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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-11 23:36:39
看板 Gossiping
作者 baboosh (大王椰)
標題 [新聞] AT&T在奧斯丁提供1G寬頻服務
時間 Mon Aug 11 23:25:19 2014


不過一開始沒有1G的速度 只有300M


免費提升到1G 每月費用70美金(2100NTD)


AT&T delivers on 1Gbps promise in Austin - CNET
Austin residents already subscribing to AT&T's super-fast GigaPower broadband service will finally get the 1Gbps speeds they were promised when the service was introduced last year. ...


AT&T delivers on 1Gbps promise in Austin
Austin residents already subscribing to AT&T's super-fast GigaPower broadband
service will finally get the 1Gbps speeds they were promised when the service
was introduced last year.
by Marguerite Reardon @maggie_reardon August 11, 2014 6:00 AM PDT

An AT&T fiber-to-the-home utility cabinet.
CNET/Marguerite Reardon
AT&T has made good on its promise to deliver 1Gbps broadband speeds to
customers in Austin, Texas.

The carrier has upgraded its fiber-based GigaPower broadband service to 1Gbps
speeds, AT&T said Monday. Customers already subscribed to GigaPower in Austin
will automatically see their speeds increase from 300Mbps to 1Gbps at no
additional charge. Pricing for the service starts at $70 a month.

AT&T announced the 1Gbps U-verse with GigaPower service in Austin in April
2013 -- within a week of Google's announcement that it would bring the 1Gbps
Google Fiber broadband service to Austin for $70 per month.

AT&T launched its GigaPower service, which uses fiber to deliver the
broadband service, in December but wasn't initially able to deliver the 1Gbps
speeds to end users. Instead it offered a 300Mbps service and promised that
an upgrade was coming in 2014. Now, the company is fulfilling that promise.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1407770722.A.06A.html
hatenese: 1G能幹嘛1F 08/11 23:25
r98192: 薪水收入一比 台灣真的是貴到爆2F 08/11 23:25
yoyodiy: AT&T不是做電線的嗎? 也有做網路喔3F 08/11 23:26
myq: CHT:                hinet:4F 08/11 23:26
schula: AT&T電信做很久了orz5F 08/11 23:26
Montana01: 1G 2100 NTD ...6F 08/11 23:26
hibbb: 台灣以前很貴  現在已經算便宜了  真的7F 08/11 23:26
killla: 中華電信: 考慮加大尿管8F 08/11 23:26
lastroom: 有限流吧9F 08/11 23:27
hata5566: 上傳下載都1G嗎?幹!2100TWD比種花還划算很多10F 08/11 23:28
sellgd: 等於每秒128MB 比許多硬碟都快11F 08/11 23:28
waloloo:  GOOGLE FIBER 呢?12F 08/11 23:29
hiball: =_= 網路沒有對應速度13F 08/11 23:29
hiball: MEGA都無法滿足我了
hata5566: 以台灣平均收入跟人口密度高牽線成本低,相較之下貴很多15F 08/11 23:30
Rex1009: 幹 跟種花真是天與地的差別16F 08/11 23:30
chauan: AT&T這樣做是因為Google Fiber會在同城市推出....17F 08/11 23:32
chauan: GFiber是FTTH, AT&T有可能是FTTN而已....
chauan: Austin好像也是AT&T大本營, 如果不推出跟GFiber差不多的
baboosh: 上面寫了fiber to the home ftth無誤20F 08/11 23:35
chauan: 服務, 就等著被投資者罵死吧21F 08/11 23:35

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