※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-11 15:37:21
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] GI JOE 今天我生日喔
時間 Sun Aug 11 13:07:04 2013
今天我生日唷! - YouTube
The Power is Yours !!! "Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more" Sa...
The Power is Yours !!! "Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more" Sa...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :啥鬼1F 08/11 13:09
推 :了泡耳一絲優爾~~2F 08/11 13:18
→ :好像普好笑3F 08/11 13:26
推 :你在地球超人什麼啦4F 08/11 13:27
推 :最後那邊不知道在講啥5F 08/11 13:36
推 :ㄟ我有去永樂市場幫你買兩包蘇打餅乾耶6F 08/11 13:40
推 :新作品!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7F 08/11 13:41
推 :.................................8F 08/11 13:41
推 :推9F 08/11 13:44
推 :推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!太感動了!!!!!!!!!!10F 08/11 13:52
推 :推11F 08/11 13:52
推 :黑人歐巴馬閉嘴!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12F 08/11 13:55
推 :XDDD13F 08/11 14:01
推 :ㄟ我有去永樂市場幫你買兩包蘇打餅乾耶 等五年了幹14F 08/11 14:04
→ :聽不懂15F 08/11 14:12
推 :殺小啦我他罵的那串我聽不懂XDDDDD16F 08/11 14:15
→ :什麼放進山洞裡?17F 08/11 14:16
推 :太感動了18F 08/11 14:25
推 :甚麼東東啦XDDDDDD19F 08/11 14:28
推 :聽不懂啦20F 08/11 14:32
推 :三小阿21F 08/11 14:35
噓 :不好笑 跟以前差多了22F 08/11 14:36
→ :不好笑23F 08/11 14:36
推 :XD24F 08/11 14:42
推 :啥阿25F 08/11 14:55
推 :後面那段不知道在公三小26F 08/11 14:56
推 :求最後一段翻譯27F 08/11 14:58
推 :等好久推28F 08/11 15:08
推 :等五年了幹!!!29F 08/11 15:09
推 :還滿好笑的30F 08/11 15:12
推 :反而靜止的瞬間好笑31F 08/11 15:17
推 :最後一句聽不懂XDD =32F 08/11 15:18
推 :我看到哭33F 08/11 15:23
推 :已哭34F 08/11 15:24
推 :嘴角微失守35F 08/11 15:29
推 :不好笑阿...還是按到推了36F 08/11 15:32