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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-16 09:51:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 Miralles (fakeplastic)
標題 [問卦] 看好了世界……英文怎麼講?
時間 Sun May 16 00:16:14 2021




  Check it out! World! We Taiwanese will show you how we fuck ourselves!



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wd_FHWQ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621095377.A.81A.html
dagehoya5566: GFYS1F 05/16 00:16
whiteadam: Whatchulookinat2F 05/16 00:17
chocopoodle: look how we screwed it3F 05/16 00:17
ppptttqaz: Hello, world.4F 05/16 00:17
loverxa: look~ Tai one time5F 05/16 00:17
knml: 要怎樣的英文才能呈現中二感?XD6F 05/16 00:17
pavaro: FUCK YOU CHINA PIGS7F 05/16 00:17
grant790110: 見てろ世界、俺は一回だけやって見せる!  おおお8F 05/16 00:17
flicker36: it's a good watch9F 05/16 00:17
firebow: za warudo10F 05/16 00:17
BILLYTHEKID: behold11F 05/16 00:17
hankevin: Look, the rest of the world12F 05/16 00:19
ultradev: 去英文板問好了13F 05/16 00:19
dream516: Don't fuck me14F 05/16 00:19
dxdy: Hey! Look at those Tawanese idiots!15F 05/16 00:19
dxdy: *Taiwanese
sellgd: Behold, I got Fan-Yun virus.17F 05/16 00:19
deepdish: Don't believe me, just watch18F 05/16 00:19
deepdish: https://i.imgur.com/VIJJ6yV.jpg
scum5566: look at Taiwan,there was a woman politician20F 05/16 00:20
Taiwannapa1: i gonna fuck shit up22F 05/16 00:21
deep77092: Sehen Sie mich!Sehen Sie mich!23F 05/16 00:21
deep77092: Das Monstrum in meinem Selbst ist so groß geworden
sellgd: Siehe, wir haben den Fan-Yun-Virus.25F 05/16 00:24
blueright061: 這種丟臉的自嗨文字自己在國內講講就好,可以不要26F 05/16 00:24
blueright061: 傳到國際上丟臉嗎
sellgd: 見よ、私たちはファンユンウイルスに感染した。28F 05/16 00:24
sellgd: Voici, nous avons le virus Fan-Yun.
ArgusX: SOS HELP30F 05/16 00:25
sellgd: Mira, tenemos el virus Fan-Yun.31F 05/16 00:25
payeah: open your eyes32F 05/16 00:26
qk3380888: Show time33F 05/16 00:27
ivery2266: 阿滴 不要裝死,快出來玩34F 05/16 00:28
yabibear: 雖然沒學過德文 不過看過怪物之後真的看得懂德文的看看35F 05/16 00:29
orfan: watch out! 吧XD36F 05/16 00:29
kongsch: Attention37F 05/16 00:32
Amazonite96: hold my mask38F 05/16 00:34
Zoey1205: 看到hello world 笑噴...39F 05/16 00:34
batista5566: 世界膩 口口有泥40F 05/16 00:35
Jerry469: Yo bitch, look at me41F 05/16 00:35
abc22753939: see good word42F 05/16 00:36
christos1989: Za warudo43F 05/16 00:37
tmacfly: look good .  world44F 05/16 00:38
Evanaz: Hello world哈哈哈哈45F 05/16 00:40
Evanaz: 至於中二的話美國rap battle mc開場應該很多素材
jiajia1: ray du?47F 05/16 00:41
LincolnBoy: print("Hello World!")48F 05/16 00:42
hodj: Let me show you49F 05/16 00:43
aids893001: ほら~50F 05/16 00:47
kissung: I don’t care51F 05/16 00:51
liwang21320: 干一堆英文廢廢. behold會不會52F 05/16 00:51
Cireiat: COSTCO53F 05/16 00:53
appledevil: watch & learn54F 05/16 00:55
yashiro111: 雜瓦魯都~55F 05/16 00:57
jump693: Go screw yourself China assholes56F 05/16 00:59
chic123: watch me !  nae nae !57F 05/16 00:59
linch416: may show gun mo58F 05/16 01:09
yyvv: Jaw dropping59F 05/16 01:16
lonelysin: IKEA60F 05/16 01:18
q43128: hello,taiwan's government are fucking shit61F 05/16 01:20
eldar: hold my beer62F 05/16 01:31
ccjj8: watch and learn64F 05/16 02:07
kerberoSun: DPP show you what is shame on us65F 05/16 02:34
Yakei: dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb66F 05/16 02:59
flac: look! I will show you67F 05/16 06:31
uniqueufo: i'm the king68F 05/16 06:46
zxccxzewq3: hello, world69F 05/16 07:26
Lawlight: Watch and learn!70F 05/16 08:11

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