※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-23 09:52:03
看板 Tech_Job
作者 標題 [徵才] Intel Graduate Intern 實習生
時間 Mon Feb 17 23:47:05 2014
Req#725654-Graduate Intern Technical (1 year period)
104 link: http://ppt.cc/l8rD
Intel Corporation
Job Description: Looking for a undergraduate/graduate intern to support
Intel's x86 Switch Platform Software API (drivers) and boot loader. The
individual will be responsible for Intel's x86 Switch Software API
(platform-dependent) and boot loader's issues' identification and
reproduction. He/she will be working closely with internal technical support
and development teams located both in Taiwan and in the U.S., and also with
external customers (mostly local).
- Undergraduate/Graduate students majoring in one of the following: Computer
Science/Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering.
- Solid C programming skills.
- Familiar with Linux Operating Systems and its kernel internals.
- Excellent problem solving skills in software
- Good interpersonal skills
- Good communication (both verbal and written) skills in English.
- Basic BIOS and/or x86 architecture knowledge.
- Linux Device Driver programming experiences.
- Embedded system boot loader experiences, ex. uboot, coreboot, etc.
- Familiarity with networking protocols, ex. L2 and/or L3.
- School or work experience with any switch platforms (any type of
Job Category
: Software Engineering
Primary Location
: Taiwan-Taiwan, Taipei
Full/Part Time
: Full Time (2~4 days per week)
Job Type
: Student/Intern
1. contact information
>> 0983-821881(mobile) or email: lucern.k.ma@intel.com
2. How do the applicants hand in their resume?
>> Please send resumes to: lucern.k.ma@intel.com
3. internship period
>> 1-year from starting date
研究生 40K up
大學生 36k up
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :Intel 只出月薪1000鎂1F 02/17 23:51
推 :實習燒ROM2F 02/17 23:54
推 :這薪水還是砸Intel招牌...若開2k鎂必會招到高手3F 02/18 00:13
推 :比上次的時薪115/hr above好了啦,畢竟是part-time4F 02/18 00:18
→ :上次那個來po的真的是來砸I社招牌的...XD
→ :上次那個來po的真的是來砸I社招牌的...XD
推 :上次那個115/hr起實在是經典,美國的實習大概是八倍薪6F 02/18 00:21
推 :parttime 的internship可以拿這麼高 全台灣沒幾家了吧7F 02/18 01:09
推 :還好啦 Intel 手持裝置CPU沒被人當過對手 是能開多少8F 02/18 05:08
推 :原來一週上2~4天領36k以上算低薪。。9F 02/18 07:05
推 :真懷疑某些人真的有在看內容嗎?10F 02/18 07:54
推 :115起你還以為會給115?大公司都有制度你以為會亂給?11F 02/18 08:37
推 :Lucern...12F 02/18 08:52
推 :薪水寫出來沒問題嗎
推 :薪水寫出來沒問題嗎
推 :台灣就是寫薪水面議才是有問題,會寫的就是要找人才啊14F 02/18 09:26
→ :不過有寫但是少的靠腰,那種就算了
→ :不過有寫但是少的靠腰,那種就算了
推 :有寫價格很好了,面議的公司才奇怪,價格是有多差不敢讓人16F 02/18 10:58
→ :知道
→ :知道
推 :如果一週只有3天 36~40k還可以接受18F 02/18 11:17
推 :這實習價格很心動了 QAQ19F 02/18 12:38
推 :超高的好嗎…20F 02/18 13:24
推 :就算無薪我都會想去......21F 02/18 13:31
推 :高手都在偷笑…22F 02/18 16:38
推 :I公司的福利不用質疑囉,薪資也是業界不錯的水準。23F 02/18 16:59
→ :一禮拜才上2~4天還給四萬 還ok啦24F 02/18 19:32
推 :無薪都願意去+125F 02/18 20:10
推 :今天收到NIKE實習機會...26F 02/19 00:01
推 :一周2-4天 這薪水很讚阿 且又是intel 這一定很多人搶了27F 02/19 01:14
推 :別說無薪 繳報名費大概都一堆人搶28F 02/21 02:07
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