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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-19 07:42:56
看板 Gossiping
作者 os56good (super5566)
標題 [新聞] 紐約時代廣場發生卡車衝撞路人
時間 Fri May 19 00:43:35 2017


At least 13 people were injured when a car struck pedestrians in New York’s Times Square on Thursday at about noon, according to the Fire Department.

The conditions of the people were not known, a spokeswoman said.

A Police Department spokesman said the driver of the car had been taken into custody.

A maroon Honda Accord sat tilted on a bollard in Times Square, its right wheels off the ground on the northwest corner of 45th Street and Broadway. Its front hood was crumpled and its trunk was open. Detectives and investigators surrounded the car.


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ComeThrough: 要射戰斧了嗎1F 05/19 00:44
tonica: 麥克連呢2F 05/19 00:44
tom92186: 三浦:射惹3F 05/19 00:44
liuda: 快射4F 05/19 00:44
larry890122: 怕怕5F 05/19 00:44
saisai60: !!!6F 05/19 00:44
james732: 美國海關安檢等級要突破天際了7F 05/19 00:45
onbed007: 阿拉花瓜8F 05/19 00:45
aglet: 川普大帝剛好可以震怒了9F 05/19 00:45
liuda: 在掩蓋什麼新聞?救了川普!10F 05/19 00:45
tw88: 正恩正恩得第一12F 05/19 00:45
lovew811159: 美國日常13F 05/19 00:45
yukihira: 現在真流行卡車撞人14F 05/19 00:46
popy8789: 三寶15F 05/19 00:46
event1408472: 丘意16F 05/19 00:46
gca00631: 這麼想證明川普是對的?17F 05/19 00:46
doom3: 三寶?18F 05/19 00:46
popy8789: 台灣:一定是老人、女人、老女人搞得19F 05/19 00:46
sony2008: GTA online20F 05/19 00:47
karta018: 這有啥? 台灣斑馬線不是天天上演嗎?21F 05/19 00:47
leew633: 衝車大將軍22F 05/19 00:47
godbar: 搞不好是老川的陰謀 藉此轉移焦點打擊恐怖主義23F 05/19 00:48
Atlantis5566: 酒駕?24F 05/19 00:48
mytoychiu: 時間點真巧 選在川普被彈劾後25F 05/19 00:49
a5648183: 不過也有可能是三寶倒不見得是恐怖攻擊,日本前陣子發生26F 05/19 00:51
a5648183: 好幾起,台灣也有
Pietro: DIO28F 05/19 00:52
popy8789: 台灣不就爆料公社日常 怎會到美國就變成恐怖攻擊?29F 05/19 00:52
Pietro: RIP30F 05/19 00:53
mkzkcfh: Northisis31F 05/19 00:54
cderfv1000: 塊陶RRR32F 05/19 00:54
zhengze: 前幾天才一個開進超商!機車進早餐店的33F 05/19 00:54
popy8789: 台灣日常 美國就變恐怖攻擊了34F 05/19 00:54
popy8789: 這種東西爆料公社很多
HausRush: 是卡車 三寶大部分不會碰到吧36F 05/19 00:55
svd237: GTA?37F 05/19 01:10
jay7777777: 川普趕走移民也沒用 孤狼式攻擊是洗腦邊緣美國人38F 05/19 01:11
crea0520: 阿拉花瓜39F 05/19 01:15
a5648183: 車子是Accord,開車撞人被捕的之前有多次酒駕被吊照紀錄,40F 05/19 01:25
a5648183: 出事當時正是午餐時間,看來恐怖攻擊可能性不是那麼的大
k5253XLMz: Liberty City42F 05/19 01:29
momocom: 三普解套了43F 05/19 01:30
Quinzio: 美國日常44F 05/19 01:39
konmugen: 唐老大,是你!?45F 05/19 01:45
maxisam: 哪裡有卡車 就一般的車而已46F 05/19 04:00
ccucwc: 恐攻?殭屍?三寶?47F 05/19 07:41

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