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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-12-12 14:27:38
看板 Gossiping
作者 oxasshole ()
標題 [新聞] 三星開始生產14奈米FinFET
時間 Fri Dec 12 13:40:07 2014


Samsung starts production of 14nm FinFET chips for its clients


Samsung has announced that it has started the production of 14nm FinFET chips
for its clients. Kim Ki-nam, the President of Samsung’s semiconductor
business and the head of System LSI business, has stated that the production
of these chips is proceeding very well, however he did not reveal the name of
the clients. ZDNet believes that Samsung’s clients could be either Apple,
AMD, or Qualcomm. Samsung might make S1 SoCs, which will be used in Apple
Watch. Even Qualcomm has inked a deal with Samsung to produce its next
generation application processors. This chips could also be used in AMD’s
GPUs. Samsung is trying to attract clients away from its Taiwan-based
competitor TSMC. Earlier this year, Samsung has already shown off samples to
its clients.

目前這些晶片生產相當順利,但他沒提到客戶是誰。 ZDNet認為三星14奈米客戶可能是蘋
果,AMD,或高通.三星可能替蘋果生產Apple Watch用的S1晶片,而高通也已經跟三星簽約生
産高通下一代處理器。 而AMD的GPU也有可能用三星14奈米製程;三星一直想從台灣的台積

Samsung has already made a contract to produce Apple’s A9 application
processors, which could be used in the next-generation iPhone. The Korean
giant is also supplying DRAM and NAND storage chips to Apple. Samsung is
proclaimed that its new 14nm FinFET have 20 percent more processing
performance in spite of being 15 percent smaller in size and drawing 35
percent less electricity than the 20nm chips produced by TSMC.

晶片供應商。 三星說它的14奈米FinFET比台積的20奈米效能強20%,但尺寸小15%且省電

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sony1256: 所以到底誰比較強?1F 12/12 13:40
momogo11: obov2F 12/12 13:41
twod758:                       五樓奈米屌   o'_'o3F 12/12 13:41
kasion: 鍋董:都是XX跟XX在鬧 韓國簽了XX都這樣了4F 12/12 13:41
tonypanda: 良率呢 ~~~~5F 12/12 13:41
angelwu: 良率才是最重要的  三星這種文章不知道出現幾次www6F 12/12 13:42
Cinor: 良率夠高才有辦法比吧?7F 12/12 13:43
deathsong: 快睡吧 30%的良率跟我說研發完成?8F 12/12 13:44
shs916018: 10%良率?9F 12/12 13:45
horseface: 三爽自爽10F 12/12 13:45
vvvi: 還是只能勉強看到GG車尾燈11F 12/12 13:46
NewPoliceman: 新iphone上市前一年常有這種消息12F 12/12 13:48
sxing6326: 我信啊 反正客戶又不管良率 三星自己要承擔 何樂不為13F 12/12 13:48
signm: 良率?14F 12/12 13:49
sysop5566:  三星不是主打 OLED 嗎? 圾垃東西15F 12/12 13:50
deathsong: 1個月前良率還在30% 現在是要硬上?16F 12/12 13:50
lovepork: 三星為什麼那麼執著要再半導體這塊跟TSMC一較高下呢??17F 12/12 13:51
lovepork: 人比人不會氣死人嗎??? 可以坐其他的啊
asd0112: 台GG GG19F 12/12 13:52
sxing6326: 因為利潤高啊20F 12/12 13:52
wyyoung: 30%,退貨到死。21F 12/12 13:53
signm: 利潤那裡高了,現在都毛利22F 12/12 13:54
lovepork: 良率不到30%  利潤還高嗎?? 廠商退貨也很煩吧23F 12/12 13:54
ruqoo: 良率表示24F 12/12 13:56
oxasshole: 被台積16nm逼到了吧,良率低也要上25F 12/12 14:02
tsairay: 出貨文26F 12/12 14:03
sunnyyoung: 喝水不夠,喝FIN就好27F 12/12 14:04
boyo: 台積電的毛利率幹爆三星好吧.......28F 12/12 14:04
tsairay: 客戶怎麼會不管呢~良率低代表沒辦法如期拿到足夠的量29F 12/12 14:04
tsairay: 生產的時間是固定的,你良率低代表花同樣的時間你只能交出
tsairay: 更少的貨,晶圓生產本來就已經是24hr在生產了,你產線也
eva20018: 還不是被台GG海放到看不見車尾燈32F 12/12 14:06
tsairay: 不是說加就加,所以單位時間內能生產多少都是固定的33F 12/12 14:06
kenro: 良率還嚇到高通...34F 12/12 14:10
GodOfGods: 我 猜三星打算直接邊做邊拉良率,30%等於賠錢也要賣35F 12/12 14:13
momogo11: 因為其他好像有些也虧錢了 日本 歐洲也不是吃素的36F 12/12 14:24
momogo11: 嗯 應該說 賺的不如以往才對

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