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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-01 23:42:05
看板 HatePolitics
作者 wetteland ( )
標題 [討論] 蕭美琴見龐皮歐
時間 Thu Apr  1 22:41:53 2021

Mike Pompeo
Great to see Taiwan Rep. @bikhim yesterday. As Secretary of State, I worked to support Taiwan — a fellow democracy — in the face of unrelenting pressure. The U.S. shares with Taiwan the core values of freedom, democracy, and a free market economy.
Mike Pompeo的推特:

Great to see Taiwan Rep. @bikhim yesterday. As Secretary of State,
I worked to support Taiwan — a fellow democracy —
in the face of unrelenting pressure.
The U.S. shares with Taiwan the core values of freedom, democracy,
and a free market economy.

Bi-khim Hsiao 蕭美琴
I was honored to meet Secretary @mikepompeo.  Taiwan is grateful for his friendship and support. We look forward to continuing discussions on the longstanding friendship and partnership between Taiwan and the United States.   Pineapple cakes served.https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/status/1377622099460767745 …
Great to see Taiwan Rep. @bikhim yesterday. As Secretary of State, I worked to support Taiwan — a fellow democracy — in the face of unrelenting pressure. The U.S. shares with Taiwan the core values of freedom, democracy, and a free market economy.
I was honored to meet Secretary
.  Taiwan is grateful for his friendship and support.
We look forward to continuing discussions on the
longstanding friendship and partnership between
Taiwan and the United States.   Pineapple cakes served.


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CenaWang: 4%繼續跳針沒建交啦1F 04/01 22:42
boogieman: 熱烈歡迎2F 04/01 22:44
jeanvanjohn: 我想買票去聽他演講耶!!!!3F 04/01 22:45
slimak: 邀請函ㄋ4F 04/01 22:46
chudly: 讚5F 04/01 22:48
tigertiger: 記者又來這邊當網軍?6F 04/01 22:48
a15661263: 見龐皮歐而不是布林肯 其實也蠻妙的7F 04/01 22:48
starport: 五毛悲憤痛心:搞小花招注定死路一條8F 04/01 22:49
boogieman: 你可以先聽這個過癮一下9F 04/01 22:50
boogieman: https://youtu.be/iSOZ7neABRI
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日前民進黨發動甲動,在爭議中強制通過仍有爭議的一例一休《勞動基準法》修正草案初審,民進黨立委林淑芬因... ...

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tigertiger: 請問這是你嗎?13F 04/01 22:51
lanx105: 蛤啊14F 04/01 22:53
qwqw0424: 4%邀請韓粉趕快來叫15F 04/01 22:54
elainakuo: 期待16F 04/01 22:57
gogoto990: 看好蕭的未來~17F 04/01 22:57
gogoto990: 還有謝佩芬
bruce2248: 布林肯那種怕中共森77的最好敢接見19F 04/01 22:59
goldenfire: 布林肯通過電話了 但大概沒空見20F 04/01 23:01
boogieman: 很簡單龐佩奧可能要未來的美國總統 但是布林肯沒那種21F 04/01 23:02
boogieman: 總統格
CenaWang: 切香腸啊 先見龐 未來見布 中國肯定氣死XD23F 04/01 23:02
akway: 布林肯最近一直找盟邦抬槓 在國外時間都快比國內多24F 04/01 23:02
tso2054852: 感謝後山的花蓮人,沒有綁住蕭美琴^^25F 04/01 23:05
cake10414: 前美國爸爸26F 04/01 23:07
demodemo: 喔喔喔27F 04/01 23:10
icrose: 不怕得罪拜登麼28F 04/01 23:12
joycepinky: 小心被小英奸商集團帶賽噗29F 04/01 23:15
joycepinky: 小英女孩綠共民運女神之一.....
boogieman: 拜登政府現在只能朝著川普龐佩奧訂好的戰略方向加強力31F 04/01 23:19
boogieman: 道對中國啦 看看上周五美國股市的中概股大屠殺 那些華
boogieman: 爾街舔中的貝萊德高盛大摩帶頭猛倒中概股 別再幻想拜
boogieman: 登政府會不同於川普啦
joycepinky: 還好花蓮人民風純樸善良一直有主靈護佑XD這麼多年才沒35F 04/01 23:21
joycepinky: 被邪靈入侵...感謝上帝
boogieman: joycepinky不要丟人現眼了 花蓮被傅崑琪夫妻佔據為王37F 04/01 23:24
boogieman: 還叫有上帝保護喔 妳也太韭菜了吧?

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