※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-26 21:24:37
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作者 標題 [情報] JD Power: Tesla車主不在乎車輛品質不佳
時間 Sun Mar 26 21:00:03 2017
因為Tesla銷售量少,調查樣本不夠多,所以先前JD Power公佈的IQS品質排行榜的報告
JD Power從收集到調查資料發現,即使Tesla車輛品質問題很多,但Tesla車主們還是
JD Power的主任Kathleen Rizk說,
和品牌觀感 產生戲劇性的負面效應。」
(圖) Tesla Model 3 將直接跳過Beta開發測試階段(Beta Development Phase),
"Spending $100,000 or more on a vehicle that has so many problems usually
would have a dramatically negative effect on sales and brand perception.
Right now, though, Tesla seems immune from such disenchanted customers."
"Tesla owners see themselves as pioneers who enjoy being early adopters of
new technology," said Kathleen Rizk, director, global automotive consulting
at J.D. Power.
JD Power認證,許多Tesla車主的信仰值很高。
也難怪Tesla敢冒險決定讓Model 3完全跳過Beta開發測試階段,直接進入Early-Release
階段,這樣Model 3就可以早點上市,開放全民公測了。
[JD Power] Tesla車主承認車子有很多品質問題,但仍然熱愛他們的車。
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Problems associated with Tesla Model S and Model X have little influence on the overt affection owners have for these cars and the brand, according to ...
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