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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-06-24 19:45:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 realgenius (smiling angel)
標題 [新聞] 大陸查扣1970年代肉品 (CNN)
時間 Wed Jun 24 17:00:52 2015

China's latest stomach-churning food scandal: Frozen meat from the 1970s

Frozen meat from the 1970s seized in China - CNN.com
Some 800 tonnes of smuggled frozen meat have been seized by Chinese authorities, including one batch dating from the 1970s, state media reported. ...


(CNN)—Some 800 tonnes of smuggled frozen meat have been seized by Chinese
authorities, including one batch dating from the 1970s, state media reported.

The meat was bound for restaurants, retailers and supermarkets in Hunan
province, where it was found, and other Chinese provinces and major cities,
according to a report from Xinhua, China's official news agency, on Tuesday.

The seized meat included poultry and beef and was reported to be worth 10
million yuan ($1.6 million).

Some packages were rotten and others were around 40 years old -- packed and
stamped at the height of China's Cultural Revolution.

According to the Hunan Daily, a local newspaper, officials said some of the
beef was from India and passed through Guangxi, a southern region bordering

CNN contacted customs authorities in Changsha, the provincial capital of
Hunan, which said that local media reports on the meat seizures were correct
and declined to give further details.

Including the most recent operation, this month Chinese customs officials
have seized more than 100,000 tonnes of smuggled frozen meat worth almost
$500 million in crackdowns across 14 provinces and detained 21 smuggling
groups, Xinhua reported.

China has experienced a string of stomach-churning food scandals in recent

The most high-profile recent case involved a U.S.-owned meat factory
operating in China that was accused of selling out-of-date and tainted meat
to clients including McDonald's, Starbucks, KFC and Pizza Hut chains.



其中有一批年齡高達40年, 在1970年代封存的


若未查封, 這些肉品原本將流入湖南零售市場, 及其他省主要城市



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LYd7AtZ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1435136458.A.DE3.html
hatako: 沒蜀漢老麵久1F 06/24 17:01
hogu134: 木乃伊肉XD2F 06/24 17:02
f544544f: !?陳年風味 弄個包裝 肯定賣翻天3F 06/24 17:02
edouard09: 我這裡有一批很便宜的牛肉阿……4F 06/24 17:03
XBUCKXMR: 這陳年老肉啦 越陳越香 中國人der最i5F 06/24 17:03
cdmlin: 花四十年的時間熟成6F 06/24 17:03
junki8957: 冷凍那麼久的成本不用錢嗎?7F 06/24 17:03
Nfox: 禮藏8F 06/24 17:03
birdy590: 熟成有比這個久的嗎 XD9F 06/24 17:04
reaturn: 怎麼覺的這新聞好像曾經發生過?10F 06/24 17:04
XieXie9527: 冰40年也要不少錢吧,除非丟在極地11F 06/24 17:04
gg889g8: 買到賺到電費都多少了12F 06/24 17:04
BaGaJohn: 這牛投胎現在都可以選總統了…13F 06/24 17:07
njnjy: 我怎麼好像有印象 幾年前就看過類似新聞 也是中國14F 06/24 17:16
wsx26997785: 1970年我都還沒出生勒15F 06/24 17:20
powertoolman: 我有一批牛肉好便宜啊16F 06/24 17:23
deepdish: Chinese 貪小便宜不意外17F 06/24 17:24
edward13: 趕快進貢給聖帝18F 06/24 17:32
akiottm: 搞不好沒冷凍,直接醃製19F 06/24 17:35
david7112123: 哈哈哈哈哈哈20F 06/24 17:38
fransice7: 中國真是個神奇的國度 ......21F 06/24 17:41
grandwar: 支那:希臘人都說木乃伊可以治病啊22F 06/24 17:45
Cold5566: 安啦 當初歐美也超愛木乃伊23F 06/24 18:26

※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 72 
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