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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-23 09:37:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 roy384921 (roy02020)
標題 [問卦] Beatles 哪首歌最屌
時間 Fri Apr 23 00:00:59 2021

也創作了不少厲害的歌像Hey Jude, Yesterday, Something.......


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WWPszsC (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1619107261.A.D8C.html
pptsuck: hey judy1F 04/23 00:01
ymx3xc: november rain2F 04/23 00:01
swinggcat: Hey come on3F 04/23 00:01
shampoopoo: Let it be4F 04/23 00:02
Aequanimitas: While my guitar gently weeps5F 04/23 00:02
heavensun: Let it be, let it be6F 04/23 00:03
iampig951753: Yellow Submarine7F 04/23 00:03
deer8dog9: come together8F 04/23 00:03
starwillow: tomorrow never knows9F 04/23 00:06
verapamil: Lucy in the sky with diamonds10F 04/23 00:06
verapamil: a day in the life
kaet: Yesterday12F 04/23 00:07
verapamil: 這兩首音樂強,影片也超強13F 04/23 00:07
verapamil: strawberry fields forever 也是
Stunts: 都屌15F 04/23 00:10
Zionward: girl、michelle 這兩首很少被講到,但我覺得超讚16F 04/23 00:14
wavek: I Want to hold your hand17F 04/23 00:17
rock1815311: welcome to the jungle18F 04/23 00:39
rock1815311: come as you are
CountingStar: 我難過20F 04/23 00:50
wcnoname5: revolution 921F 04/23 01:04
Julibea: Norwegian wood22F 04/23 01:15
consist: dont let me down,建議去聽 一開頭就很吸引人23F 04/23 01:25
notfound0506: on my life24F 04/23 02:13
dreaminc: enter sandman25F 04/23 02:22
q9154336: 挪威的極光26F 04/23 06:37
fth862: help I need somebody27F 04/23 08:06

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