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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-03 10:27:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 yafayu (RainSpeed)
標題 [新聞]保時捷和奧迪V6柴油引擎也被抓到安裝軟體
時間 Tue Nov  3 09:36:07 2015

※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞


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Porsche, more Audi models pulled into VW emissions scandal

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔!

About 10,000 of the luxury cars from Volkswagen units are fitted with the
illegal software device, U.S. and California regulators said. Many more may
be on the road. VW in 2013 said it had built and sold more than 1.6 million
3.0 V6 TDI engines worldwide, just before the current version of the engine
was introduced in 2014.

It is not clear how many models fitted with the current version of the V-6
may have the illegal software. The EPA said it cited only those vehicles and
model years that it had recently tested. It did not say if it has tested
earlier versions of the engine.

In September, Volkswagen admitted it installed software that can cheat
emissions tests, called defeat devices, in smaller, four-cylinder engines on
about 482,000 cars in the United States and more than 11 million worldwide.

Among the diesel models officials named on Monday as being in violation of
U.S. laws are five Audi models, including the A6 sedan and the Q5 SUV. Also
cited were the VW Touareg and Porsche Cayenne.

In a separate statement, Porsche said it was "surprised to learn this

"Until this notice, all of our information was that the Porsche Cayenne
Diesel is fully compliant," it added.

The emissions cheats allowed the vehicles to pass tests meant to monitor
vehicles' emissions of nitrogen oxide.

The mechanism detects when an engine is being tested for tailpipe emissions
and then alters the emission controls to permit more pollutants in actual

Carmakers are permitted to use software to optimize engine performance in
some cases, but sidestepping emissions controls with a defeat device is
prohibited by law.

Volkswagen has yet to come up with solutions to address illegal software on
three generations of four-cylinder diesels first cited by the EPA on
September 18.

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更多的可能是在路上。大眾汽車在2013年表示,已建成並售出超過160萬3.0 V6 TDI發動



在命名週一違反美國作為柴油車型官員的法律有五個奧迪車型,其中包括A6轎車和Q5 SUV







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Porsche, more Audi models pulled into VW emissions scandal | Reuters
Volkswagen used devices to cheat air pollution tests in diesel luxury vehicles, U.S. environmental regulators said on Monday, in a new blow to the automaker already reeling from similar allegations regarding millions of smaller diesel engines. ...


※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者劣文,請注意

果然美國EPA繼續往VW集團下的柴油引擎發現, 包誇

奧迪A6, Q5, 福斯 Touareg and 保時捷 Cayenne

總共有一百六十萬台V6 3.0柴油在2013年賣出


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adgbw8728: 有安裝初音嗎1F 11/03 09:36
peter080808: 德國不意外2F 11/03 09:36
blaz: 你知道要有翻譯嗎?3F 11/03 09:37
linfon00: 德國神話4F 11/03 09:37
crescentbell: 要決鬥了是不是啊5F 11/03 09:37
if2: 50萬收6F 11/03 09:38
eipduolc: VAG倒一倒吧7F 11/03 09:38
mdkn35: 今年是怎麼回事?? 造假抓包之年?8F 11/03 09:38
g8330330: 妹喜歡就好9F 11/03 09:38
thinboy543: 德國只有汽車能看,其他被中日海放10F 11/03 09:38
MacOSX10: 年薪千萬還被車廠當北七是什麼感覺11F 11/03 09:39
※ 編輯: yafayu (, 11/03/2015 09:43:31
zhttp: 賓利Bentayga柴油版要不要也查一查 快出了12F 11/03 09:43
DWR: 反正消費者不care,騙排氣是汙染,又不是性能13F 11/03 09:45
pooznn: Cayenne 也中獎...台灣人不是超多人買這台...14F 11/03 09:45
WestStTeen56: 要翻譯啦15F 11/03 09:45
WestStTeen56: 真的超多 cayenne 尤其是台中
ienari: 福斯集團掰掰了17F 11/03 09:50
C3X: 德國向來強的是包裝行消跟誤導 不一外18F 11/03 09:50
※ 編輯: yafayu (, 11/03/2015 09:53:27
blissful: 大水庫理論要出現了嗎??19F 11/03 09:51
※ 編輯: yafayu (, 11/03/2015 09:59:51
DiMammaMia: 內文是啥小翻譯啊20F 11/03 09:55
DVW: 暈暈??21F 11/03 09:56
goodday5566: 戰力十足22F 11/03 10:25

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