※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-05-26 16:36:09
看板 HatePolitics
作者 caeasonfb (eason)
標題 [新聞] 彭博社:拜登承諾台灣的是類烏克蘭軍援
時間 Thu May 26 15:58:30 2022


Bloomberg 彭博社

Biden’s Latest Taiwan Gaffe Stokes Tensions With Beijing
# President says US would defend island militarily if attacked
# White House says Biden only promised Ukraine-like weapons aid

# 拜登表示若台灣遭攻擊美國將會軍事協防;
# 但白宮澄清拜登只承諾提供類烏克蘭模式軍援。

President Joe Biden is seeking to show US resolve against China, yet an
ill-timed gaffe on Taiwan risks undermining his bid to curb Beijing’s
growing influence over the region.

Whether intentional or not, Biden provoked China with a vow to defend Taiwan
militarily. After saying that US policy on Taiwan “had not changed at all”
 during a news conference in Tokyo, he then answered “yes” when asked if
the US would act “militarily” to defend the island in the event of a
Chinese attack.
“It’s a commitment we made,” Biden added.

White House officials later walked back the remark, saying the president was
only promising US aid to help Taiwan defend itself in the event of
hostilities. That would be akin to what the US is doing in Ukraine, where
Biden has vowed not to send troops.

“The policy has not changed at all, and I stated that when I made my
statement,” Biden said Tuesday when pressed by reporters to clarify the US

The president’s remark nonetheless roiled Biden’s first trip to Asia since
taking office and upstaged his roll-out of a new strategic framework for the
region. It also cast new light on Washington’s decades-old approach of “
strategic ambiguity” about whether US forces would defend Taiwan against
China, while also adopting a “One China” policy under which Taiwan isn’t
recognized as an independent country.

It’s a complicated policy, criticized both by Beijing and some US lawmakers,
that has tripped up Biden and some of his predecessors in the past. Biden has
made similar missteps on Taiwan at least twice as president, but in making
the remark so close to Chinese territory and in the context of the Ukraine
war, the impact was amplified.

Although the latest episode is unlikely to fundamentally alter the US-China
relationship, it highlights the current tension around Taiwan at a time when
Chinese officials have expressed concern about American efforts to box in
their country. And Biden’s remark also opened him to criticism by domestic
political opponents who have sought to portray the president, 79, as infirm
and unfit for the job.

Seeking ‘Clarity’
Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, said that Biden’s comments
represented a shift toward “strategic clarity” on Taiwan and that the
president should outline a clear US commitment to defend the island “in
clear, deliberate remarks from a prepared text.”

“Otherwise, the continued ambiguity and uncertainty will likely provoke the
Chinese communists without deterring them — the worst of both worlds,” he

Indeed, one Chinese official suggested that Biden’s comment may have been
deliberate, aimed at testing Beijing’s response to a policy change. The
official, who asked not to be identified describing internal Chinese
government discussions, portrayed such a potential US approach as dangerous.

China’s leaders have closely watched the Ukraine crisis unfold, taking note
of Russia’s political and economic isolation as well as the massive
international support for Kyiv as they consider their posture toward Taiwan.

And Biden spoke in Tokyo, the capital of a major Chinese rival, on a trip to
strengthen the US alliance with new, Washington-friendly leaders of Japan and
South Korea, two countries already unfriendly toward Beijing.

Biden’s previous comments about US support for Taiwan happened during
domestic television interviews.

“The level of concern in Beijing about US policy toward Taiwan is already
very high, and this episode will further heighten that concern, especially
since it was said in Tokyo,” said Bonnie Glaser, Asia program director at
the German Marshall Fund of the US.

While Biden’s intent may have been to deter a Chinese attack on Taiwan, “
his messaging is confusing and may undermine deterrence,” Glaser added. The
US’s policy of “strategic ambiguity” on Taiwan, which Biden has repeatedly
backed during his five-decade Washington career, is intended to minimize the
risk of a direct military confrontation with China.

White House officials said after Biden’s news conference that the president
stands behind the “One China” policy and its commitment under the Taiwan
Relations Act to provide the island with the military means to defend itself.
Officials said that by answering “yes” when asked if the US would defend
Taiwan, the president meant the US would supply military equipment to the
island, not send troops.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin nonetheless denounced Biden’s
comments on Monday and said the US should refrain from sending the wrong
message on Taiwan, “to avoid causing grave damage to bilateral relations.”

Although Biden may have sought to evoke a Ukraine-like effort to keep Taipei
supplied in the event of an invasion, the island would present an entirely
different strategic challenge. It doesn’t share a land border with American
allies, as does Ukraine, meaning China could more easily blockade its ports
and airports to prevent resupply.

Biden’s comments set off a now-familiar cycle for White House aides, who
have become accustomed to cleaning up the president’s remarks on world hot
spots. After Biden declared in Poland that Russian President Vladimir Putin “
cannot remain in power,” his advisers insisted the president wasn’t
advocating regime change.

And Biden told reporters that lawyers at the State Department might feel
differently after he labeled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a “genocide.”

Biden previously said the US would come to Taiwan’s defense during an ABC
News interview in August and in a CNN town hall in October. The US abandoned
its post-Chinese civil war position that it would defend Taiwan in the late
1970s when it normalized relations with Beijing.

Biden, who as a senator chaired the Foreign Relations Committee for about
four years, has on other occasions used language that appeared to alter US
policy on Taiwan, including by describing the island last year as “

Trump, Bush
Several of Biden’s predecessors had similar trouble with Taiwan.

President Donald Trump made a congratulatory phone call to Taiwan’s
president, Tsai Ing-wen, in December 2016 after her election -- the first
time a US president or president-elect had spoken directly to Taiwan’s
leader since 1979. And Trump publicly mused before taking office about
abandoning the “One China” policy, only to restate the US position in
February 2017.

President George W. Bush agreed with an ABC News interviewer that the US had
an obligation to defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack and said that
the US would provide “whatever it took to help Taiwan defend herself.”

No matter the clean-up by White House officials, China has always assumed US
involvement in any conflict with Taiwan, said Ryan Hass, the Cecilia Yen Koo
Chair in Taiwan Studies at the Brookings Institution.

“Beijing always has had to base its military plans in the Taiwan Strait on
an assumption of US military intervention, Hass said. “It would represent
strategic malpractice for Beijing to assume anything otherwise.”

The Chinese Embassy in Washington declined to elaborate on the foreign
ministry’s comments. The White House didn’t respond to a request for
additional comments.

“The US will suffer the consequences and the American people may rebel if
the US president wants to send American soldiers to fight in Taiwan,” said
former Chinese diplomat Gao Zhikai.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said last week that Biden may
speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping in coming weeks, and Xi may decide to
wait until that conversation before reaching judgments about the US policy
direction toward Taiwan, Hass said.


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CavendishJr: 笑死還真的可以翻成“類”XD1F 05/26 15:59
Page7: 那台灣就是戰場2F 05/26 15:59
gh34163: 給武器就夠了,柯韓昌粉都直接下跪投降3F 05/26 16:00
t340081231: 本來老美就是想把台灣當成幹掉中共的棋子而已 用一個4F 05/26 16:00
t340081231: 台灣換掉中國 你各位就是被犧牲的韭菜
t340081231: 就像現在美國用烏克蘭去換掉俄羅斯 這麼好的買賣誰不
t340081231: 做
bigchun: 樓上講的好像是美國要來打台灣一樣8F 05/26 16:02
SAGR666: 對啊,美國就是要幹掉中共傻了才站在中共那一邊一起死9F 05/26 16:02
iamdota: 解放軍過來本來就是打阿,不然你要像烏克蘭平民一樣10F 05/26 16:02
boogieman: 真的戰場上不會看到美國大兵11F 05/26 16:02
boogieman: 但是無人機是誰在哪裡操作就不知道了
iamdota: 手牽手排隊一起被槍斃嗎13F 05/26 16:02
bigchun: 想侵略的一直都是可惡的中國人14F 05/26 16:02
iamdota: 不反抗就是女的被姦男的被殺,看完烏克蘭,還有沒有人要15F 05/26 16:03
iamdota: 說解放軍不會啦
warchiefdodo: 就是叫台灣人跟烏克蘭人一樣絞肉阿17F 05/26 16:03
SAGR666: 帶風向的也聰明一點,中共跟美國選一個當敵人誰選美國啊18F 05/26 16:03
mk720105: F-35跟神盾報價吧!不然台灣怎麼自我防衛19F 05/26 16:03
SiaSi: 看看布查,不管是否老美只提供武器,我們要做的還是一樣,20F 05/26 16:04
SiaSi: 就是拿起槍保衛國家
goetze: 情況我覺得難以類比22F 05/26 16:04
jorden: like  類23F 05/26 16:04
iamdota: 解放軍比較有良心?強姦前會先問你是不是投國民黨的?24F 05/26 16:05
gn02118620: 我聽過一種說法是俄羅斯打烏克蘭美國的反應會增加中25F 05/26 16:05
gn02118620: 國武統台灣的決心
gn02118620: 因為台灣是孤島 週邊國家物資人力不易援助台灣
apple123773: 總比親中被美國打光光好 讀歷史點好不好 美國大轟炸28F 05/26 16:06
iamdota: 台灣是孤島,上來之後就是關門打狗啊29F 05/26 16:06
gn02118620: 如果中國打台灣美國只會類烏克蘭軍援的話那後果其實非30F 05/26 16:06
gn02118620: 常嚴重
akway: 無限軍援金手指嗎?32F 05/26 16:06
yinaser: 不會中國現階段沒興趣武統他們準備還不夠33F 05/26 16:06
wonder007: 看吧 就說台灣不會是下個烏克蘭 4%柯韓糞崩潰34F 05/26 16:07
apple123773: 中國還可以有新竹那個雷達先準備東西 美國打怎麼準備35F 05/26 16:07
labell: 意思會出座標36F 05/26 16:07
labell: 俄國打滿爛的
letmesee3085: 幹,失智38F 05/26 16:07
apple123773: 兩害相權取其輕 美國更可怕捏...39F 05/26 16:07
gn02118620: 問題是2030 2040呢 或是2050呢40F 05/26 16:07
jorden: 那到時候或許會有"租借法案"41F 05/26 16:08
SAGR666: 俄爹跟黃俄孝子沒兩樣,入侵後八九不離十幹會一樣的壞事42F 05/26 16:08
yinaser: 不過只要有他們必須出兵情況就是死嗑到底43F 05/26 16:08
labell: 台積早日測出中國44F 05/26 16:08
gn02118620: 我自己是對台灣未來抱持悲觀態度45F 05/26 16:08
apple123773: 中國就那個運輸兵力量根本不夠....偏偏現在又沒錢46F 05/26 16:08
jorden: "租借法案"就沒扯到軍購  中國根本沒皮條大聲47F 05/26 16:08
arceus: 現在已經證明了親美沒屁用 你要恢復兩年兵讓美國看到決心48F 05/26 16:08
labell: 因為有加速器49F 05/26 16:08
fuhaho: 習近平可以放心過來了吧 誰去通知他一下50F 05/26 16:08
apple123773: 親中不是更慘...51F 05/26 16:09
labell: 台積廠禁止中國擴張52F 05/26 16:09
arceus: 才會有用 不然不如選個試圖緩和兩岸緊張的政黨53F 05/26 16:09
apple123773: 你看烏東那群人 被拿去送死 超慘54F 05/26 16:09
SAGR666: 親美沒屁用這跟神邏輯是代表親中後不會被美帝揍是吧55F 05/26 16:09
skylove21: 不親美親中更吃屎好嗎56F 05/26 16:10
solsol: 台灣演乞丐應該沒烏總統厲害57F 05/26 16:10
iamdota: 欸幹,聽說烏東超過百萬人被強迫遷徙到俄羅斯了,真暖58F 05/26 16:10
skylove21: 不過早有傳聞拜登想收回對中的經濟制裁 真的母湯59F 05/26 16:10
a810086: 塔綠班們擅長打游擊,上好刺刀不怕不怕60F 05/26 16:12
chasher: 你們要自立自強啊61F 05/26 16:12
apple123773: 民主黨不意外阿 但美國是智庫治國 政策延續還是可以62F 05/26 16:12
cool10528: 給你拜登式祈禱就不錯了嘴啥63F 05/26 16:12
apple123773: 尤其總加速師太厲害...美國也不希望硬著陸 中國崩潰64F 05/26 16:13
SAGR666: 我就問老共打來老美給你武器,老美打來你要老共給什麼東西65F 05/26 16:13
apple123773: 台灣也很怕中國 封城搞得太威猛了~~66F 05/26 16:13
a810086: 塔綠班很願意跟烏東民兵一樣打巷戰絞肉的,我相信他們都67F 05/26 16:14
a810086: 有必死決心,每個都有當兵,而且一定不是替代役
ballby: 烏克蘭有鋼鐵廠 台灣有北車地下街69F 05/26 16:16
apple123773: ...大哥...台灣應該要先打海戰巴 怎麼直接跳到巷戰70F 05/26 16:16
arceus: 這你要去跟美國講吧 不加強支援台灣到時被中國收回71F 05/26 16:17
arceus: 變成美國敵人沒比較好 去問美國在想什麼
SuckCopy: 親俄的烏東也是被老俄抓到烏南打馬利波損失4成73F 05/26 16:18
geordie: 欸,不是,要台灣自己守的話幹嘛砍掉預警機的軍售?74F 05/26 16:18
arceus: 我們對美軍駐軍的門一直是敞開歡迎的 是美國自己不要的75F 05/26 16:18
iamdota: 預算排擠啊,預警機美日會出的意思76F 05/26 16:18
yinaser: 美國態度就是不要有機會演變成核戰所以不會親自下場77F 05/26 16:18
PaulAllen2: 習包子在2025年之前要打台灣的機率很低吧78F 05/26 16:19
apple123773: 就不對稱戰力 兩派在爭鬥 軍火商也開始不爽阿XDD79F 05/26 16:19
iamdota: 美國又不是不給你買,是指導你買什麼比較能扛80F 05/26 16:19
yinaser: 但會有最大程度支援看你要甚麼就有甚麼最大程度削弱中國81F 05/26 16:20
hank81177: 話都說這麼白了,還要繼續當美國的看門狗?82F 05/26 16:21
jorden: 對台灣有用的就飛彈阿 有台灣海峽天險 你要登陸就飛彈打83F 05/26 16:21
yinaser: 削弱最有效就是戰場絞肉不然點掉幾個船團過沒幾年就回血84F 05/26 16:22
kkithh: 問題就中國打來美國不出兵,我們守不住阿85F 05/26 16:22
bkebke: 烏克蘭模式 開圖+無限補給 其實就很難輸了86F 05/26 16:22
geordie: 還是得當啊,你以為台灣有選擇嗎?當日本的看門狗也可以87F 05/26 16:22
geordie: 啦
jambo0204: 這下標100分89F 05/26 16:23
nalthax: 烏克蘭最主要軍事支援國就是美國耶,真的有人以為鵝軍像90F 05/26 16:23
nalthax: 普丁講的贏那麼多喔?
kkithh: 中國美國那個好有差,又沒得選92F 05/26 16:23
geordie: 有人小看台灣的黑水溝喔?93F 05/26 16:23
curlymonkey: 不派兵 就投降!!!94F 05/26 16:23
sted0101: 死台灣人95F 05/26 16:23
geordie: 投降只能跳海啦,你以為有得逃喔?96F 05/26 16:24
node1: 烏東已經打了好多年了,烏克蘭有打仗經驗,北約也一直在訓97F 05/26 16:24
node1: 練烏克蘭士兵,而且烏克蘭比較窮,光腳不怕穿鞋的。臺灣和
geordie: 再説大佛還在的好嗎,又沒退神99F 05/26 16:25
node1: 平悠閑慣了,能接受戰爭嗎100F 05/26 16:25
yukn732: 美軍不出兵我們就守不住?101F 05/26 16:26
yukn732: 看看俄烏戰爭再想想
thindust: 類似的模式 多一點美語老師103F 05/26 16:26
kkithh: 台灣是海島,怎麽補給?烏克蘭模式怎麽套用?104F 05/26 16:26
geordie: 中國的韭菜也接受不了戰爭啊105F 05/26 16:26
goetze: 補給很難上岸~這是重點106F 05/26 16:26
iamdota: 台灣是海島,對面過來也是要過海啊107F 05/26 16:27
a96932000: 中共打台灣是因為台灣不是中共的,中共想吃掉;那美國108F 05/26 16:27
a96932000: 打已經是中共的台灣用意是什麼?跟中美全面開戰?
iamdota: 對面的補給也很難,撤退更難110F 05/26 16:27
iamdota: 敢上來就要做好整團被吃掉的準備
jmt1259: 不一樣啦,拜登有講明美國不會派兵協助烏克蘭112F 05/26 16:27
s81048112: 投降派不想守 還想叫人幫阿113F 05/26 16:28
iamdota: 金門登陸戰就沒有活著回去的,不要講得只有守方很難114F 05/26 16:28
night957: 就是死我們的人拖住對岸弱化它達成美帝的利益,然後美帝115F 05/26 16:28
night957: 聯盟再來滿嘴仁義道德 仁義至盡的軍援

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1樓 時間: 2022-05-27 09:40:46 (台灣)
  05-27 09:40 TW
台灣打美國的唯一條件 就是台灣變中國
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