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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-09-10 20:42:20
看板 joke
作者 danielvivre (zc)
標題 [翻譯]Conan康納秀-成本超低的警匪片
時間 Wed Sep 10 18:47:28 2014


康納秀-成本最低的警匪片Locke, Stock & Justice(中文) Private Practice of Translation68 - YouTube Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...


康納秀-最蠢的死法(中文) Private Practice of Translation67 - YouTube Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...


以上兩部出自Conan:Locke Stock & Justice系列
第二部只有找到有人剪輯的部分來翻譯,因為TEAMCOCO只有放Royalty-Free Hospital在Youtube,


3.拉麵師傅Keizo Shimamoto教康納正確的拉麵吃法
康納秀-拉麵師傅Keizo Shimamoto教康納正確的拉麵吃法(中文) Private Practice of Translation66 - YouTube Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...




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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/joke/M.1410346051.A.38E.html
a8500249: 頭1F 09/10 19:08
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freeskyd:          天18F 09/10 20:08
BoQi5566:            懶19F 09/10 20:11
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