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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-11-29 00:04:08
看板 Tech_Job
作者 doraemon294 (doraemon294)
標題 [徵才] Facebook 日本Big Data Engineer
時間 Mon Nov 21 23:54:46 2016

Latitude People 株式会社
代徵 Facebook Japan Big Data Engineer

- Manage data warehouse plans for a business vertical or
  a group of business verticals
- Partner with internal stakeholders to understand business
  requirements, work with cross-functional data and products
  teams and build efficient and scalable data solutions
- Build data expertise, deep understanding of business domain
  knowledge and own data quality for allocated areas of ownership
- Write SQL queries and manage data transformation to enable analytics
  and reporting
- Support project development life cycles through data modeling,
  transformation, reporting and analytics
- Build rich and dynamic dashboards using out-of-box features,
  customizations, and creative visualizations using in-house tools
  as well as third party tools such as Tableau, MicroStrategy, D3.js,
  HighCharts, MS Excel, etc.
- Automate solutions where appropriate

- BA/BS in Computer Science/Engineering, Math, Business Administration,
  or closely related, or foreign equivalent
- 2+ years hands-on experience in business intelligence and data warehousing
- 2+ years hands-on experience in SQL or similar languages. Development
  experience on large data sets and in at least one scripting language
  (Python preferred) is a plus
- 2+ years hands-on experience in MicroStrategy and/or Tableau is preferred
- Strong data architecture, data modeling, schema design and effective
  project management skills
- Proven experience in leading data driven projects from definition through
  interpretation and execution
- Ability to initiate and drive projects, and communicate data warehouse
  plans to internal clients/stakeholders
- Excellent communication skills, business fluency in Japanese and English
  is a must
- Have a strong knowledge of the Japanese regions and culture, in country
  experience is a plus
- Should be willing to periodically travel between Tokyo and Singapore for
  on-boarding, training and professional upkeep




薪資(保證最低年薪):JPY 7-8mn
公司分紅與獎金: Negotiable
加班費制度: 符合日本當地法規

02-2541-9816 Josh


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OCnZ9Uy (Tech_Job)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1479743689.A.7BC.html
typeklng: 薪資有點低...........1F 11/22 00:17
tonybin: 年薪700萬+ 就平匡那個system engineer的級距2F 11/22 00:24
ldkrsi: 看起來是夠每個月拿20萬請一個新垣結衣 (誤3F 11/22 00:40
TokyoHard: 日本七百萬不低了啦4F 11/22 00:57
ljsnonocat: 推3F5F 11/22 01:55
johnny94: 一樓大概又是直接把薪水除10來換算的6F 11/22 02:01
drajan: 建議轉去Soft_Job版喔7F 11/22 03:44
obovobov: 跟其它比是不差,但FB開這價也太差了8F 11/22 07:18
PoloHuang: Facebook居然這麼低...9F 11/22 08:28
shietsd: 兩年經驗這樣在日本算低嗎?10F 11/22 08:48
titigirl: 我覺得除以3也算低11F 11/22 08:55
keyofdejavu: 日本的工程師薪水相較平均薪水沒比較高12F 11/22 09:00
Smile365Day: 很低+113F 11/22 09:12
DrTech: 很低就不要去阿。日本本來就是這種死薪水。14F 11/22 09:35
jeromeshih: 不過如果日本洗FB履歷要跳應該比較容易吧15F 11/22 10:16
jeromeshih: 不過沒想到FB開那麼低
Luos: 我去送死17F 11/22 10:17
shinza: 往另一個方向想 這種薪水強者都不會去 機會就來了 搞不好18F 11/22 10:22
shinza: 去了還有機會內轉到其他國家 再不然履歷有個FB 也很加分
shinza: 所以這擺明就是難得的機會
billandcs: Linkedin 多個FB的經歷....自己算算差多少21F 11/22 10:59
obovobov: 這薪水的確強者看不上眼,30歲以下去洗個經歷是不錯22F 11/22 11:02
vencil: FB這價格沒比日本本土企業較高的那層好耶...23F 11/22 11:04
baseguard: 日本工程師薪水本來就不高,這待遇已經算蠻不錯24F 11/22 11:18
sean2449: 這應該不是軟體工程師...掛在IT底下25F 11/22 11:19
obovobov: 拿不到高薪不要說日本工程師薪水不高,高薪的大有人在26F 11/22 11:26
sceleton: 真的低27F 11/22 12:36
※ 編輯: doraemon294 (, 11/22/2016 15:27:35
zxc0312: 在學生版 去日本工作薪水要比照美國拉 不然都太低28F 11/22 16:28
zxc0312: 沒有台g33高的 都算低
obovobov: 台gg33也敢拿來比,基準真低30F 11/22 17:13
ttttted: 這薪水只能當遊民吧31F 11/22 23:42

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