※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-30 01:47:14
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 「想的美」的英文怎麼說?
時間 Thu Apr 29 18:59:35 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WYf6PMk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1619693977.A.5AE.html
噓 : suck my dick1F 04/29 18:59
→ : Nice try?2F 04/29 19:00
推 : over my dead body3F 04/29 19:00
推 : 其實就是一樓說的Xd4F 04/29 19:00
推 : You wish5F 04/29 19:00
推 : you must be kidding6F 04/29 19:00
噓 : beauty of think7F 04/29 19:00
噓 : think so beautiful8F 04/29 19:00
噓 : think beautiful 不會?9F 04/29 19:01
推 : Ok boss10F 04/29 19:01
→ : lick my ass11F 04/29 19:01
→ : MDFK12F 04/29 19:01
推 : daydream13F 04/29 19:02
→ : Think's beauty.14F 04/29 19:02
推 : you wish 相信我15F 04/29 19:03
→ : in ur dream
→ : in ur dream
→ : In your fucking dreams.17F 04/29 19:04
→ : 不用謝我了18F 04/29 19:04
→ : you gay19F 04/29 19:05
推 : You wish.20F 04/29 19:06
噓 : no thank you and you?21F 04/29 19:06
噓 : Go fuck yourself22F 04/29 19:07
推 : 最常說的是YOU WISH 我多益95023F 04/29 19:08
推 : you fucking cunt24F 04/29 19:08
推 : it’s good to drink25F 04/29 19:09
推 : You wish.26F 04/29 19:09
→ : Come on ~27F 04/29 19:09
→ : 免肖想28F 04/29 19:11
→ : Costco29F 04/29 19:11
→ : CDM30F 04/29 19:14
推 : wow!!! it's good idea.31F 04/29 19:15
推 : Dream on32F 04/29 19:16
推 :33F 04/29 19:23
推 : In your dream34F 04/29 19:31
推 : think of beauty35F 04/29 19:32
推 : Lee Swimming.36F 04/29 19:33
推 : think is better37F 04/29 19:35
推 : ikea38F 04/29 19:35
推 : Fuck U39F 04/29 19:38
→ : you wish were40F 04/29 19:40
推 : you think to much41F 04/29 19:46
→ : not even close42F 04/29 19:49
推 : Think der beauty43F 04/29 19:51
推 : go fuck yourself44F 04/29 19:54
→ : don't you dare45F 04/29 19:56
→ : open my door46F 04/29 20:01
推 : 還是fuck you最貼切47F 04/29 20:01
推 : Why don’t you go f yourself48F 04/29 20:06
推 : think beautifully49F 04/29 20:07
推 : no fucking deal50F 04/29 20:15
→ : or on your dream
→ : or on your dream
推 : In your dream52F 04/29 20:18
推 : no way53F 04/29 20:19
→ : motherfucker55F 04/29 20:24
推 : think beautiful +156F 04/29 20:28
推 : knock it off57F 04/29 20:54
→ : in your dream58F 04/29 20:56
→ : go fish 皮卡丘教的59F 04/29 20:59
推 : kiss my ass60F 04/29 21:18
推 : thank you you love china taipei61F 04/29 21:23
噓 : 得62F 04/29 21:50
推 : dream on63F 04/29 21:51
→ : go fish64F 04/29 22:03
推 : beat me.65F 04/29 22:27
推 : just you wish66F 04/30 00:00
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 158
作者 HIDEI524 的最新發文:
- 如題 只是很好奇到底板上的同溫層有多厚 誰是反串我都搞不清楚了QQ 看起來不去的都不太發聲 有誰不去的嗎 請+136F 20推 2噓
- 19F 6推
- 7F 4推
- 9F 3推 2噓
- 21F 7推