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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-06-10 22:00:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 Aotearoa (Aotearoa)
標題 [新聞] 川普想用Queen歌曲宣傳,Brian May:NO!
時間 Fri Jun 10 20:05:04 2016

http://goo.gl/qo0VGQ 每日郵報
Queen's Brian May slams Donald Trump for using band's hit We Are the Champions | Daily Mail Online
The tycoon, who recently clinched the Republication nomination, has played the 1977 hit at campaign events across the US in an apparent attempt to bol ...

Queen star Brian May slams Donald Trump for using band's hit We Are the
Champions at campaign events

最近在造勢場子上放了英國傳奇樂團 Queen 的名曲 We Are The Champions

吉他手 Brian May 因而收到來自粉絲雪片般飛來的信件,向他詢問此事。

Brian May 在官網上說:

除 Queen 以外
The Rolling Stones
Neil Young
Adele     等樂團與歌手都拒絕川普使用他們的歌曲


Brian May 是神

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NMgppF2 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1465560307.A.3C2.html
※ 編輯: Aotearoa (, 06/10/2016 20:05:49
kkman168: UCCU Trump~~~1F 06/10 20:05
zhttp: 自己唱吧2F 06/10 20:05
chihchuan: 哈哈3F 06/10 20:05
SonyXperiaZ3: 哈哈川普哈哈4F 06/10 20:06
AceDuck: 倒退嚕給他當競選歌曲啦5F 06/10 20:06
AirPenguin: 藝能界有人支持川普?6F 06/10 20:06
lovekangin: 有支持川普的藝人嗎? 想知道7F 06/10 20:07
BF109Pilot: 沒授權 可以吉嗎8F 06/10 20:07
HermesKing: We Are The Champions~9F 06/10 20:07
bruce511239: 自己作曲吧川普10F 06/10 20:08
djcc: 自己唱阿  稀罕喔11F 06/10 20:09
otaku5566: 哈哈川普哈哈12F 06/10 20:09
transcend789: Who cares? Haha13F 06/10 20:09
catatonic: https://youtu.be/-41fbDYZyLo Josh Groban14F 06/10 20:09
Josh Groban Sings Donald Trump Tweets - YouTube
We are very proud to bring the great talents of Josh Groban and Donald Trump together for this new album that is nothing short of magic. SUBSCRIBE to get the...

GordonRamsay: https://youtu.be/vVeVcVBW_CE?t=5m1s  用這首R15F 06/10 20:10
Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump's Battle of the Billionaires Contract Signing - YouTube Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump make their Battle of the Billionaires Match official on Raw.

souvlaki: We are the Trump16F 06/10 20:11
abusgun: we're the Thumpion17F 06/10 20:12
somefatguy: 幹嘛用英國歌,英國不是拒絕川普入境嗎18F 06/10 20:13
kyo2001: 再出發啊19F 06/10 20:13
nnyy5566: 川普可以用56朵花的歌曲啊~20F 06/10 20:13
shiriri: 快向他推薦5566金曲 我難過 輸的時候可以用21F 06/10 20:14
thundelet: 哈哈川普哈哈22F 06/10 20:16
chu630: Queen了不起喔 川普來跟5566借We'll Rock you來用23F 06/10 20:17
GIN1967: 哈哈24F 06/10 20:17
bakaka: 川普: 以後會不會繼續支持川普哥哥?25F 06/10 20:20
pauljet: 川普Uccu26F 06/10 20:23
karta0681608: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD27F 06/10 20:25
prestonia: 問一下cena可不可以借用主題曲 ~John cena sucks28F 06/10 20:34
kauyau: 川普這垃圾不配用QUEEN的歌29F 06/10 21:26
sleepyrat: 黃克林:我的"倒退嚕"借你用~~30F 06/10 21:53

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