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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-23 10:14:38
看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
標題 [新聞] 戴姆勒推出自己的電動車電池超級工廠
時間 Tue May 23 01:03:35 2017





而打頭陣的 EQ SUV 將會在2018年年中上市





戴姆勒也跟韓國電池製造商 SK Innovation 合作


=================== 與Tesla Gigafactory 的比較 ======================

Tesla 的第一座 Gigafactory 投資金額大約是50億美元


Tesla could triple the planned battery output of ‘Gigafactory 1’ to 150 GWh, says Elon Musk | Electrek During the 2016 Shareholders Meeting today, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the company could triple the total planned battery output of the Gigafa ...

During the 2016 Shareholders Meeting today, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced
that the company could triple the total planned battery output of the
Gigafactory to ~105 GWh of cells and ~150 GWh of battery packs )

而在紐約水牛城的 Gigafactory 2 (這是原先Solarcity的工廠,主要生產太陽能電池)


今年底將會宣布 Gigafactory 3、4 ( or 5) 的地點

Gigafactory 3 應該就是在歐洲了


Daimler unveils its own new battery Gigafactory for electric vehicles | Electrek Daimler is among one of the few major automakers with aggressive all-electric vehicle plans. The German automaker recently announced acceleration of e ...



Daimler unveils its own new battery Gigafactory for electric vehicles

Daimler is among one of the few major automakers with aggressive
all-electric vehicle plans. The German automaker recently announced
acceleration of electric car plans by 3 years and that they will spend
$11 billion on 10 models by 2022.

They are backing this up with a new battery factory, which they
officially unveiled today.

The German automaker produces its own battery packs through its
ACCUmotive subsidiary and last year, they announced an important €500
million investment in a new battery factory in Kamenz, Germany.

The inauguration was a big deal today attended by Federal Chancellor Dr.
Angela Merkel and Stanislaw Tillich (Minister President of Saxony), who,
together with Dieter Zetsche (Chairman of the Board of Daimler AG and
Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars), Markus Schäfer (Member of the Divisional
Board of Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain), Frank Deiss
(Head of Powertrain Production and Site Manager Mercedes-Benz Plant Untert
ürkheim) and Frank Blome (Managing Director Deutsche Accumotive GmbH &
Co. KG), laid the casing of a vehicle battery as the foundation stone.

They didn’t confirm the capacity of the plant, but it is expected to be
in the gigawatt-hour range and it will employ over 1,000 workers.

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche said about the new factory:

“The automotive industry is facing a fundamental transformation and we
see ourselves as the driving force behind this change. The battery
factory in Kamenz is an important component in the implementation of our
electric offensive. By 2022, we will have more than ten purely electric
passenger cars in series. We also continue to drive forward the
hybridization of our fleet. Under the EQ brand, we are creating a
holistic ecosystem for e-mobility.”

It will officially go into operation in mid-2018 just in time for Mercedes
’ first all-electric vehicle built from the ground up, Mercedes’ new ‘

Daimler also has several other electric vehicle programs, like it’s
all-electric Urban eTruck and it is currently building 1,500 all-electric
Mercedes-Benz vans for Germany’s largest independent logistic firm.

The German automaker is not only counting on its own subsidiary for
battery supply. They also partnered with Korea-based battery manufacturer
SK Innovation, which recently announced a doubling of its battery
production for electric vehicles to 4GWh/year to support demand from
Mercedes and others.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P8ndhJy (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1495472619.A.4FC.html
※ 編輯: Scape (, 05/23/2017 01:07:27
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john43: 以後跟泰國一樣走服務業好了,反正台灣人認為不需要電不
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YJM1106: 泰國最近啟動要蓋一個超大型電池工廠19F 05/23 09:50
supereva: 其實台灣好山好水  本來就適合走服務業20F 05/23 09:53
supereva: 一個小島  要發展汽車工業  電子業  先天上就是劣勢
supereva: 最終會失敗其實也不太意外
supereva: 應該要像關島一樣  大家在飯店幫日本少婦按摩 就能生活
supereva: 台灣能做代工已經很厲害了

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