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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-19 14:52:50
看板 Gossiping
作者 sincos5566 (正弦餘弦五五六六)
標題 [新聞] 川普就職 台灣將持另一面中國紅旗出席
時間 Thu Jan 19 13:52:26 2017

衛報 The Guardian

Trump inauguration: Taiwan delegation will attend in another red flag to China

The war of words between China and Donald Trump flared again as China urged
the US not to let a Taiwanese delegation attend his inauguration.


Trump previously broke decades of diplomatic protocol by speaking directly
with Taiwan’s president after winning the US presidential election in


China said it opposed the Taiwan delegation’s attendance, which could “
disturb or undermine Sino-US relations”.


“We once again urge relevant parties in the US to allow no delegation sent
by the Taiwan authority to attend the inauguration ceremony of the president,
and not to have any official contact with Taiwan,” said Hua Chunying, a
foreign ministry spokeswoman. “This message has been delivered to the
sitting US administration and the Trump transition team.”


China will send its ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, to the inauguration.

中國會派遣他的駐美大使Cui Tiankai(懶得翻)到就職典禮

China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province and has often used military threats
to discourage a formal declaration of independence. Trump has infuriated
China by suggesting the “one China” policy – a diplomatic status quo under
which Beijing’s claims are not contested – could become a bargaining chip
in future trade talks.


A group of Taiwanese security officials and lawmakers will be lead by Yu
Shyi-kun, a former premier and party chairman, in attending Trump’s
inauguration on 20 January.


Taiwan’s foreign ministry said the delegation would “show the importance
our government and people attached to the close and friendly relationship
between our two countries”. A US delegation attended the inauguration of the
Taiwanese president, Tsai Ing-wen, in 2015.


Taiwan typically sends a delegation to US presidential inaugurations but Trump
’s forays into foreign policy have strained relations with China before he
even enters the White House.


Tsai declared her country’s determination to “walk on the international
stage” after two stopovers in the US that angered Beijing. China also called
on the US to block those visits.


China has repeatedly warned Trump against breaking the status quo over
Taiwan, saying: “The ‘one China’ principle, which is the political
foundation of the China-US relations, is non-negotiable.”


Trump has packed his White House team with China critics and has been
frequently slammed over Taiwan and trade in Chinese state media since his
election victory.


Just days before his inauguration one government-run Chinese newspaper warned
that if provocation over Taiwan continued, China would be forced to “take
off the gloves”.


In a show of force last week, China sailed its only aircraft carrier,
accompanied by a fleet of warships, through the waters separating China and


4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Trump inauguration: Taiwan delegation will attend in another red flag to China | US news | The Guardian
Taiwanese delegation will attend new president’s swearing-in, prompting Beijing to warn it could ‘disturb or undermine Sino-US relations’ ...



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AlexMorsh: 結果台灣還是中國1F 01/19 13:53
AlexMorsh: Q
jma306:   紅旗軍演3F 01/19 13:53
GoldenWasabi: 結果一中是中華民國?4F 01/19 13:53
ams9: 打著紅旗反紅旗5F 01/19 13:53
lovejamwu: 目前是這面旗啊.拿這面也是能氣死中國.6F 01/19 13:53
s72005ming: 紅旗?7F 01/19 13:54
M013: 就是個籌碼而已 吱吱還在高潮☺8F 01/19 13:54
Hooz: 蔡英文還在睡??9F 01/19 13:54
jinx5566: 一個中國沒錯,中華民國;支那不叫中國,他們叫中共10F 01/19 13:54
Fongin: 公投制憲台灣國 換代表台灣的新國旗11F 01/19 13:54
amos30627: 某樓說的好像台灣在歐巴馬的時候就不是籌碼一樣12F 01/19 13:55
meredith001: OK阿 反正能氣死支那的就是好旗13F 01/19 13:55
holy0222: 中華民國就是中國14F 01/19 13:56
holy0222: 台灣的白癡腦弱者還是不懂
KangSuat: 帥仕相俥傌炮兵16F 01/19 13:56
joe00477: 哈哈 看吧!我們就是想跟中共爭中國代表權 國際社會都這17F 01/19 13:56
holy0222: 還以為 R.O.China不是China18F 01/19 13:56
joe00477: 樣認為19F 01/19 13:56
holy0222: 真是全地球最蠢20F 01/19 13:56
bg00004: joe00477 在悲憤什麼?你拿得出另外一面台灣公認的國旗嗎?21F 01/19 13:57
holy0222: 繼續搞下去台灣就是跟中國剪不斷理還亂22F 01/19 13:57
McHamburger: 有個疑問 "attend in another red flag to China"23F 01/19 13:57
bg00004: 沒有就閉嘴吧~再另外問一個.美國准你拿嗎?24F 01/19 13:58
McHamburger: 是to China不是 of China25F 01/19 13:58
holy0222: 來了來了 腦弱R.O.China 人馬上完美詮釋26F 01/19 13:58
bg00004: 現在大人在過招..台灣看準風向就是了!27F 01/19 13:58
McHamburger: 是不是意思是說 "對"中國舉另一面紅旗28F 01/19 13:58
b9211173: 一中就是中華民國青天白日旗....這是誤打誤撞嗎?29F 01/19 13:58
j2squared: 此紅旗非彼紅旗30F 01/19 13:58
McHamburger: 而不是 舉另一面中國"的"紅旗31F 01/19 13:59
bg00004: 完美詮釋個屁XD 我只問你拿得出另外一面台灣國旗嗎?32F 01/19 13:59
bg00004: 拿不出來只會在那邊嘴砲~用說的都很容易
Mesa5566: 一直想換國旗 都快忘記ROC也是紅旗了 XDD34F 01/19 13:59
Timba: 拿民國旗也比共匪旗好35F 01/19 13:59
bg00004: 他現在就是代表台灣的國旗啊..不爽的話公投換啊36F 01/19 14:00
doomhammer: 恩恩恩 同一個國家有兩面國旗 一中? 嗯?誰解釋一下37F 01/19 14:00
sincos5566: red flag有示警紅旗的意思 應該是Mc大說的那樣38F 01/19 14:00
bg00004: 不過你先去問美國准不准你換吧!39F 01/19 14:00
YamagiN: 脫下手套 開始打手槍?40F 01/19 14:00
bg00004: doomhammer 這就是大人們在過招啊41F 01/19 14:01
doomhammer: 還在同屬一個中國的解釋一下啊 一個國家 兩面國旗 一42F 01/19 14:01
jackeylaw: 哪裡有持中國紅旗的字眼 這翻譯...43F 01/19 14:01
bg00004: 你說一中是吧...那~中國民國國旗...啊!44F 01/19 14:01
doomhammer: 個爸爸一個媽媽啦 幹45F 01/19 14:01
j2squared: 就是繼續讓支那不爽的意思啦,跟國旗沒半點關係46F 01/19 14:02
Howard61313: 紅明顯,等等會補推。標題說red flag to China,這字47F 01/19 14:02
sincos5566: attend in another red flag to China 怎麼翻比較好?48F 01/19 14:02
Howard61313: 面上比較像是對中國展示紅旗吧,是翻成中國的紅旗嗎?49F 01/19 14:02
Howard61313: 好了,我先補推,等等解釋
sincos5566: 反正中華民國國旗也是紅的 我就這樣想惹ㄏㄏ51F 01/19 14:03
bg00004: sincos5566 我是這樣理解的..拿中華民國國旗52F 01/19 14:04
bident: 能讓中國玻璃心崩潰的旗很多53F 01/19 14:04
bg00004: bident但是能讓中國真的崩潰且能代表的國旗就是那邊54F 01/19 14:05
Howard61313: 保險譯法就是對中國秀紅旗,或許英語達人看到紅旗就55F 01/19 14:05
bg00004: 青天白日滿地紅56F 01/19 14:05
Howard61313: 會聯想到英語用法的red flag57F 01/19 14:05
sincos5566: red flag有1.紅旗 2.示警 兩個解釋58F 01/19 14:05
bg00004: 如果就職宣誓..台灣真的可以拿國旗..中國真的會氣死!59F 01/19 14:06
Howard61313: 但如果是標題的「中國紅旗」,那是red flag of China60F 01/19 14:06
shiriri: 想複雜一點red flag可以是雙關61F 01/19 14:06
photoshark: 也是紅旗啊,而且也曾經代表過中國沒錯,還是沒台灣62F 01/19 14:06
sincos5566: 採用1.紅旗 因為兩面國旗都是紅色 可以解釋63F 01/19 14:06
NCTUEE800808: 那可以改拿Taiwan國旗64F 01/19 14:06
bg00004: 希望川普說到做到XDDD65F 01/19 14:06
Howard61313: ,不是原文的red flag "to" China66F 01/19 14:07
sincos5566: 採用2.示警 因為台灣出席讓中國很不爽 也可以解釋67F 01/19 14:07
Howard61313: 總之,衛報沒說這個紅旗是中國的,只說是對中國秀的68F 01/19 14:07
Cabbage159: QQ69F 01/19 14:08
windangellin: 還蠻想換國旗的70F 01/19 14:08
Sinreigensou: 崔天凱啦71F 01/19 14:09
sincos5566: 內文用這張圖 http://i.imgur.com/MgFkoWz.jpg72F 01/19 14:09
sincos5566: 所以我就解釋為另一面中國國旗惹 ㄏㄏ73F 01/19 14:09
butten986: 川普是要台灣反攻大陸喔......別人的孩子死不完74F 01/19 14:10
MadMagician: 拜託不要75F 01/19 14:11
Howard61313: 「中國紅旗」是一個解釋,但「對中國秀紅旗」能同時76F 01/19 14:11
Howard61313: 包含兩個解釋,我是覺得翻後者比較保險就是了XD
sincos5566: Howard大高手啊!78F 01/19 14:11
Howard61313: 然後Cui Tiankai就是之前叫蔡英文接受13億人考試的那79F 01/19 14:13
Howard61313: 個人,哈哈
Howard61313: 當時台灣應該有很多新聞報導他
Howard61313: 崔天凱
sincos5566: Cui是念崔喔 我一直念成尻83F 01/19 14:14
Howard61313: 我當初也是Google才知道崔的英文這樣翻84F 01/19 14:15
j68345517: 如果不是中國旗二戰時中國拿什麼旗?85F 01/19 14:16
jackeylaw: 台灣代表團將會在另一個對中國的警訊中出席 (直翻)86F 01/19 14:17
kenro: 川普一定會收台灣團的  因為是他的籌碼87F 01/19 14:21
andy8292: 翻的很生動~話說中國脫下手套要幹嘛?打手槍嗎?88F 01/19 14:22
sophia810130: 我們還沒有國旗 只有另一個中國國旗89F 01/19 14:23
johnny3: 兩個中國90F 01/19 14:24
Howard61313: andy8292大,不脫手套也能做那種事啊91F 01/19 14:25
musiker: 標題爛翻譯 red flag一定是警告訊號啊92F 01/19 14:25
wario2014: 非常好,用中華民國當美國籌碼,用台灣走自已的路93F 01/19 14:28
wario2014: 一兼二顧,摸蛤仔兼洗褲,哇哈哈哈
RICE0428: 醒醒吧 roc就是假中國 少自慰了95F 01/19 14:32
shadowpower: 雙關吧?總之不是五星旗96F 01/19 14:32
white07: 不改國旗的下場 哈哈哈哈啊哈哈97F 01/19 14:33
sincos5566: 我覺得兩個都能解釋啦 大家挑喜歡的夾去配98F 01/19 14:35
sanji719: 代表中(華冥)國的黨旗 甘台灣P499F 01/19 14:37
HANJIUN: 啥小另一面中國紅旗100F 01/19 14:41
iAsshole: “Trump has packed his White House team with China c101F 01/19 14:44
iAsshole: ritics...” - 翻錯了。
ishimaru: 中國真的剩一張嘴103F 01/19 14:45
iAsshole: 應該是 “川普在他的執政團隊中安插了許多批評中國的人104F 01/19 14:46
iAsshole: ”

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