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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-03 07:50:04
看板 joke
作者 fishyfish (fishyfish)
標題 [笑話] 美國醫生笑話
時間 Sat Aug  2 21:59:25 2014

 這些是我常常聽到的笑話 XD

 不要太認真 XD


Q: what do you call 2 medical students looking at a EKG?
A: a double blind study


Q: How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from a general surgeon?
A: Just put it in the patient’s notes.

Q: How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from an orthopedic surgeon?
A: Just put it in a medicine textbook.

Q: How do you hide a $100 bill from a CT surgeon?
A: Just paste it to their kid's forehead. He will never see it.

Q: How do you hide a $100 dollar bill from a plastic surgeon?
A: It's a trick question. You can't.

Q: How do you hide a $100 from a radiologist?
A: Put it on the patient.

Q: How do you hide a $100 from an internist?
A: Easy, just put it under a dressing.


knows everything, does nothing

knows nothing, does everything

knows nothing, does nothing

knows everything, does everything but too late
A pathologist


A medical student, family doctor, an internist, a surgeon and a pathologist
go duck hunting.

The medical student is the first to raise his shotgun,
but unable to tell if the duck is really a duck, he does not shoot.

The family doctor goes "here's a bird", shoots, kills.
He concludes "it looked like a duck, sounded like a duck,
was killed by duck shot, it was a duck!".

The internist points his gun, but does not shoot.
"This probable bird certainly looks like a female mallard,
but I must be sure of what I am killing before shooting.
A juvenile Mesopotamian sea duck would look exactly the same!".
 (內科醫生舉起了獵槍,但是他沒有開槍. “這個鳥科動物看起來很像母姓綠頭鴨,

The surgeon goes "look, it flies! Boom", then turns to the
pathologist and asks "So, what was it?".
 (外科醫生大喊: “大家看,有東西在飛! 碰!”,
然後轉身跟身邊的病理醫生說 :” 你幫我看看,那到底是啥玩意兒?”)



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1406987974.A.DC1.html
※ 編輯: fishyfish (, 08/02/2014 22:00:20
vertebral:not bad1F 08/02 22:13
benny1990615:太幽默了!2F 08/02 22:17
weirdgrape:no bed3F 08/02 22:17
david5401:XD4F 08/02 22:25
※ 編輯: fishyfish (, 08/02/2014 22:37:29
kissody:XD5F 08/02 22:41
YHank:一般藥物實驗都會有實驗組和對照,雙盲指的是醫生和吃藥6F 08/02 23:19
min81527:這個好幽默!11F 08/02 23:30
ilyvonne:外科醫師和病理醫師XDDD 終於知道病理科的辛苦了12F 08/02 23:37
morraChou:XD13F 08/03 00:06
vchenkoshe:謝YHank大解說14F 08/03 00:13
reaturn:以前有聽過類似的醫科笑話15F 08/03 00:21
luka1224:媽呀是小百合16F 08/03 00:34
nineveh:幹真的很好笑17F 08/03 00:34
ysanderl:感謝解說 XD18F 08/03 01:00
YUCHG:外科醫師XDD19F 08/03 01:06
saiga12416:超中肯的XDDD20F 08/03 01:08
andylin8707:XD21F 08/03 01:32
yanq1ij:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!22F 08/03 01:39
soga0309:好有趣23F 08/03 02:08
yang929:hide... from 就翻成 從??24F 08/03 03:13
refusekkk:是小百合25F 08/03 07:00

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