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作者 標題 [新聞] 老鷹合唱團吉他手Glenn Frey 過世
時間 Tue Jan 19 07:09:03 2016
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Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey, 67, dies
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Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67, the band has announced.
老鷹合唱團吉他手 Glenn Frey 週一在紐約過世,享年67歲。
He died in New York City on Monday from complications arising from rheumatoid
arthritis, colitis and pneumonia.
"Words can neither describe our sorrow, nor our love and respect for all that
he has given to us,"温is family and fellow band members said.
The Eagles were one of the most successful bands of the 1970s, with multiple h
it singles including Hotel California, in 1976.
Frey co-founded the Eagles in 1971 with Don Henley, Bernie Leadon and Randy Me
He co-wrote Hotel California with Henley, and composed a number of the band's
biggest songs on his own, including Heartache Tonight and Lyin' Eyes.
The Eagles notched up more than 150 million album sales worldwide, with Hotel
California and their greatest hits among the best selling in history.
After the Eagles split, Frey enjoyed success as a solo artist, most notably wi
th The Heat is On, recorded for the 1984 film Beverly Hills Cop.
The band reunited in 1994 and became a hugely popular touring act.
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Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey, 67, dies - BBC News
The Eagles founder and guitarist Glenn Frey has died at the age of 67, the band announces on its website. ...
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hotel California..take it easy..I can't tell you why...
先來懷念他在1970年代 演唱會中的take it easy ..
Eagles - Take it easy 1977 - YouTube
Eagles - Take it easy 1977 Well, I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load I've got seven women on my mind, Four that wanna own me, Two that wanna s...
Eagles - Take it easy 1977 Well, I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load I've got seven women on my mind, Four that wanna own me, Two that wanna s...

lyin' eyes
EAGLES ~ "LYIN' EYES" 1977 - YouTube
Revised HQ Audio and Video It was not until 1975's One of These Nights that the Eagles became arguably America's biggest band. The album included three top 1...
Revised HQ Audio and Video It was not until 1975's One of These Nights that the Eagles became arguably America's biggest band. The album included three top 1...

New kids in town
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推 : WTF!?!?!?!?1F 01/19 07:09
→ : 噢不 QQQQQQQQQQ2F 01/19 07:09
推 : rip3F 01/19 07:10
推 : 一月是怎麼回事r.i.p4F 01/19 07:11
※ 編輯: juanesrule (, 01/19/2016 07:12:04推 : QQ5F 01/19 07:12
→ : 大概地球要爆炸了~名人趕快先回外星球(?)6F 01/19 07:13
推 : desperado7F 01/19 07:13
※ 編輯: juanesrule (, 01/19/2016 07:14:55推 : rip8F 01/19 07:16
推 : ..............9F 01/19 07:17
推 : why don't u come to u sence10F 01/19 07:18
※ 編輯: juanesrule (, 01/19/2016 07:19:24→ : 亡命之徒也是我最愛的一首11F 01/19 07:20
推 : I know you need a friend Someone you can talk to12F 01/19 07:23
→ : 亡命之徒不是他主唱的13F 01/19 07:23
推 : RIP14F 01/19 07:24
→ : 我哪知道誰唱的 只是喜歡那首歌15F 01/19 07:24
→ : 老鷹主唱是Don Henley,搖鈴鼓的,GLEEN FREY唱少一點16F 01/19 07:28
推 : 還有The one you love....QQ18F 01/19 07:36
※ 編輯: juanesrule (, 01/19/2016 07:38:47推 : R.I.P19F 01/19 07:38
推 : 他來台有去聽 貴貴的可是頗值得 R.I.P.20F 01/19 07:43
推 : The one you love經典21F 01/19 07:44
推 : !!!! WTF !!!! Take it easy, man~ QQ22F 01/19 07:56
→ : NOOOOO 崩潰了23F 01/19 08:07
推 : 前幾年來台灣我還有去......24F 01/19 08:08
推 : R.I.P25F 01/19 08:10
推 : R.I.P.26F 01/19 08:10
推 : The one you love 超級經典 我愛台妹的取樣來源27F 01/19 08:10
推 : new kid in town28F 01/19 08:11
噓 : 誰29F 01/19 08:13
推 : r.i.p30F 01/19 08:19
推 : R.I.P.31F 01/19 08:20
推 : 不!!!!剛才聽著desperado QQ32F 01/19 08:23
推 : ...............不33F 01/19 08:25
→ : 又一個走了34F 01/19 08:29
推 : 唉...35F 01/19 08:34
→ : 息止安所36F 01/19 08:40
推 : desperado超好聽...@@ R.I.P.37F 01/19 08:48
推 : 加州旅館QQ38F 01/19 08:58
推 : rip39F 01/19 08:59
推 : 天啊連續幾個大咖...是打算去上面組團了嗎40F 01/19 09:01
推 : RIP41F 01/19 09:03
推 : 不~~~~~~~=T_T42F 01/19 09:04
推 : 哭了 老樂團裡面最喜歡的一個43F 01/19 09:06
推 : R.I.P44F 01/19 09:06
推 : 嗚 剛在聽Desperado的說....45F 01/19 09:12
推 : 好難過,很喜歡他們的歌46F 01/19 09:16
推 : 哭了....47F 01/19 09:20
→ : 不~~48F 01/19 09:24
→ : R.I.P.49F 01/19 09:35
推 : 天啊!50F 01/19 09:37
推 : R.I.P.51F 01/19 09:45
推 : 噓的別讓人家笑你沒見過世面啊,rip…52F 01/19 09:47
推 : 怎麼一早看到這個,難過。53F 01/19 09:47
推 : R.I.P.54F 01/19 09:48
推 : 八年級後半 但是家裡老爸很愛聽也跟著愛上…R. I. P.55F 01/19 10:11
推 : R.I.P56F 01/19 10:11
推 : Nooooooooo57F 01/19 10:12
推 : R.I.P.58F 01/19 10:16
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