真的很閒 這種東西也能掰一整篇121F 04/16 01:16
Benbenyale: Kuai kuai^^122F 04/16 01:17
cheng31507: 國家機密外流了123F 04/16 01:18
WWIII: 丟臉丟到外國了 只問鬼神124F 04/16 01:18
intointo: 吸引力法則?125F 04/16 01:21
iygjghyjhguy: technological advanced country~臺灣被國際看見了126F 04/16 01:22
xo1100: 進不了這些企業的文組仔在笑人迷信可悲127F 04/16 01:22
AllBlack: 幹 洩密!128F 04/16 01:23
md3q6e: 台積電的秘密被發現了129F 04/16 01:23
xo1100: 最好這些人在社會上有出息一點啊130F 04/16 01:24
polestar0505: 這跟迷信沒什麼關係 啊就真的有用...131F 04/16 01:25
heureuxseed: 科技秘密被發現了132F 04/16 01:25
JoeyChen: 有次去某間醫學中心的核醫檢查部門 他們也放乖乖133F 04/16 01:26
younggrass: 台灣乖乖 can help134F 04/16 01:27
shotakun: 慘了,臺灣科技業的秘密竟然外洩了135F 04/16 01:29
DDG114514: 完了,intel跟三星知道先進製程良率瓶頸的關鍵了136F 04/16 01:29
flowersuger: 滿好笑的 這樣也一篇XD137F 04/16 01:32
peggy60624: 乖乖該前進美股了吧138F 04/16 01:34
vking223: 乖乖,哈139F 04/16 01:35
KGarnett05: 這還好啊 國外也很多類似這種"迷信"吧140F 04/16 01:37
PTTallener: 真的實驗室的冰箱上都會放141F 04/16 01:39
F2307925: 台積電的秘密武器被知道了142F 04/16 01:42
P5566: 乖乖外資要掃貨了嗎143F 04/16 01:45
sundazlas: 最奇幻的理科規則144F 04/16 01:51
gloria3136: 還有靠得住衛生棉啊145F 04/16 01:54
YuzanJhang: 不想翻就別貼 水桶見146F 04/16 01:54
kohanchen: 迷信 騙人的 五毛不要信台蛙147F 04/16 02:00
david7112123: 真的有用 以前大學錄音室 機器設備穩就靠它148F 04/16 02:12
Godmyfriend: 之前有12包過期乖乖要處理掉 我吃得超開心的 加班好149F 04/16 02:14
Godmyfriend: 點心
chiguang: 良率那麼高的國家機密被發現了151F 04/16 02:20
offdensen: 直接在無塵室開吃 真爽152F 04/16 02:21
gourmand: 乖乖有天如果變中資還靈嗎153F 04/16 02:27
foxey: 這篇報導很不錯啊 頭尾追查的很清楚 也沒有寫錯的154F 04/16 02:28
aioloslin: 真· 台灣之光?155F 04/16 02:30
Tass: 不過就是體現了台灣人無厘頭無上限的迷信而已156F 04/16 02:31
Zombieslayer: 民智未開157F 04/16 02:32
foxey: 真的耶....高良率機密被知道了,喪失領先地位怎麼辦158F 04/16 02:41
AZ09: 讀理化的人還這麼迷信 沒救159F 04/16 02:46
oasis1106: 怎麼有人崩潰了.....160F 04/16 02:55
elyjames: 丟臉到世界。161F 04/16 03:06
ll6a: 其實也不是台灣的問題,閔越好巫尚鬼的風俗從戰國時期就有162F 04/16 03:08
ll6a: 了,台灣90幾趴都是中國沿岸移民
StarStar: 明明很可愛,哪丟臉?嘖164F 04/16 03:25
SEVEnMonth: 商業秘密被抓包了165F 04/16 03:29
Enerie: 說丟臉迷信的可能是文組166F 04/16 03:29
lulocke: 三星:我還不他媽的買爆167F 04/16 03:29
lulocke: Intel:我他媽的14nm++終於可以變7nm++了
TobyH4cker: tldr169F 04/16 03:30
wiesley1029: 槓 乖乖要大量出口國外了170F 04/16 03:38
ECZEMA: 靠包 國家機密被發現了!! TSMC 稱霸的原因171F 04/16 03:44
apilove: 放乖乖,老鼠會吃乖乖,才不會跑到機器裡172F 04/16 03:49
LinkMiguel: 博恩有看到嗎173F 04/16 03:49
x7834210: 判國罪!174F 04/16 04:17
photomac: 真的是台灣科技的機密175F 04/16 04:27
diablohinet: Be Good XD176F 04/16 04:29
Sayaka0714: 國安危機,完蛋了秘密被掀開了怎麼辦177F 04/16 04:36
ikenaka: 幹 國安問題178F 04/16 04:41
gotwins: 動搖國本179F 04/16 05:03
xboxer: 你有種拿掉乖乖試試看180F 04/16 05:04
ywt: 我國業界最大know-how被揭露,會動搖國本啊181F 04/16 05:11
JKD0504: 今年大考就截去當閱讀測驗吧182F 04/16 05:15
allenlee6710: 至少買乖乖不太會干擾自己或他人的生活吧183F 04/16 05:22
wisonmann: 國安危機184F 04/16 05:34
HS316229: 國安局查一下是誰洩密的185F 04/16 05:36
Kaids: https://muckrack.com/hope-ngo  記者是香港人186F 04/16 05:55
Kaids: 應該說這麼清楚乖乖的祕密並不意外?
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ken720331: 拜拜用乖乖188F 04/16 05:56
bye2007: 藍色花生 紅色巧克力 綠色椰子 黃色五香,現在好像買不到189F 04/16 06:00
bye2007: 藍色了,幾年前還有賣
avecmoi: 台積電秘密被發現了191F 04/16 06:08
grass930: 不愧是英國研究,連這種沒根據的也在報192F 04/16 06:11
jaywall: 怎麼可以洩漏國安機密。193F 04/16 06:13
leo255112: 我只能說不要不信邪194F 04/16 06:15
luelue: 唯一支持五香乖乖195F 04/16 06:17
nretni: 乖乖國外訂單要暴增了196F 04/16 06:25
hidep: 好吃好吃197F 04/16 06:35
PPTer: 到底是誰 這已經違反營業秘密罪了198F 04/16 06:36
wjes30325: 迷信也能報 真有趣199F 04/16 06:41
wryyyyyyyy: 可悲學店理組迷信還怕人講 見笑轉生氣又扯文組200F 04/16 06:47
zxcvbnmnbvcx: 謝謝你喜歡乖乖201F 04/16 06:54
diiky: 被暴露了!!202F 04/16 06:54
zxcvbnmnbvcx: INTEL買了良率直接超過GG203F 04/16 06:55
tetsukaii: 為什麼不放綠色靠得住衛生棉在機台?204F 04/16 06:59
vltw5v: 到底誰洩漏國家機密的205F 04/16 07:02
MasCat: know how被偷==206F 04/16 07:16
lpoijk: 幹 我的knowhow啊!!!207F 04/16 07:17
eternal5566: 媽的洩密208F 04/16 07:18
pudge: 幹 幫低調 隱形護國神山209F 04/16 07:21
Cyjustin: 洩漏國家機密210F 04/16 07:26
tupacshkur: 乖乖!211F 04/16 07:31
neweb: 台灣之光212F 04/16 07:31
s87269x: 這是連理組都不得不相信的迷信XD213F 04/16 07:33
abdiascat: 台積良率的秘密耶 太瓜張了啦214F 04/16 07:34
voyevda: 以前唸書,老師看到學弟買兩包乖乖在儀器上,整個發火,215F 04/16 07:34
ez910115: 不保養機台在那邊216F 04/16 07:39
wayne820812: 慘了 國安危機 秘密被說出來了217F 04/16 07:39
traz04067: 國安...218F 04/16 07:41
cpkjacky: 拜登:可以在普丁和維尼的椅子下各放一包乖乖嗎?219F 04/16 07:42
h89815: 會說不要不信邪的都是智障迷信仔220F 04/16 07:43
deathtrap: 機密外洩+國安危機221F 04/16 07:46
dnkofe: 其實主要是因為乖乖也好吃,難得可以名正言順凹公司出零食222F 04/16 07:54
dnkofe: 錢耶
bullace: 丟臉丟到國外224F 04/16 07:58
bearKQG: 讚225F 04/16 08:06
mathrew: knowhow XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD226F 04/16 08:11
momowawa1981: 完蛋了 台積電會不會跌227F 04/16 08:11
A816: 哪裡丟臉 就一個民俗習慣而已啊 自卑成這樣也太可憐了吧228F 04/16 08:11
girafa: 好吃乖乖229F 04/16 08:14
horseorange: 慘了 要被intel跟三星知道祕密武器了230F 04/16 08:16
twmarstw7758: 國安危機231F 04/16 08:20
tgbkkk: 椰子乖乖要變成戰略物資禁止出口了232F 04/16 08:20
buslover: 最近看到有公車司機在擋風玻璃擺三包綠色乖乖 大概怕車233F 04/16 08:21
mazii: 哈哈哈哈哈好消息234F 04/16 08:22
buslover: 子拋錨吧235F 04/16 08:22
oyaji5566: 國家機密外洩了237F 04/16 08:29
jorden: XDDDDDDDDDDDD238F 04/16 08:31
jorden: 不能說的祕密被發現了
Pittsburgh: 綠色是最有價值的顏色 世界的塞子長榮也是綠色的240F 04/16 08:33
misaki894420: 醫院的秘密241F 04/16 08:34
mido: 看標題直接猜綠色乖乖242F 04/16 08:36
mido: 當遇過白目不信邪的處長把機房的零食撤掉當天狂ALARM就知道
mido: 不要不信邪
masterliy: 有些儀器紅燈才是正常,有一年放錯…245F 04/16 08:40
GA389434: 國家機密246F 04/16 08:42
Linezolid: 真 護國神山247F 04/16 08:45
notneme159: 笑死248F 04/16 08:50
neoa01: 這才是台灣的護國神山249F 04/16 08:53
cerwvk: 放包乖乖,成本不高,換個心安有何不可?250F 04/16 08:57
piliwu: 我還看過查帳員放乖乖的251F 04/16 08:58
Kazetachinu: 外國人寫新聞好屌 隨便一遍都能這麼多==252F 04/16 08:59
revise: 世界笑柄253F 04/16 09:00
dave123: 幹,設備穩定秘訣要被抄襲了...,慘254F 04/16 09:00
iwinlottery: 科技業的秘密武器被發現了255F 04/16 09:03
WeGoYuSheng: 媽的 台灣最大商業機密被發現了 競爭力要沒啦!256F 04/16 09:07
chenyw: 所以現在要出台積 all in 乖乖257F 04/16 09:14
fkukg52155: 理組整天笑文組 結果自己最迷信 笑死258F 04/16 09:14
WuDhar: 良率の奧義259F 04/16 09:15
mynewid: 幹你媽的國家機密被賣掉了260F 04/16 09:16
sses60802: 民智未開的陋習傳到了別國261F 04/16 09:16
kerbi: 機器出問題SOP第一動:先檢查乖乖有沒有過期262F 04/16 09:20
hcwang1126: 爛死了 很多接線錯不查 只會騙人放乖乖263F 04/16 09:20
flyover01: 三星要追上來了!台灣要沉淪了!264F 04/16 09:24
ambitious: 台灣晶片良率的秘密被發現了265F 04/16 09:25
cat5672: 爽啦(づ′・ω・)づ266F 04/16 09:30
Unananas: 指考閱讀測驗會考ㄛ267F 04/16 09:31
dos1019: 台積機台的recipe被發現了268F 04/16 09:32
lovegensokyo: 哪裡丟臉啊,外國還會請神父在機房撒聖水咧269F 04/16 09:34
lovegensokyo: 這種習俗世界各地都有啦
scemoorso: 機密外洩271F 04/16 09:38
syuanling: 連中研院也有放XDD272F 04/16 09:40
dufflin: XD273F 04/16 09:42
magamanzero: 拜機台和拜媽祖 哪個比較迷信呢...274F 04/16 09:45
shiyo729: 哇 以後台灣科技業優勢喪失了275F 04/16 09:49
STerry1986: 幹 台固IDC不給放276F 04/16 09:51
dra7763: 外電:intel大量進口乖乖以維持機器穩定277F 04/16 09:58
tryme123: 完蛋 這個消息出去直接動搖國本278F 04/16 09:58
cchh179: 迷信的社會279F 04/16 09:59
allen1573: 要準備外銷了嗎?XD280F 04/16 10:01
norder: 外國人也一堆相信上帝,相信幸運物的,這又沒什麼281F 04/16 10:04
coolp77: 完惹 乖乖要被外國人掃貨了282F 04/16 10:16
cyunju: 綠乖乖很重要!283F 04/16 10:23
fufugirl: 不要不信邪,椰子就是比五香有用284F 04/16 10:29
IFeelSoAlive: 地溝油的幾咖啦285F 04/16 10:38

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