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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-30 01:15:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 usokami (無名行者)
標題 [問卦] 「門都沒有」的英文怎麼說?
時間 Thu Apr 29 14:27:28 2021






所以我想跟強硬他說 「門都沒有」

「門都沒有」的英文該怎麼說呢? 有沒有卦?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WYb7K-E (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1619677652.A.F8E.html
chocoball: noway1F 04/29 14:27
vowpool: there is no door.2F 04/29 14:27
Workforme: come in3F 04/29 14:28
acs81046: no door4F 04/29 14:28
ppptttqaz: Welcome5F 04/29 14:28
emiya5352: Welcome6F 04/29 14:28
Usayhiisayha: fuck you bitch7F 04/29 14:28
lats: man door mail8F 04/29 14:28
gigig31: impossible10F 04/29 14:28
flux: we don't even have a door11F 04/29 14:28
gay7788: welcome12F 04/29 14:28
preisner: No doors, google翻譯的13F 04/29 14:28
meicon5566: no fucking door14F 04/29 14:28
brianuser: free fuck15F 04/29 14:28
Stupidog5566: shut the fuck up asshole pussy, go fuck yourself16F 04/29 14:28
r89556: welcome to DPP17F 04/29 14:28
ilovebooks91: Welcome to DPP18F 04/29 14:28
lmf770410: Without door at all19F 04/29 14:28
dean1990: welcome20F 04/29 14:28
johnhmj: no way 不可能 是事情發生後才講的21F 04/29 14:28
PikaKing: 有抽大麻的話跟他說we are not DPP22F 04/29 14:28
cattgirl: What's happened, happened.23F 04/29 14:29
yasionl: 法Q欸斯後24F 04/29 14:29
inoopp: welcome25F 04/29 14:29
nineway: lie god26F 04/29 14:29
ianlin1216: taiwan value27F 04/29 14:29
xiemark: When god closes the door28F 04/29 14:29
andy87115: Over my dead body29F 04/29 14:29
aclock: Nomay30F 04/29 14:29
mysterydream: you're welcome31F 04/29 14:29
marktak: DPP allows gangster.32F 04/29 14:29
BaRanKa: DPP welcome33F 04/29 14:29
muse87131: welcome34F 04/29 14:30
echoo: even without door35F 04/29 14:30
muse87131: the door is wide open36F 04/29 14:30
ttff: Go this way37F 04/29 14:30
noname912301: DPPy38F 04/29 14:30
Nigger5566: no door39F 04/29 14:30
Townshend: no way, jose40F 04/29 14:30
NewPassat: Nodoor41F 04/29 14:30
ArgusX: welcome42F 04/29 14:30
dafeichai: there is no doors43F 04/29 14:31
poeta: door all no have44F 04/29 14:31
bseiqwkbk:   man door mail~45F 04/29 14:32
veryGY: door all no have 正解46F 04/29 14:32
Besorgen: you DONT govern, I govern, ok?47F 04/29 14:32
ridecule: Door both no have.48F 04/29 14:32
cocogg: no way49F 04/29 14:32
linyi520: door do ma yo50F 04/29 14:32
sirius65482: mei mern51F 04/29 14:32
pierreqq: We are family52F 04/29 14:33
polestar0505: this way no door ,welcome53F 04/29 14:33
sam70010: Dont have any door.54F 04/29 14:33
lovelorn0204: linyi520 XDDDD Hahaha55F 04/29 14:34
Ericcws: 跟我手說56F 04/29 14:34
widec: no door at all.57F 04/29 14:34
st093: 結構です。58F 04/29 14:34
gtrx: fuck me59F 04/29 14:35
pipi1983: No door ,welcome!60F 04/29 14:35
diiky: no door,u can come in~61F 04/29 14:35
aqsss: no way to screw62F 04/29 14:35
leonhsu: No door no63F 04/29 14:35
aju0921: DOOR CITY NO YES HAVE64F 04/29 14:36
syntax123: dpp door people power65F 04/29 14:36
L1ON: Welcome 才對喇66F 04/29 14:36
maxmeyer: suit yourself67F 04/29 14:36
gama: there is no door68F 04/29 14:37
bobju: 就no way而已,不用太複雜69F 04/29 14:37
kobe30418: DPP70F 04/29 14:38
dinel7821967: welcome71F 04/29 14:38
sellgd: no way 啊  中國叫 沒門72F 04/29 14:38
kimo6414: no door73F 04/29 14:38
fckj1131017: 3 holes open74F 04/29 14:39
eeccms: There‘s no door. Make yourself at home75F 04/29 14:39
g7a7n7: no fucking door76F 04/29 14:39
ILike58: nodoor77F 04/29 14:39
shipping5566: we afraid to accept the application after our in78F 04/29 14:40
leecliff: DPP fuck you up79F 04/29 14:40
bb89233: you wish!80F 04/29 14:40
shipping5566: ternal discussion81F 04/29 14:40
g7a7n7: suck my big cock82F 04/29 14:40
achiow: Welcome to DPP83F 04/29 14:40
YumingHuang: Only DPP84F 04/29 14:40
UrFather: 結構です。85F 04/29 14:40
s9234032: no way阿 不然勒= =86F 04/29 14:41
HdDevil: 升官發財請走後門87F 04/29 14:41
kai0829: men do mei yo88F 04/29 14:41
koreasuck: Welcome welcome ggininder89F 04/29 14:41
sepzako: No way90F 04/29 14:41
HdDevil: 升官發財請走後門91F 04/29 14:41
HeyGod: no freaking way92F 04/29 14:42
samrt5566: President Xi93F 04/29 14:42
ja1295: come in94F 04/29 14:42
maximu: open the door95F 04/29 14:42
sheepxo: Welcome XDDDD96F 04/29 14:42
liusean: DPP welcome97F 04/29 14:43
kululualex: Over my dead body辣98F 04/29 14:43
Shiki2014: boy next door99F 04/29 14:43
louiswei1986: Have no door100F 04/29 14:43
tryit015124: all haven’t  door101F 04/29 14:44
fish3932000: No door, you can come in102F 04/29 14:44
lovesinker: not even close103F 04/29 14:45
c902112: no way104F 04/29 14:45
redrainze: Welcome to DPP 笑死105F 04/29 14:45
yabia: Fuck u ! (=..=)凸106F 04/29 14:45
mirac1e: welcome to DPP107F 04/29 14:46
kevin0733: no chance  in your dreams108F 04/29 14:46
tokyoto: Not in a million years109F 04/29 14:46
edison: door away110F 04/29 14:46
zombiechen: restroom in China111F 04/29 14:48
georgio: No fuckin' way!112F 04/29 14:48
Apple0230: welcome113F 04/29 14:48
blackflag: DPP welcome114F 04/29 14:48
georgio: Don't even think about it115F 04/29 14:48
v7q4: main door may yo116F 04/29 14:48
gn01693664: not DPP117F 04/29 14:48
dougho: no fucking way!!!!!!!!118F 04/29 14:49
yangzy: Door all no119F 04/29 14:49
qa456: How dare you120F 04/29 14:49
gn01693664: olny DPP can121F 04/29 14:51
g4zoco196: no door122F 04/29 14:51
rickphyman42: Door all no have123F 04/29 14:51
ohoohoo: how dare you124F 04/29 14:51
DOOT: YOU SHALL NOT PASS125F 04/29 14:53
s8800892000: welcome to DPP126F 04/29 14:53
t95912: no way 不然呢127F 04/29 14:53
Sabo5566: Over my dead body.128F 04/29 14:55
Orz9106: All have no door129F 04/29 14:55
felix1017: doorless XD130F 04/29 14:56
agbr2: man door mayo131F 04/29 14:56
tatata: China toilet132F 04/29 14:56
slothyiaskiy: It’s good drink?133F 04/29 14:57
x7834210: no way out134F 04/29 14:57
weijinsusu: Costco135F 04/29 14:58
incubus46: 132F ,XDDDDD136F 04/29 14:58
yilin11: welcome137F 04/29 14:59
Yunk: No door is needed138F 04/29 15:00
zero00072: door = nil; dpp.welcome? = true if door.nil?139F 04/29 15:00
luxaky: welcome140F 04/29 15:00
alex00089: 法科歐福!?141F 04/29 15:02
linlaosure: Nothing but shit142F 04/29 15:02
neighborhood: 食べ放題143F 04/29 15:03
headbest: Hold the door144F 04/29 15:04
LOGIC5566: only dpp can145F 04/29 15:04
WJHinbbs: Hold the door146F 04/29 15:05
antigidu: Are you DPP?147F 04/29 15:05
qwe04687: there's open, come right in and sit148F 04/29 15:06
saiya: not even think149F 04/29 15:07
ghostl40809: go fish150F 04/29 15:08
iwinlottery: Welcome151F 04/29 15:11
ulli: you are welcome152F 04/29 15:13
rhythm7321: please come in153F 04/29 15:15
yufat: Doors opening, doors closing.154F 04/29 15:17
Marzzze: 我都念costco155F 04/29 15:18
lebron3994: I dont have door156F 04/29 15:19
kinghtt: hold door157F 04/29 15:19
Daface: IKEA158F 04/29 15:20
Stupidog5566: 認真回一下 完全否決就用hell noㄅ159F 04/29 15:20
jhunter: there ain't no door160F 04/29 15:20
reaturn: 應該是沒有擁有門吧?161F 04/29 15:21
jumpsenna: you can not pass162F 04/29 15:22
npc776: gay out163F 04/29 15:23
bg2305z: no door no in164F 04/29 15:23
bobby4755: not even close baby165F 04/29 15:23
burgerchi: no door, come on in166F 04/29 15:25
smallyou1988: impossible167F 04/29 15:26
kaikai1020: door has nothing168F 04/29 15:27
milkBK: No way169F 04/29 15:28
allinlin: Over my dead body170F 04/29 15:30
linspired: you wish171F 04/29 15:31
piloliq: Poor la !172F 04/29 15:36
YJM1106: OK u r welcome173F 04/29 15:36
richard42: NMSL174F 04/29 15:39
kpier2: Mendo m@il175F 04/29 15:39
bingripplw: dpp is good176F 04/29 15:40
mission985: DPP177F 04/29 15:40
Informatik: no door178F 04/29 15:41
PureUtopian: don't even think about it179F 04/29 15:42
clockinn: Welcome DPP backdoor180F 04/29 15:42
pisser: door is not181F 04/29 15:44
lovensr: Welcome182F 04/29 15:47
melluu: how dare you183F 04/29 15:47
Lucero: Not in a thousand years184F 04/29 15:48
zaqwsxjason: no door185F 04/29 15:50
JESSE77922: door nothing186F 04/29 15:50
skylarcyt: 認真回。以下幾句都可以表達你的意思:Hell no! No way187F 04/29 15:52
skylarcyt: ! (It’s) Not gonna happen. Over my dead body. Don
skylarcyt: ’t even think about it.
jerrys0580: no way not a chance ,認真回door all nothing190F 04/29 15:52
fiveminutes: welcome191F 04/29 15:53
lakershank: how do you turn this on192F 04/29 15:54
kirisame: no way hosay193F 04/29 15:56
korsg: dont even think about it194F 04/29 15:57
Austin1104: don’t even think about it195F 04/29 15:57
wp972160: no ashole196F 04/29 15:57
loxic: Don't mess around.197F 04/29 15:58
gymfantasy: DPP Joke:  No way~198F 04/29 16:02
harry881210: welcome to dpp($$)199F 04/29 16:03
muerta18: The door is open,Welcome200F 04/29 16:05
wommow: China toilet201F 04/29 16:05
family2909: Fuk off203F 04/29 16:08
yehpi: Thank you like DPP204F 04/29 16:08
richjf: Welcome205F 04/29 16:10
assnccu8787: I dot car206F 04/29 16:11
dumliu: hell no207F 04/29 16:12
r30385: only this way208F 04/29 16:12
Beetch: not even .... give you a door209F 04/29 16:13
corrupt003: fat chance210F 04/29 16:14
hiaries: aegis211F 04/29 16:17
chubby31190: Taiwan can help212F 04/29 16:20
Ephraim: Not a chance!213F 04/29 16:21
ffdqfe: door too no have ,選我正解214F 04/29 16:23
peter777: When pigs fly215F 04/29 16:24
willy0206: costco216F 04/29 16:26
goodboy98: DDP EZ217F 04/29 16:27
trevor5566: No fucking way. Over my body. Not a chance.218F 04/29 16:28
spitwind: 悶豆媚友219F 04/29 16:30
AIthesixers: Door is opening220F 04/29 16:30
littlehappy1: 門 都沒有 意思就是直接進來~ welcome221F 04/29 16:31
reexamor: China222F 04/29 16:32
FakeGPS: cum inside223F 04/29 16:35
q0975190339: I am 蘇貞昌224F 04/29 16:35
kasugamaru: man door may your225F 04/29 16:37
imtlow: welcome226F 04/29 16:37
ben831001: wryyyyyyyyyyyyyy227F 04/29 16:38
neweb: show me the money228F 04/29 16:39
Agod: door do mei yo229F 04/29 16:40
buslover: It has no door here.230F 04/29 16:41
renajohn: no way231F 04/29 16:42
ctein: not a chance232F 04/29 16:43
tupacshkur: No fucking way!233F 04/29 16:44
ChikanDesu: welcome to my fone234F 04/29 16:45
ninakuan: don’t even think about it (認真)235F 04/29 16:45
PTTakatsuki: dpp? everything will be ok236F 04/29 16:46
ringtoneRT: come in,no door.237F 04/29 16:47
wino: fuck off238F 04/29 16:48
donii1991: hold  the door239F 04/29 16:49
chowyc: fuck off.240F 04/29 16:49
JayceYen: There is no door.241F 04/29 16:51
tmuaircat: NON  ASS AVAILABLE242F 04/29 16:51
wenzao6040: not your anus243F 04/29 16:53
ggcircle: DPP244F 04/29 16:54
csghuuguh: yes please245F 04/29 16:54
smart8122: no door , welcome246F 04/29 16:55
wolve: this is a door247F 04/29 16:56
Cactusman: not a chance248F 04/29 16:57
ilove0: 就怕你們假裝關大門,其實後門都開給這種人進進出出。welc249F 04/29 16:57
ilove0: ome my back door 歡迎來我"滴屁屁"
fragmentwing: 你要跟學校的一些組織確認可以這樣幹 免得生事251F 04/29 16:57
sunnybeank: You deserve better252F 04/29 16:59
keepdown: over my dead body253F 04/29 16:59
joyeszhang: Welcome254F 04/29 17:00
s4357gty: Not happening bro255F 04/29 17:01
aasdqwe: welcom to dpp256F 04/29 17:02
Irelia56: hodor257F 04/29 17:03
wyytw: no door ,nothing258F 04/29 17:04
super60506: Always open259F 04/29 17:05
LemonUrsus: Door Please Pull260F 04/29 17:07
open123: welcome261F 04/29 17:07
m50205811: 這直接翻英文 老外應該一頭霧水XD262F 04/29 17:07
kikic: over my dead body263F 04/29 17:08
smellsun: No way264F 04/29 17:09
sunner717: we’re dpper265F 04/29 17:11
Daput: Gandalf:YOU! SHALL NOT! PASS!"266F 04/29 17:12
heaven3196: fxxk off267F 04/29 17:12
yolo2380: hell no268F 04/29 17:13
Daput: DPP:"YOU SHALL JOIN US!"269F 04/29 17:13
airflow: Only windows~270F 04/29 17:14
kuo0528: There is no door, welcome!271F 04/29 17:14
Daput: Darth Vader: "Together we can rule the Galaxy"272F 04/29 17:15
x8109199: dpp welcome XDDD273F 04/29 17:16
scott20144: that way274F 04/29 17:18
Daput: DPP: "Together we can rule the Taipei City!"275F 04/29 17:18
johnsonlin16: In your dreams276F 04/29 17:20
a0226958831: 這我知道welcome to DPP277F 04/29 17:22
matthewcheng: 應該是let me in278F 04/29 17:23
RLH: No entry279F 04/29 17:26
cpkjacky: door all no has280F 04/29 17:26
mlbjeter: where the fuxk door?281F 04/29 17:26
tn950811: No door thank you282F 04/29 17:27
mengpo: 有關係就Weocome,沒關係就no way283F 04/29 17:31
aids893001: welcome to my fon284F 04/29 17:33
johnko64665: Taiwan no.1285F 04/29 17:33
fago: show me the money286F 04/29 17:36
seina005: ㄇㄉㄈㄎ287F 04/29 17:36
tupacshkur: Not a chance; no fucking way; don’t even think a288F 04/29 17:37
tupacshkur: bout it
winnie538787: 認真回 Not even close290F 04/29 17:38
k1400: Welcome291F 04/29 17:38
bnm7845623: no suit292F 04/29 17:39
pomelozu: fuck yourself293F 04/29 17:40
gzliu: we care.294F 04/29 17:41
ProChristian: 認真回: not today295F 04/29 17:41
ksk0516: DPP sucks.296F 04/29 17:44
solay: over my dead body297F 04/29 17:45
cheng399: d p p298F 04/29 17:46
aether982: door has no299F 04/29 17:47
BBBroflovski: no door300F 04/29 17:47
execration: door all no have.301F 04/29 17:47
cash0221:  no door302F 04/29 17:48
a3165229: you should go to DPP303F 04/29 17:49
tim32142000: 英文說 請走別路304F 04/29 17:50
paxetin: Suck my dick305F 04/29 17:51
bohemian4: Man door may yo!306F 04/29 17:52
ihczfu: available307F 04/29 17:52
buwa56: man door mail308F 04/29 17:53
Calderon: my asshole is not open for you,not today309F 04/29 17:54
roach3140: go fish310F 04/29 17:55
triangle10: Welcome my home311F 04/29 17:55
inomanon: no doors312F 04/29 17:55
nonradio: Noway Jose313F 04/29 17:58
P5566: no door314F 04/29 18:00
kevin850717: DPP open up !!!315F 04/29 18:00
ericpotato: over my dead body316F 04/29 18:03
ezra1323: hell no317F 04/29 18:05
dreamfalls: there is no door318F 04/29 18:06
finalmoon: Door open, money in319F 04/29 18:07
c98406023: I don't have any320F 04/29 18:08
jillcc: you wish!321F 04/29 18:08
xiaomaimai: No su322F 04/29 18:09
c98406023: No shit323F 04/29 18:09
Sparks0917: Love is an Open Door324F 04/29 18:11
t594592002: don’t even think about it325F 04/29 18:11
azuel: Men do may yo!326F 04/29 18:11
freda12315: No su!327F 04/29 18:13
cannotsleep: Go fuck yourself !328F 04/29 18:15
pups003: not a change329F 04/29 18:19
julies0215: DPP door is ready330F 04/29 18:19
xiaohan: I have no  door331F 04/29 18:20
hondatoru: This way please332F 04/29 18:20
kevin620: 綠能333F 04/29 18:21
rocwild: you not DPP334F 04/29 18:22
hubertmax: 推132樓;don't you think about that335F 04/29 18:24
Feiht: We don’t even have a door336F 04/29 18:25
rubee: doors don’t.337F 04/29 18:26
AAsoon: aways open338F 04/29 18:27
AAsoon: always open*
BeYourBoy: I am your father340F 04/29 18:28
casper60314: u can suck my dick341F 04/29 18:29
lushoulian: 英文都太棒了。342F 04/29 18:35
herculus6502: no fucking way343F 04/29 18:35
lilinnnnnn: what is your color344F 04/29 18:36
a8866442: not a chance345F 04/29 18:39
raychant: We want you346F 04/29 18:40
TCG0227: Men do may yo347F 04/29 18:41
smin7073: welcome to dpp348F 04/29 18:47
osir: Come form window ,上帝關了你一道門,必會為你打開另一扇349F 04/29 18:48
osir: 窗。
piglooky: eat that sh*t yo MDFK351F 04/29 18:49
hoinoi: Come on in352F 04/29 18:53
suhaw: FUCK U353F 04/29 18:54
BroSin: Toilet in mainland China354F 04/29 18:55
SEVEnMonth: 大家都英文系的嗎355F 04/29 18:56
Garigari4649: douzo356F 04/29 18:59
yobabe: 中(支)國(那)人(豬)不吃這一套357F 04/29 19:02
kwun1982: don’t even think358F 04/29 19:04
chiralman: fuck off359F 04/29 19:06
pantakill: Welcome to DPP360F 04/29 19:06
sk6: Welcome to DPP361F 04/29 19:09
IB1SA: go fa yourself362F 04/29 19:10
jordom148: No door363F 04/29 19:11
aventy1840: Door all no364F 04/29 19:12
ithinking: you shall not pass!365F 04/29 19:19
joehigh: no gate...366F 04/29 19:25
gvvg5566: door all not367F 04/29 19:30
s1023: No door到底是啥,怎麼這麼多人推? 就No way而已368F 04/29 19:34
slygun:  Door Prepared Please369F 04/29 19:35
starfishfish: DDP IS BEST370F 04/29 19:40
watertree: 我爸姓柯371F 04/29 19:47
DraymondHuan: Norway372F 04/29 19:49
lavign: Norway373F 04/29 20:01
tanchuchan: welcome374F 04/29 20:04
dewi0929: no su375F 04/29 20:08
etiennechiu: 就 noway 簡單又符合沒門的意思376F 04/29 20:09
etiennechiu: 忘了空格 no way
Cireiat: ni windowsxp378F 04/29 20:16
arbteiff: Don't even think about that.吧?379F 04/29 20:18
remenik: china380F 04/29 20:26
dooshbag: We don’t have door381F 04/29 20:30
kurihashi: no fucking way382F 04/29 20:35
boomga78940: without door383F 04/29 20:39
hywhyw: no doors, welcome384F 04/29 20:41
isawaghost: door all no have385F 04/29 20:41
ginobili62: noway386F 04/29 20:46
isawaghost: open your assdoor387F 04/29 20:49
AT201010: men door may yo 選我正姐388F 04/29 20:53
tetsuro: Washroom of James Soong's mother389F 04/29 20:56
edwardtp: no door390F 04/29 21:06
joi98765: This is book391F 04/29 21:06
frioch: impossible392F 04/29 21:09
nono1852: 悶斗妹呦~393F 04/29 21:32
tengl: welcome394F 04/29 21:39
enkidu0830: no way395F 04/29 21:51
enkidu0830: impossible
Rwaaa: No su397F 04/29 21:53
wingchord: 門檻都沒有398F 04/29 21:56
Porara98763: come on399F 04/29 21:57
QVQ9487: Diu ne lao mo400F 04/29 22:03
sumaihui: 我想到noway401F 04/29 22:15
XDDDpupu5566: Yes way!402F 04/29 22:26
hahaha13: no way403F 04/29 23:01
jason613: Welcome Welcome Welcome404F 04/29 23:25
wayne0170: welcome405F 04/29 23:30
amber666: no su406F 04/29 23:43
tommyhlu: no frigging way407F 04/29 23:57
vking223: 挪威408F 04/30 00:11
david40143: no door409F 04/30 00:16
z2wen: dpp is your friend410F 04/30 00:24
JRSmith: not gonna fly411F 04/30 00:30
jqbb0319: kiss my ass :)412F 04/30 00:47
pase139: No door, no way.413F 04/30 00:53

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3062 
作者 usokami 的最新發文:
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2021-04-29 15:46:56 (台灣)
  04-29 15:46 TW
Not a chance
2樓 時間: 2021-04-29 16:03:44 (台灣)
  04-29 16:03 TW
Get out of our way!
3樓 時間: 2021-04-29 16:06:42 (台灣)
  04-29 16:06 TW
民進黨工出來面對啦!! Libral Chinaalldie zoohoods IndFundamen qoo2019 kevin1959 AKQJ10 yayaya2019 ayaya520 mickey13 a0987789369  freedomxi Uggyy 
4樓 時間: 2021-04-29 17:59:02 (台灣)
  04-29 17:59 TW
5樓 時間: 2021-04-29 19:58:36 (台灣)
  04-29 19:58 TW
There is no door.
Welcome to DPP.
6樓 時間: 2021-04-29 20:33:30 (台灣)
  04-29 20:33 TW
Not even has chance
7樓 時間: 2021-04-30 01:55:10 (台灣)
  04-30 01:55 TW
8樓 時間: 2021-05-01 00:49:48 (台灣)
  05-01 00:49 TW
not a chance
9樓 時間: 2021-05-01 01:17:50 (台灣)
  05-01 01:17 TW
10樓 時間: 2021-05-01 07:24:04 (台灣)
  05-01 07:24 TW
No fucking way
11樓 時間: 2021-05-01 07:38:34 (台灣)
  05-01 07:38 TW
Forget about it!
12樓 時間: 2021-05-01 11:23:44 (美國)
  05-01 11:23 US
Chinese toilets
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