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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-09-18 15:42:55
看板 HatePolitics
作者 zoosleep (王者)
標題 [轉錄] 陳為廷 沒有從來的可能
時間 Wed Sep 18 14:52:13 2019

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人、受傷又不敢求醫的人,甚示被迫自殺的人,他的犧牲微不足道。在超過 1400 個被捕
的人當中,年紀最細的只有 12 歲,我不認識他們,但他們的痛就是我的痛,他表示參與



Joshua Wong’s Testimony
Congressional-Executive Commission on China
Hearing: “Hong Kong’s Summer of Discontent and U.S. Policy Responses”
September 17, 2019

Good morning Chairman McGovern, Co-Chairman Rubio, and members of this Commiss

It’s an honor to be invited back to Capitol Hill to speak about developments
in Hong Kong. You may recall that I last traveled to Washington more than two
years ago and testified before this commission, in this same building, on May
3, 2017.

At the time, I warned about the probable disqualification of my friend Nathan
Law, who had been Asia’s youngest democratically-elected legislator and who i
s in the audience this morning. I also warned about massive political prosecut
ion. Unfortunately, both became realities: Nathan lost his seat that July, and
 we were both imprisoned in August for our roles in the Umbrella Movement. Fur
ther legal troublers in relation to the 2014 protests prevented me from travel
ing abroad.

While I said then that Hong Kong’s “One Country, Two Systems” was becoming
“One Country, One-and-a-Half Systems,” I don’t think there is any doubt amo
ng observers who have followed recent events that, today, we are getting dange
rously close to “One Country, One System.” The present state of affairs reve
als Beijing’s utter inability to understand, let alone govern, a free society

As you may know, the ongoing demonstrations began on June 9 when one million H
ong Kongers took to the streets in protest of proposed legislation that would
’ve allowed criminal suspects to be extradited from Hong Kong to China, where
 there are no guarantees of the rule of law. Still, before the night had even
ended, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced the bill’s reading would resume i
n three days. Hong Kongers were bracing for their last fight on June 12.

And then the unthinkable happened: Knowing that Beijing controlled enough vote
s in the Legislative Council, protesters surrounded the complex early in the m
orning, successfully preventing lawmakers from convening. I was then serving m
y third jail sentence. For a moment I wondered why the news channel was replay
ing footage of the Umbrella Movement, but it was not long before I realized Ho
ng Kongers were back. Lam suspended the bill on June 15, but fell short of ful
ly withdrawing it. A historic two million people demonstrated the following da
y, equivalent to one in four out of our entire population. I’m not aware of a
nything comparable to this level of discontent against a government in modern

I was released exactly three months ago, on June 17, and have since joined fel
low Hong Kongers to protest in the most creative ways possible. Our demands we
re clear. In addition to the bill’s withdrawal, we called for Lam to retract
the characterization of us as “rioters,” to drop all political charges, to e
stablish an independent investigation into police brutality, and, at least bri
efly, to resign. Some of us crowdfunded for newspaper advertisements ahead of
the G-20 summit in late June calling for the world not to neglect us. Others b
roke into and occupied the Legislative Council complex on July 1, the same day
 another 550,000 Hong Kongers protested peacefully.

Crowds continued to show up in large numbers every weekend, with smaller ralli
es taking place almost daily across the territory. But the government would no
t listen. Instead of defusing the political crisis, it dramatically empowered
the police. The movement reached a turning point on July 21. That night, thugs
 with suspected ties to organized crime gathered in the Yuen Long train statio
n and indiscriminately attacked not just protesters returning home, reporters
on the scene, but even passersby. The police refused to show up despite repeat
ed emergency calls, plunging Hong Kong into a state of anarchy and mob violenc

On August 5 alone, the day Hong Kongers organized the largest general strike,
the police shot 800 canisters of tear gas to disperse crowds. Compare that to
only 87 fired in the Umbrella Movement, and the police’s excessive force toda
y is clear. Their increasingly liberal use of pepper spray, pepper balls, rubb
er bullets, sponge bullets, bean bag rounds, and water cannons — almost all o
f which are imported from Western democracies — are troubling. In light of th
is, I applaud Chairman McGovern for introducing the PROTECT Hong Kong Act last
 week in the House of Representatives. American companies mustn’t profit from
 the violent crackdown of freedom-loving Hong Kongers.

Co-Chairman Rubio is also right for recently writing that “Hong Kong’s speci
al status,” under American law, “depends on the city being treated as a sepa
rate customs area, on open international financial connections, and on the Hon
g Kong dollar’s peg to the U.S. dollar.” Beijing can't have it both ways, re
aping all the economic benefits of Hong Kong’s standing in the world while er
adicating our sociopolitical identity. This is the single most important reaso
n why the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act enjoys the broad support of
 Hong Kong’s civil society, a point which I want every member of Congress to
take note.

Lam finally withdrew the bill early this month, but just as protesters have lo
ng stopped calling for her resignation, this move was almost meaningless by no
w. The movement is far from over, because it has long moved beyond one bill or
 one person. Our fifth and most important demand is genuine structural change
in Hong Kong.

As I speak, Hong Kong is standing at a critical juncture. The stakes have neve
r been higher. As authorities have all but stopped issuing permits known as “
letters of no objection,” virtually every demonstration is an “illegal assem
bly.” Moreover, we are confronted by the huge Chinese military buildup just a
cross the border in Shenzhen. President Xi Jinping is unlikely to take bold ac
tion before the upcoming 70th anniversary of the P.R.C.’s founding in October
, but no one can be sure what’s next. Sending in the tanks remains irrational
, but not impossible. Chinese interference in Macau, Taiwan, Tibet, and especi
ally Xinjiang, serves as a reminder that Beijing is prepared to go far in purs
uit of its grand imperial project.

I used to be the face of Hong Kong’s youth activism. But in the present leade
rless movement, my sacrifices are minimal, compared to those among us who have
 been laid off for protesting, who have been injured but too afraid of even go
ing to a hospital, or who have been forced to take their own lives. Two indivi
duals each lost an eye. The youngest boy to be arrested is only 12 years old.
I don’t know them, but their pain is my pain, because we all belong to the sa
me imagined community, struggling for self-determination so we can build one b
righter common future.

A baby born today will not even have celebrated his 28th birthday by July 1, 2
047, when Hong Kong’s policy of “50-year no change” is set to expire. That
deadline is closer to us than it appears; there’s no turning back. Decades fr
om now, when historians look back, I’m sure that 2019, much more so than 2014
, will turn out to have been a watershed. I hope, too, that historians will ce
lebrate the United States Congress for standing on the side of Hong Kongers.


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1TWTGVox (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1568789535.A.CBB.html
onlygoog: 摸奶滾1F 台灣 09/18 14:53
dxoxb: 香港人現在沒利用價值 先滾一邊 要鬧等明年2F 台灣 09/18 14:53
dxoxb: 一月再出來鬧
deann: 曾經摸奶的代表?4F 台灣 09/18 14:54
LensofTruth: 韩粪 气气气气气5F 台灣 09/18 14:55
koei888: 奶6F 台灣 09/18 14:55
jordanlove: 奶7F 台灣 09/18 14:56
pppan: 重來8F 台灣 09/18 14:56
YOTO0282: 中共放手讓港人治港 港人亂港還不行嗎?9F 台灣 09/18 14:56
ilovebooks91: 重啦幹10F 台灣 09/18 14:57
yyan1218: 摸起來11F 台灣 09/18 14:57
YOTO0282: 那個國家像中共如此放任港人自己暴亂的12F 台灣 09/18 14:57
YOTO0282: 唉......給港人亂港的自由也不行嗎?
preisner: 那你有沒有摸奶的可能?14F 台灣 09/18 15:00
andrejiao: 百萬廷粉摸起來15F 台灣 09/18 15:06
jason751231: 016F 台灣 09/18 15:07
server: 奶17F 台灣 09/18 15:13
eternia0920: 是"重"吧?18F 台灣 09/18 15:37
jimlexus: 舔19F 台灣 09/18 15:39

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