※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-05 15:22:19
看板 joke
作者 標題 [趣事] 找三個單字,它們將在今年降臨在你身上
時間 Tue Jan 1 15:25:10 2013
the first three words you find will come to you in the next year
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ e1q3z9c7:轉錄至看板 Mind 01/01 15:25
→ :intelligence love popularity 啥壓...1F 01/01 15:29
推 :friends money love2F 01/01 15:30
→ :success youth beauty 所以勒 串起來會是啥3F 01/01 15:39
推 :love success power4F 01/01 15:39
推 :love win power 是有桃花還是我英文太差 XDDD5F 01/01 15:43
推 :看不出來是不是單字.....6F 01/01 15:52
推 :PTT love money7F 01/01 15:55
→ :每年年初都有這張圖8F 01/01 15:57
推 :win freedom power9F 01/01 16:09
→ :所以有人被那3個單字降臨了嗎?10F 01/01 16:15
推 :beauty money power....??11F 01/01 16:16
→ :gao fu shuai12F 01/01 16:22
推 :time intelligence power13F 01/01 16:23
推 :money success health14F 01/01 16:30
推 :love money up15F 01/01 16:30
推 :BEAUTY TIME SHARP16F 01/01 16:31
推 :youth health love17F 01/01 16:31
→ :有人高富帥是怎樣XDDD18F 01/01 16:31
推 :LOVE YA FUN19F 01/01 16:33
推 :happiness tell(?) freedom20F 01/01 16:34
→ :ptt win Pneumonoultraimicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosi21F 01/01 16:36
推 :health freedom intel22F 01/01 16:37
推 :幹 我找到SDH23F 01/01 16:39
推 :我英文很差Q_Q"24F 01/01 16:39
→ :success beauty honest 好啦 缺第一.二個25F 01/01 16:41
推 :love happiness lust 這啥啦XDD26F 01/01 16:41
推 :LOVE WIN WHY = =27F 01/01 16:41
推 :money experience humour...28F 01/01 16:42
推 :Money power love我要出運啦29F 01/01 16:45
推 :freedom win tell ... 啥啊 = =30F 01/01 16:47
推 :success friends pine = =31F 01/01 16:47
→ :好吧pine可以當渴望或松樹(菸
→ :好吧pine可以當渴望或松樹(菸
推 :intelegence money health33F 01/01 16:49
推 :beauty time go34F 01/01 16:49
→ :love freedom beauty35F 01/01 16:50
推 :friend win money36F 01/01 16:51
推 :love honest popularity37F 01/01 16:52
推 :釹雅各雷射啊XD39F 01/01 16:57
推 :power intelligence money40F 01/01 16:57
推 :friends honesty success41F 01/01 16:58
推 :nest popularity monty42F 01/01 16:58
推 :tell experience money43F 01/01 16:59
推 :Youth, happiness, popularity......讚啦。44F 01/01 17:00
推 :POWER HEALTH LUST...45F 01/01 17:03
推 :time honesty friend46F 01/01 17:03
推 :love power win47F 01/01 17:05
→ :success honest power48F 01/01 17:05
推 :Happy Experience Money49F 01/01 17:05
推 :experience humour youth50F 01/01 17:06
推 :love health popular51F 01/01 17:08
推 :I WIN MONEY= =?52F 01/01 17:08
推 :end tell time 這蝦餃??53F 01/01 17:08
推 :UP MONEY HAPPINESS54F 01/01 17:10
推 :Love Tell Win @o@?55F 01/01 17:10
推 :love run honest56F 01/01 17:11
→ :Ma the bumbler57F 01/01 17:14
推 :LOVE WIN EXPERIENCE58F 01/01 17:14
推 :CQC59F 01/01 17:14
推 :power success honesty60F 01/01 17:15
推 :fun health humour61F 01/01 17:15
推 :honesty love friend62F 01/01 17:15
推 :run devil run63F 01/01 17:16
推 :tell,free,beauty....64F 01/01 17:16
噓 :我以為這是JOKE版65F 01/01 17:16
→ :不好翹 QAQ66F 01/01 17:16
推 :beauty fun run67F 01/01 17:16
推 :you, money, win68F 01/01 17:17
→ :趣事嘛 不要那麼計較69F 01/01 17:17
推 :XRD X-Ray diffractometer 必考題?70F 01/01 17:18
推 :Love Freedom Happiness71F 01/01 17:20
推 :love money freedom72F 01/01 17:21
推 :Expericence happiness, intelligence73F 01/01 17:21
推 :跟五樓一樣,power. win. love 有力的愛情勝利者74F 01/01 17:28
推 :FUN MONEY SUCCESS75F 01/01 17:33
推 :love money freedom76F 01/01 17:33
推 :love beauty youth77F 01/01 17:35
推 :love money pop78F 01/01 17:36
推 :friends power freedom79F 01/01 17:36
推 :love money experience81F 01/01 17:36
推 :you love popular82F 01/01 17:37
推 :一堆LOVE 我是LOVE BEAUTY HONESTY83F 01/01 17:39
推 :如果做一張注音符號的 會不會比較好懂84F 01/01 17:39
推 :success health happiness..85F 01/01 17:40
推 :health win honesty86F 01/01 17:40
推 :experience success love87F 01/01 17:41
推 :power youth run (還好沒有down88F 01/01 17:42
推 :ABEN UP WIN 阿扁UP WIN89F 01/01 17:43
推 :Humour,money,popular 幽默、錢、受歡迎90F 01/01 17:43
推 :跑贏快樂91F 01/01 17:44
→ :幹我很認真的找pussy耶92F 01/01 17:44
推 :love humor power (中間誤入ptt...可以算嗎XD)93F 01/01 17:46
推 :love tell honesty94F 01/01 17:47
推 :love fun freedom95F 01/01 17:47
→ :run freedom honesty 這是要我幹麻96F 01/01 17:48
推 :shopping fun freedom97F 01/01 17:48
推 :experience got beauty98F 01/01 17:49
→ :幹只有我看到shopping嗎 好啦好啦要噴錢就對了99F 01/01 17:49
推 :health power fun~100F 01/01 17:50
推 :LOVE POWER MONEY101F 01/01 17:51
推 :MONEY POWER WIN102F 01/01 17:52
→ :money love time. = =我的好順阿103F 01/01 17:52
推 :LOVE MONEY POWER104F 01/01 17:55
推 :字母分別是NCE 要怎麼看= =105F 01/01 17:59
推 :beauty love money 有種我要被坑錢的預感 囧106F 01/01 17:59
→ :說錯是nox107F 01/01 18:00
→ :win love app(?108F 01/01 18:02
推 :Time run love?時間跑愛?109F 01/01 18:05
推 :love money win110F 01/01 18:06
推 :one tell win 獨自一人說勝利?111F 01/01 18:09
推 :Money、Popular、Success112F 01/01 18:13
推 :Win Time Popular!!!113F 01/01 18:15
推 :GoGo Power Ranger114F 01/01 18:16
推 :SUCCESS HEAL TIME 成功=治癒+時間?115F 01/01 18:17
推 :love popular PTT116F 01/01 18:26
推 :happiness you tell117F 01/01 18:28
推 :you win do118F 01/01 18:30
推 :LOVE POPULAR WIN PTT119F 01/01 18:32
噓 :無聊120F 01/01 18:34
推 :Bumbler Ma Useless121F 01/01 18:34
推 :freedom friends experience122F 01/01 18:43
推 :HEALTH MONEY LOVE 這是...123F 01/01 18:46
→ :也是......這笑點在哪?124F 01/01 18:46
推 :success tell love125F 01/01 18:49
噓 :沒笑126F 01/01 18:49
推 :LOVE HONEST MONEY127F 01/01 18:54
推 :why ptt run 啥鬼128F 01/01 18:54
推 :intelligence, win, beauty129F 01/01 18:55
推 : LOVE RUN END130F 01/01 18:55
噓 :joke?131F 01/01 18:55
推 :popular stir freedom132F 01/01 18:57
推 :幹 差點看到KOBE 嚇死我133F 01/01 18:58
推 :HEBE HEBE HEBE134F 01/01 18:59
推 :popular fun power135F 01/01 19:00
推 :FREEDOM, TELL, END... WTF==136F 01/01 19:01
推 :success love honesty137F 01/01 19:04
推 :success ptt humor138F 01/01 19:04
推 :love experince success139F 01/01 19:06
推 :sin bug beauty?140F 01/01 19:07
噓 :反詐騙141F 01/01 19:07
噓 :我知道的單字根本沒幾個142F 01/01 19:08
推 :love run youth143F 01/01 19:09
推 :money love power ... ?144F 01/01 19:09
推 :power intelligence love145F 01/01 19:10
推 :our love nest146F 01/01 19:12
推 :love, tell, beauty 難道我今年要脫離單身了?!147F 01/01 19:13
噓 :Pneumonoultraimicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis148F 01/01 19:15
→ :這是我看到的第一個單字!懶得再看下去了==
→ :這是我看到的第一個單字!懶得再看下去了==
推 :BT SMG HAPPINESS150F 01/01 19:18
推 :爆了151F 01/01 19:19
推 :money win run152F 01/01 19:22
→ :BEAUTY FUN FREEDOM153F 01/01 19:23
→ :154F 01/01 19:23
→ :beauty experience health
→ :beauty experience health
推 :run win intelligence156F 01/01 19:24
噓 :where is joke157F 01/01 19:25
推 :one love nest158F 01/01 19:26
噓 :no haha point159F 01/01 19:28
推 :PTT POP HAPPINESS160F 01/01 19:29
推 :me dog bug "orz161F 01/01 19:30
推 :LOVE FUN MONEY162F 01/01 19:30
噓 :什麼鬼 我完全找不到163F 01/01 19:30
推 :榦 我看不懂英文 我是要找三小164F 01/01 19:31
推 :win fun tell165F 01/01 19:32
推 :end run free166F 01/01 19:32
噓 :反詐騙167F 01/01 19:35
推 :money health popular168F 01/01 19:36
噓 :歧視英文不好的人169F 01/01 19:36
噓 :反詐騙...170F 01/01 19:37
推 :love popularity humour171F 01/01 19:37
噓 :反詐騙,這跟鬼徵名文有異曲同工之效172F 01/01 19:40
→ :nesty honest money173F 01/01 19:40
推 :love money popularity174F 01/01 19:42
噓 :值得一噓175F 01/01 19:46
推 :health ptt time176F 01/01 19:47
推 :experience humour money ??177F 01/01 19:47
推 :popularity love intelligence178F 01/01 19:49
噓 :好無聊179F 01/01 19:49
→ :love fun power...愛玩力量?180F 01/01 19:54
推 :LOVE MONEY ONE181F 01/01 19:57
→ :love power happiness182F 01/01 19:58
噓 :183F 01/01 19:58
推 :tall money handsome ==184F 01/01 20:03
→ :love popularity happiness185F 01/01 20:04
推 :我找到火山矽肺症186F 01/01 20:06
推 :clasp success money clasp是啥鬼啦= =187F 01/01 20:10
推 :success health popular XD188F 01/01 20:14
推 :success health end @@189F 01/01 20:14
噓 :...........190F 01/01 20:17
推 :我看了好久 只認得love health popularity191F 01/01 20:18
推 :沒新梗了>192F 01/01 20:19
推 :YOU WIN POWER193F 01/01 20:23
推 :money success health194F 01/01 20:26
推 :love beauty power195F 01/01 20:27
推 :love experience money196F 01/01 20:27
推 :honesty friends happiness197F 01/01 20:29
→ :LOVE BEAUTY POPULAR198F 01/01 20:30
推 :success experience ptt199F 01/01 20:33
推 :popluar power freedom200F 01/01 20:38
推 :in out Oh201F 01/01 20:38
推 :kendawx:success experience ptt XDDD202F 01/01 20:45
→ :ptt中的霸主!
→ :ptt中的霸主!
→ :popular money happiness204F 01/01 20:46
推 :love money intelligence205F 01/01 20:47
→ :ptt? popular lust free206F 01/01 21:11
推 :fun money tree208F 01/01 21:13
噓 :SSD209F 01/01 21:20
推 :Tell Free Win210F 01/01 21:34
噓 :...211F 01/01 21:41
推 :beauty success happiness212F 01/01 21:41
噓 :╯-____-)╯~═╩════╩═~213F 01/01 21:48
推 :Health happiness friends214F 01/01 21:50
推 :well love one215F 01/01 21:50
→ :experience money win216F 01/01 21:52
推 :free do run........217F 01/01 22:00
推 :tell power money~218F 01/01 22:06
→ :反正是next year 跟今年無關的219F 01/01 22:21
推 :FUN LOVE WIN220F 01/01 22:22
推 :Health Friends Win221F 01/01 22:24
推 :popularity success experience222F 01/01 22:26
推 :love fun health 也太好XD223F 01/01 22:27
推 :honesty popularity friend224F 01/01 22:33
噓 :joke?225F 01/01 22:35
噓 :love fun you226F 01/01 22:37
推 :beauty pop friends227F 01/01 22:39
推 :LOVE / SUCCESS / HAPPINESS =D228F 01/01 22:40
推 :win love happiness229F 01/01 22:50
推 :SM算單字嗎.....231F 01/01 23:00
推 :FUN MONEY LOVE 愉快吃魚?232F 01/01 23:18
→ :money friends intelligence 剛好都是我缺的233F 01/01 23:22
推 :LOVE MONEY POWER 該慶幸我懂的單字太少嗎..XD234F 01/01 23:25
推 :you our money 所以到底是誰拿到錢qq235F 01/01 23:34
推 :Health sucess happness236F 01/01 23:36
推 :expreience freedom success 還不錯欸!!237F 01/01 23:40
推 :Got love. Win!238F 01/01 23:41
推 :honesty beauty expirience239F 01/01 23:41
推 :MONEY HONESTY POPULAR240F 01/01 23:42
推 :我努力尋找girlfriend這種單字但是找不到241F 01/01 23:43
推 :DO LOVE SUCCESS!!242F 01/01 23:50
推 :POP Beauty Money 感覺好物質XD243F 01/01 23:57
推 :our beauty win244F 01/01 23:57
推 :money popular love245F 01/01 23:59
推 :freedom win happiness246F 01/02 00:13
推 :love beauty honest 遇上愛情+正妹?我表示我很誠實247F 01/02 00:23
→ :TIME SUCCESS FREEDOM248F 01/02 00:45
推 :love run happiness恩... 前途光明249F 01/02 00:59
推 :Love Success Freedom 水哦!!!250F 01/02 01:10
推 :"XD" "XU" "arity"...什麼意思...Oh my Celestia251F 01/02 01:15
推 :Happiness win love252F 01/02 01:35
推 :我看到ET了,塊陶呀!!!253F 01/02 01:53
推 :success health power 好喔254F 01/02 01:53
推 :success money happiness255F 01/02 01:56
推 :wintel run love ...WHAT!?256F 01/02 02:10
→ :Rarity!? .....Oh my Celestia257F 01/02 03:19
噓 :FUN POWER BEAUTY258F 01/02 04:35
噓 :FUCK;BITCH;SLUT259F 01/02 09:19
推 :humor beauty success260F 01/02 09:26
推 :time is money261F 01/02 10:21
推 :power popular win262F 01/02 10:25
→ :263F 01/02 10:43
推 :money fun tell264F 01/02 11:09
推 :love you win266F 01/02 11:27
推 :KOREANDOG267F 01/02 11:31
推 :TIME NEST MONEY268F 01/02 11:43
→ :GO LOVE POP269F 01/02 11:57
推 :Success health free270F 01/02 12:20
推 :YOUR FIRST FUCK271F 01/02 12:48
推 :pines 松樹???272F 01/02 12:54
→ :pony的拼法還真有創意 突破框架XD273F 01/02 13:03
推 :love friends success274F 01/02 13:03
噓 :反詐騙275F 01/02 13:05
推 :you love money = = """276F 01/02 13:09
推 :success health love277F 01/02 13:16
推 :health power experience278F 01/02 14:24
推 :money fun freedom279F 01/02 14:25
推 :popular youth power 聽起來不錯...280F 01/02 14:30
推 :love success experience281F 01/02 14:49
推 :honesty popularity success 這樣是不錯嗎282F 01/02 14:58
推 :win intel beauty283F 01/02 17:01
推 :TELL FREEDOM MONEY284F 01/02 18:24
推 :time love moneyXD285F 01/02 18:25
推 :love popular power286F 01/02 20:12
推 :love popular friends287F 01/02 20:29
推 :love end experience288F 01/03 02:13
推 :Love money power289F 01/03 14:11
推 :love power win290F 01/03 14:17
推 :ten last dog291F 01/03 17:03
推 :TIME MONEY HAPPINESS292F 01/03 17:13
推 :health fun power293F 01/03 17:36
推 :HAPPINESS HUMOUR PTT..................294F 01/03 17:56
噓 :.295F 01/03 18:24
推 :love win time ?? 我覺得大家都會看到love吧XD296F 01/03 23:36
→ :happiness honesty win297F 01/04 08:17
推 :這啥298F 01/04 15:36
推 :power love humour LYS....299F 01/04 16:37
推 :beauty freedom money300F 01/04 22:50
推 :popular popuplarity... honerst 要人口幹嘛301F 01/05 01:29
→ :honesty
→ :honesty
6樓 時間: 2013-01-09 16:23:47 (台灣)
01-09 16:23 TW
更多找單字(無誤)Word Search - Android Apps on Google Play
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