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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-03 20:53:10
看板 Gossiping
作者 chester71 (chester)
標題 [問卦] 有沒有女生口頭禪的八卦?
時間 Fri Feb  3 18:19:00 2012

Shit Girls Say - Episode 1(中文字幕) http://youtu.be/c4lOjTMG_0o
女生的口頭禪 - 第一集 (中文字幕) - YouTube
I don't own the rights to the source video. All credit goes to the original authors. Writers & Creators of the source video: Kyle Humphrey & Graydon Sheppard...


Shit Girls Say - Episode 2           http://youtu.be/kbovd-e-hRg
Shit Girls Say - Episode 2 - YouTube
Episode 2 Writers & Creators: Kyle Humphrey & Graydon Sheppard http://twitter.com/shitgirlssay Director: Graydon Sheppard Executive Producer: Jacinte Faria P...


Shit Girls Say - Episode 3           http://youtu.be/bDHUhT71JN8
Shit Girls Say - Episode 3 - YouTube
Episode 3 Featuring Juliette Lewis Writers & Creators: Kyle Humphrey & Graydon Sheppard http://twitter.com/shitgirlssay Director: Graydon Sheppard Executive ...


太有趣了 XDDDD



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
gracy100:還好啦~  幹嘛匠樣1F 02/03 18:21
a444498:真的假的~~~2F 02/03 18:21
gracy100:超~~鮮地3F 02/03 18:21
wpd:  屁la4F 02/03 18:21
gracy100:你少扯了~  很嘔心耶5F 02/03 18:22
kf222770:吼~~~你很賤耶6F 02/03 18:22
gracy100:傻眼耶!!7F 02/03 18:22
chaung:那個白人好帥喔(羞~~~)9F 02/03 18:23
gracy100:喵地各咧10F 02/03 18:23
gracy100:通常言語會加"動作"如發財貓的招牌手勢 與彈鋼琴手勢
yonbun:矮油12F 02/03 18:25
gracy100:我跟你講~~真的不誇張~~13F 02/03 18:25
linhsiuwei:欸額14F 02/03 18:25
typekid: 真~~~~~的~~~~~~~~~15F 02/03 18:26
KANEWAY:Shit Asian Dads Say這部超經典的16F 02/03 18:26
gracy100:超~瞎地17F 02/03 18:27
evadx:未看先猜  youtube男扮女裝18F 02/03 18:27
Barry911:放進來................19F 02/03 18:29
ldstar:啊~~~啊~~~不行了20F 02/03 18:32
MAGICMCGRADY:妳好壞喔21F 02/03 18:36
storyboy520:並不是 並沒有 病奄奄!23F 02/03 18:40
linhsiuwei:嘖~嘖24F 02/03 18:40
storyboy520:笨...笨蛋! 我...我才...我才沒有喜歡你!25F 02/03 18:40
ufoon:      公  偶收到兵單了26F 02/03 19:52
noil:Shit Asian Girls Say 挺中肯的 這系列都超好笑27F 02/03 20:12

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