※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-28 15:30:11
看板 joke
作者 標題 [趣事] 看看外國人怎麼抓雞的
時間 Tue Aug 28 14:25:36 2012
Calling Over Chickens Like a Boss! - YouTube
This guy knows how to get some chicks! Guy calling chickens with the lion sleeps tonight song from the lion king Funny chickens love this guy singing How to ...
This guy knows how to get some chicks! Guy calling chickens with the lion sleeps tonight song from the lion king Funny chickens love this guy singing How to ...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :好屌 他是王牌威龍嗎1F 08/28 14:28
The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Melynga - YouTube
Melynga - (Re)Discover the best World Music For You - Melynga is your channel for all the best reggae music and (World)African music. Find your favorite song...
Melynga - (Re)Discover the best World Music For You - Melynga is your channel for all the best reggae music and (World)African music. Find your favorite song...

推 :XD4F 08/28 14:30
推 :少女時代表示5F 08/28 14:33
推 : 旁邊那個比基尼影片還蠻好笑的6F 08/28 14:35
推 :狗女時代7F 08/28 14:39
推 : 好神8F 08/28 14:56
推 :電鋸那個不要命了 好怕他變成弗利沙...9F 08/28 15:03
推 :哈哈哈哈 也太強了吧10F 08/28 15:05
推 :酷耶XD11F 08/28 15:06
推 :好強!!!12F 08/28 15:11
推 :原來迪士尼的公主演的都是真的...........................13F 08/28 15:12
推 :雨刷超好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDD14F 08/28 15:17
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 3 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 3394
作者 kis778899 的最新發文:
- 12F 3推
- 17F 9推
- 一個臉盆+燈泡 今晚的戰績 家裡面畢竟還是要用到燈,跑了幾隻進來 應該不超過十隻,很有效的 好久沒下雨了,老天爺可以多下點:D30F 22推 2噓
- 請問有雅虎首頁出現對韓國最新看法的八卦嗎? 連結在這邊↓
( ̄︶ ̄)b gf127974612, c2012orz023 說讚!