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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-05 17:19:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 xuptjo (風)
標題 [爆卦] 巴風特生小孩了!!!
時間 Tue Aug  5 16:06:42 2014


The Angry Ram showing off his new born son - YouTube
Looks like Rambro's been busy... I didn't even know the ewe was pregnant. Any ideas for a name?


Angry Ram gets a haircut then Attacks the Cameraman - YouTube We rounded up the angry ram & cut his fleece off so he doesn't get too hot over summer, I don't think he liked the style ....


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1407226007.A.5B6.html
PTTfaggot:??1F 08/05 16:07
tyrande:什麼東西2F 08/05 16:07
corlos:CD5轉屬3F 08/05 16:07
yw1002:只認識巴菲特4F 08/05 16:08
withsirius:都不噴巴帽給我 怒噓5F 08/05 16:08
ingo:惡魔巴風特?6F 08/05 16:08
snsdakb48:魔羊7F 08/05 16:08
GOD5566GOD:迷藏森林2樓很多啊8F 08/05 16:08
a222317168:魔羊?9F 08/05 16:08
rainbowclub:被他秒過10F 08/05 16:08
rappig:變身趕路用11F 08/05 16:08
DMPBBOY:會掉武卷12F 08/05 16:09
neo5277:XDXDXD 牠這角的確是小巴13F 08/05 16:09
Dick1500:我也沒打過巴帽怒噓14F 08/05 16:09
nicejelly:楊果里恩射精了!15F 08/05 16:09
nine1031:小巴!!!16F 08/05 16:10
detective62:幹 之前被滅團 怒噓17F 08/05 16:10
ddt73930:巴列斯表示:18F 08/05 16:11
sparkling214:??19F 08/05 16:11
neo5277:小小巴:爸爸他們是來做什麼的?20F 08/05 16:11
zz7856132:被殺過21F 08/05 16:11
Leeng:死亡騎士22F 08/05 16:11
theeht:f1 巴風特 給你 給你23F 08/05 16:12
moyasi:我都直接雙手劍加速喝水砍  超爽der24F 08/05 16:12
ATSEVEN:巴風特被天蝎打掉了25F 08/05 16:13
pida:溫馨26F 08/05 16:14
doglegbow:你今天沒騎車來喔?27F 08/05 16:15
Ofnir:所以原來這支是有人養的?= =28F 08/05 16:15
grandwar:嫩 那麼小隻羊一樣會被King Krag殺爆29F 08/05 16:16
ericyang0123:haha30F 08/05 16:16
yoyodiy:  他不做股票 改生小孩了喔31F 08/05 16:16
breakingball:昇華4很威32F 08/05 16:16
smalltwo:小巴卡多插幾張吧33F 08/05 16:17
F35B:下一篇巴列斯34F 08/05 16:17
adam27:收小巴卡 意者私信35F 08/05 16:18
abxtpml56:還好沒放地烈36F 08/05 16:19
turbomons:孩子都這麼大啦37F 08/05 16:19
sss22213:抽到魔羊?38F 08/05 16:19
Vonkarman:關我屁事39F 08/05 16:19
adst513:還要吃進化素材才能練安利 怒噓40F 08/05 16:19
yap1403007:五星?41F 08/05 16:20
alan00:看成巴菲特 ㄏ42F 08/05 16:20
pipi520:生出一隻小魔羊43F 08/05 16:20
cho860928:抽到一堆44F 08/05 16:21
fireturtle:按摩羊45F 08/05 16:22
h73o1012:幹過名器的發表一下這種超兇的如何?46F 08/05 16:23
lngygy123:巴菲特阿47F 08/05 16:24
Angry ram attacks motorcyclist full version - no music, original speed. - YouTube I had some requests to upload the full version of the badass ram attacking me on my motorbike, not sped up & without music ... So here it is. Motorradfahrer ...

lowl99:幹,我不想要魔羊...49F 08/05 16:25
r36748673614:懷念路尼亞50F 08/05 16:38
nine1031:樓上~還有海妖工廠研究所團51F 08/05 16:41
angels999:f1巴風特 給你 瞬間移動捲軸52F 08/05 16:47
ariel780102:幫復謝謝53F 08/05 16:48
Angry ram vs rider - He's back & angrier than ever -RAMCAM edition- - YouTube -AS SEEN ON RIDICULOUSNESS-. I had many requests to mount a gopro camera on the anrgy ram with a penchant for smashing motorcycles, so here it is. Watch to s...


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