※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-20 09:51:17
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作者 標題 [新聞] Model S為了閃鹿翻落邊坡約150公尺
時間 Thu Apr 20 02:41:36 2017
上周一位希望匿名的Tesla Model S車主載著乘客要前往Oakland hills
途經Grizzly Peak Blvd時,有隻鹿讓他反應過度以至翻落邊坡
另外他們用"totally OK"來形容他們的狀況,身上只有烏青跟肌肉痠痛
不愧是當初測試車頂強度時把測試機器搞壞的Model S
Tesla driver says Model S ‘saved his life’ after walking away unscathed from a crash ~500-ft down a hill | Electrek
We have reported before on Tesla owners crediting their vehicles’ safety features for saving their lives after severe accidents, like when a Model X c ...
Tesla driver says Model S ‘saved his life’ after walking away unscathed
from a crash ~500-ft down a hill
We have reported before on Tesla owners crediting their vehicles’ safety
features for saving their lives after severe accidents, like when a Model
X crashed into a semi-truck earlier this year, but probably none as
spectacular as a crash that happened in California last week.
A Tesla Model S driver and his passenger walked away unscathed after
their vehicle tumbled ~500 feet down a cliff and ended up upside down in
a trail.
The driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, explained that a deer made
him swerve off the edge while he was driving on Grizzly Peak Blvd on his
way to the Oakland hills:
“While Driving perhaps a tad too spirited, a deer appeared at a curve at
the worst possible moment. I instinctively (mistakenly) swerved to avoid
it and my car ended up over the edge. We tumbled perhaps 150-200 feet
down a steep slope, ended up upside down.”
They later found that it was closer to 500 feet down from the road after
they had to tow the Model S back up.
He shared a few pictures of the slope where the car jumped off the edge:
After what the driver described as “the most terrifying seconds of his
life”, he and the passenger realised that they were both “totally OK –
with only bruises and muscle soreness”.
They were surprised to found that the interior cabin of the vehicle was “
totally intact”. It’s only when they climbed out of the car through the
sunroof that they realized the severity of the damages on the body of the
It showed that the large crumple zones in Tesla’s vehicles (due to the
lack of an engine) can be very useful in high-velocity impacts –
sometimes even lifesaving. The driver said: “It felt rock solid to me
and I feel lucky to be alive because of my tesla.”
The roof also played a crucial role since the vehicle rolled and ended up
upside down. The sunroof detached itself midway down the cliff, but it
didn’t affect the strength of the Model S’ roof, which broke NHTSA’s
roof-crushing test equipment when they performed their crash tests. It
could register a result past 4Gs – meaning that 4 Model S’s could pile
up on another without the cabin caving in.
They managed to hike up the trail and get back OK, but since it happened
right before Easter weekend, they had to leave the Model S there.
Only yesterday (Tuesday), they were able to get the vehicle out of the
trail after the tow company spent 4 hours and used 550 feet of rope to
bring it back on the road:
The owner is already looking to get a new Tesla. he also recomends to
drive “a bit more cautiously” at night on those mountain roads.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OzwzaO0 (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1492627300.A.600.html
推 : 真是好車 難怪股價一直噴1F 04/20 02:49
推 : 連側邊玻璃也沒爆 我的老神A在國道上翻一圈就爆光了2F 04/20 02:53
推 : 玻璃沒爆是因為有樹枝緩衝3F 04/20 03:06
推 : 又硬又會跑的車 買不起QQ
推 : 又硬又會跑的車 買不起QQ
推 : 特斯拉:潰縮區 牛頭牌:鋁罐5F 04/20 04:16
推 : 特斯拉:走出來 牛頭牌:躺擔架6F 04/20 04:53
推 : 電動坦克7F 04/20 05:55
推 : 前後保桿的鋼樑看起來幾乎沒歪8F 04/20 06:52
推 : 都沒潰縮 人怎麼沒有吸收衝擊力9F 04/20 06:59
推 : 車頭車尾就是潰縮區啊10F 04/20 07:08
推 : 真那麼硬的話,怎麼不敢學S5表演頂空貨櫃呢?11F 04/20 07:24
推 : 不虧是美國貨 在台灣都死光了12F 04/20 07:36
推 : 跟馬三對撞你ㄧ定輸13F 04/20 07:53
→ : 這就是以後自動駕駛比較有爭議的地方14F 04/20 07:55
→ : 以後自動駕駛是要閃鹿而衝下山谷 還是直接撞上去
→ : 如果是閃人呢
→ : 以後自動駕駛是要閃鹿而衝下山谷 還是直接撞上去
→ : 如果是閃人呢
→ : 會急煞吧17F 04/20 08:07
推 : 10年造車工藝,海放50年的18F 04/20 08:22
推 : 做太好難怪虧損19F 04/20 08:33
推 : 這篇根本廣告吧 應該有優惠價了20F 04/20 08:55
推 : 這個電影全民公敵就演過啦 機器怎麼判斷? 人又會怎麼判斷?21F 04/20 08:59
推 : cowbe 五六十公尺!?22F 04/20 09:20
恐怖!違規雙黃線超車 轎車墜落百米深山谷 - YouTube

→ : 不就跟這一樣而已,不只車窗沒破連前後都沒事喔24F 04/20 09:24
→ : 山坡衝出去本來就不會比平地翻滾嚴重,是在那邊有多硬
→ : 山坡衝出去本來就不會比平地翻滾嚴重,是在那邊有多硬
→ : 你這新聞剛下去就被樹卡住了..26F 04/20 09:32
推 : 依AP來說 會以保護車內人為優先27F 04/20 09:38
推 : 如果是裕隆?28F 04/20 09:40
→ : 特斯拉:正確的潰縮 神A:哈哈 變小Y29F 04/20 09:42
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