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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 在網上騷擾女性的男人,通常是個魯蛇
時間 Tue Jul 21 13:38:35 2015
Men who harass women online are quite literally losers, new study finds
Here’s a research finding that should surprise no one: The men most likely
to harass women online … are the men most likely to have their own problems.
That bit of validation comes courtesy Michael Kasumovic and Jeffrey
Kuznekoff, researchers at the University of New South Wales and Miami
University, respectively. For their latest study, published in the journal
PLOS One last week, the duo watched how men treated women during 163 plays of
the video game Halo 3.
As they watched the games play out and tracked the comments that players made
to each other, the researchers observed that — no matter their skill level,
or how the game went — men tended to be pretty cordial to each other. Male
players who were good at the game also tended to pay compliments to other
male and female players.
Some male players, however — the ones who were less-skilled at the game, and
performing worse relative their peers — made frequent, nasty comments to the
female gamers. In other words, sexist dudes are literally losers.
A chart from the Halo study that shows how nice male gamers were to other
males (dotted line) and females (solid line) during gameplay. Men always
treat each other about the same. But the better a player gets, the more
likely he is to be nice to ladies. (Kasumovic et al)
In today’s online environment, alas, this is not an idle observation.
According to a recent Pew report, 40 percent of Internet users have
personally experienced harassment. While both genders are frequent victims of
this abuse, women tend to get the worst of it: They are “particularly
vulnerable to sexual harassment and stalking,” Pew said.
I asked Kasumovic, the lead author on the study, how applicable his findings
were in other online or offline settings. In other words, how much of this
derives from human nature, and how much of it relates to the unique demands
of first-person shooters?
Kasumovic argues that video games actually make incredible proxies for
studying real-life behavior — Halo 3, especially.
There are three things you should know about the game, for the purpose of
understanding this study: (1) players are anonymous, and the possibility of “
policing individual behavior is almost impossible”; (2) they only encounter
each other a few times in passing — it’s very possible to hurl an expletive
at another player, and never “see” him or her again; and (3) finally, and
perhaps predictably, the sex-ratio of players is biased pretty heavily toward
men. (A 2014 survey of gender ratios on Reddit found that r/halo was over 95
percent male.)
That should sound a whole lot like a lot of other, frequently sexist online
spaces: Think Twitter. Or Reddit. Or 4chan.
In each of these environments, Kasumovic suggests, a recent influx of female
participants has disrupted a pre-existing social hierarchy. That’s okay for
the guys at the top — but for the guys at the bottom, who stand to lose more
status, that’s very threatening. (It’s also in keeping with the
evolutionary framework on anti-lady hostility, which suggests sexism is a
kind of Neanderthal defense mechanism for low-status, non-dominant men trying
to maintain a shaky grip on their particular cave’s supply of women.)
“As men often rely on aggression to maintain their dominant social status,”
Kasumovic writes, “the increase in hostility towards a woman by lower-status
males may be an attempt to disregard a female’s performance and suppress her
disturbance on the hierarchy to retain their social rank.”
In other words, like your mother always said, bullies just feel bad about
This does not, alas, suggest any solutions for on- or offline sexism, or any
hope that it will ever really end. (“There are so many more questions we’ve
already begun to to ask and our results are looking really interesting,”
Kasumovic said.)
Until then, ladies, Facebook and Pinterest are your friends! Those are, for
better or worse, two of the online spaces where this type of sex-ratio
imbalance isn’t much of a problem: Women on both sites solidly outnumber men.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Men who harass women online are quite literally losers, new study finds - The Washington Post Researchers watched how men treated women during 163 plays of the video game Halo 3. ...
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→ : 常駐傻花板的肥宅表示:17F 07/21 13:43
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噓 : 三害真魯26F 07/21 14:17
推 : 鬼島三害 越魯越仇女27F 07/21 14:18
推 : 難怪八卦板。。。。28F 07/21 14:20
推 : 這篇文章下面的留言,證實了本文的研究結果29F 07/21 14:24
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→ : 技巧差怪東怪西 有性別就攻擊性別以維護男性自尊
→ : 技巧差怪東怪西 有性別就攻擊性別以維護男性自尊
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推 : 就打輸在牽脫而己丫35F 07/21 15:02
推 : 崩崩摟36F 07/21 15:09
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