※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-12 23:27:46
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作者 標題 [新聞] 玩命關頭導演:續集上太空是可能的
時間 Tue Jul 11 12:22:46 2017
Fast and Furious Director - Space Is Possible | Screen Rant
Exclusive: Fate of the Furious director F. Gary Gray discusses the possibility of the blockbuster racing franchise traveling into space. ...
Exclusive: Fate of the Furious director F. Gary Gray discusses the possibility of the blockbuster racing franchise traveling into space. ...
Fast and Furious Director Thinks Going to Space Is Very Possible
The Fate of the Furious director F. Gary Gray has talked about the
possibility of the eight-film-strong Fast and Furious franchise traveling
into outer space in future installments.
As the series has grown more and more popular in recent years, each
subsequent film has gotten more and more ridiculous. What started as a
strictly racing franchise have become full-on international spy adventures in
the vein of the Mission: Impossible films, with the characters taking on the
more superheroic qualities of Ethan Hunt and James Bond. In the past few
films alone, the characters have gotten in their car and jumped out of planes
and skyscrapers, outraced submarines, and even taken down a tank.
With the craziness of the past few films, the common joke throughout the film
industry is that the series isn’t far away from an adventure into outer
space. When recently talking with Screen Rant, director F. Gary Gray said he
hadn’t been privy to any such discussions but was likewise quick to not to
rule out the possibility:
“Outer space? Listen, I wouldn’t rule anything with this franchise. When I
read submarine I’m like ‘OK, anything’s possible’. [Laughs] You never
know. I haven’t read “Dom on Mars” yet but again, you just never know.”
While it may seem like heading up into the stars might be a “shark-jumping”
move for most franchises, it’s the exact type of ridiculousness that the
Fast and Furious has recently built its brand upon; since this turn, the
films have become worldwide billion-dollar grossers. In fact, Fate of the
Furious broke the worldwide record for opening weekend, earning over $500
million in three days. It finished its run with over $1.2 billion, resting
right outside the all-time top 10.
Those numbers prove that directors like Gray, Justin Lin, and James Wan have
built the series on a strong backbone of family and camaraderie that compels
audiences to follow these character through every wild adventure. But they
have to constantly keep it fresh, and while space would seem over-the-top, it
’s the next logical step and something the filmmakers are aware of; writer
Chris Morgan has previously discussed the possibility with a similar outlook
to Gray.
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※ 編輯: Makaay (, 07/11/2017 12:23:11
推 : 要上隕石鑽石油了嗎?1F 07/11 12:24
推 : 用地球當賭注 跟外星人賽車2F 07/11 12:34
推 : 這系列可以認真飆車嗎?3F 07/11 12:34
推 : 換飆火箭嗎?4F 07/11 12:38
→ : 跟外星人飆車 啊星際大戰演過了5F 07/11 12:38
推 : 然後全王會辦一個各個宇宙的賽車比賽?6F 07/11 12:39
推 : 上火星飆車然後被大風暴吹走醒來發現隊友全回家了7F 07/11 12:39
推 : 飛 到太空游泳 繞著月亮潛入地球8F 07/11 12:42
推 : 什麼時候要打外星人?9F 07/11 12:43
→ : 看著日益茁壯的馬鈴薯說we are family10F 07/11 12:43
→ : 最後一集穿越時空改變過去11F 07/11 12:43
推 : 上火星跟蟑螂賽車12F 07/11 12:48
推 : 唐老大開頭做個夢在外星飆車醒來之後發現手上拿著兒子的13F 07/11 12:48
→ : 星際大戰玩具
→ : 星際大戰玩具
推 : 看吧,我早就說這系列發展下去遲早會上太空的。15F 07/11 12:48
→ : 你哪位? 誰記得你講過的話? 很重要?16F 07/11 12:53
→ : ??我有這麼說嗎?樓上是暑假太熱火氣大?17F 07/11 12:54
推 : 飆剛彈我就看18F 07/11 13:01
推 : 上月球上火星就有興趣了XDD19F 07/11 13:01
推 : 紅色有角就能三倍速20F 07/11 13:04
推 : 我猜最後一集是跟復仇者聯盟合作對抗外星人21F 07/11 13:06
→ : 馮迪索領便當我就看22F 07/11 13:10
→ : 企業號準備好了,星際爭霸戰之玩命關頭23F 07/11 13:16
推 : 超越光速 穿越時空 又可重開機了24F 07/11 13:17
推 : XD25F 07/11 13:20
推 : 騎車在火箭上跑 這魔兵驚天錄就玩過了26F 07/11 13:20
推 : 開車開到蟲洞,一趟回來發現地球已經過了五十幾年27F 07/11 13:23
推 : 馮老大:Luke, we are your family Luke:nooooooo~~28F 07/11 13:23
→ : 樓上笑死29F 07/11 13:27
推 : 有膽就下水拍阿 去海底尬車30F 07/11 13:29
推 : 洛迪克:31F 07/11 13:41
推 : 地球打完換外太空32F 07/11 13:53
→ : 只有探勘車可以飆33F 07/11 13:59
推 : ……………34F 07/11 13:59
推 : 三小...35F 07/11 14:06
推 : 布魯斯威利都可以上太空鑽洞,唐老大上太空撞車算什麼36F 07/11 14:07
推 : 馮迪索騎景甜我就看37F 07/11 14:07
推 : 飆到到行天宮38F 07/11 14:14
→ : 馮迪索駕駛柯博文39F 07/11 14:27
→ : don:use the force!luke: .....40F 07/11 14:36
推 : 在月球上面飆車互毆 笑死41F 07/11 14:36
推 : 還我氮氣加速42F 07/11 14:39
推 : 要用曲速引擎了嗎43F 07/11 14:39
推 : 就像007一樣有太空武器吧!44F 07/11 14:45
→ : Scooter也是一條不錯的路線,但依現在越玩越大來看,機45F 07/11 14:47
→ : 率滿小的。
→ : 率滿小的。
→ : 上太空跟隕石對撞救地球47F 07/11 14:49
推 : 玩命宇宙系列:太陽系48F 07/11 14:57
推 : 第一集才開喜美跟人家搶VCD播放器而已...49F 07/11 15:00
→ : 以後都跟外星人飆車50F 07/11 15:04
推 : 飆車半路衝上斜坡,就衝出大氣層直達月球,抵達後主角51F 07/11 15:32
→ : 開啟車門,輕鬆寫意下車抽煙,說:這肯定是我飆車生涯
→ : 飆車半路衝上斜坡,就衝出大氣層直達月球,抵達後主角
→ : 開啟車門,輕鬆寫意下車抽煙,說:這肯定是我飆車生涯
→ : 中最難以忘記的記憶^^。這時鏡頭一定特寫主角,慢慢拉
→ : 遠場景後,順勢帶到今天正在進行維修衛星任務的太空人
→ : 開啟車門,輕鬆寫意下車抽煙,說:這肯定是我飆車生涯
→ : 飆車半路衝上斜坡,就衝出大氣層直達月球,抵達後主角
→ : 開啟車門,輕鬆寫意下車抽煙,說:這肯定是我飆車生涯
→ : 中最難以忘記的記憶^^。這時鏡頭一定特寫主角,慢慢拉
→ : 遠場景後,順勢帶到今天正在進行維修衛星任務的太空人
推 : 在太空飆車?看redline就好了啊 還跟你在那邊family57F 07/11 15:34
→ : 。(劇終…)58F 07/11 15:34
→ : 怎不直接加入變形金剛宇宙算惹59F 07/11 15:54
推 : 加入星際異工隊吧60F 07/11 16:01
推 : 開車撞隕石拯救地球61F 07/11 16:24
噓 : Redline當腳本參考一下62F 07/11 16:30
→ : 乾脆找外星人當女主角63F 07/11 16:42
→ : www64F 07/11 17:00
噓 : 整系列只有東京甩尾和巴西劫銀可以看,越拍越垃圾65F 07/11 17:02
推 : 這系列要達成從內子宮飆到外太空的影史壯舉了嗎66F 07/11 17:04
推 : 越拍越扯 上太空之後 再來可能就是飆車88哩回到未來67F 07/11 17:14
推 : 大氣層突入!68F 07/11 17:21
推 : 9是要攻打外星人了?69F 07/11 17:28
推 : 我快笑死XDDDDDDDDDDDD70F 07/11 17:28
推 : 結果撞到外星人後肇逃 外星人開飛碟到白宮要川普交人71F 07/11 17:36
噓 : 外星人每個都唐老大 因為外星人都光頭72F 07/11 18:26
推 : 越來越豪洨73F 07/11 18:30
噓 : 不會再看了74F 07/11 18:41
推 : 飆上企業號 玩命關頭:Star trek75F 07/11 18:47
推 : 早就說過會在月球或火星上面飆地行車了,地形車還加氮氣76F 07/11 20:20
→ : 只是按了就飛向宇宙了,唐老大掰掰
→ : 只是按了就飛向宇宙了,唐老大掰掰
推 : 馮柴油開車撞爆企業號,然後跟韓蘇洛大戰三百回合78F 07/11 21:25
噓 : 上太空? 先在水裡or水上飆車再說79F 07/11 21:37
推 : 靠腰...真的要上太空喔80F 07/11 21:44
推 : 極!男塾嗎?搞笑81F 07/11 22:48
推 : 到底是Star Trek: fast & furious 還是 Fast & Furi82F 07/11 23:12
→ : ous: star trek?
→ : ous: star trek?
推 : 有阿,玩命關頭8:星際異攻84F 07/12 07:49
→ : 一人ㄧ光劍 在企業號內廝殺 搶奪無限寶石85F 07/12 08:01
推 : 飆進黑洞86F 07/12 10:05
推 : 林詣彬去導星際爭霸戰就是為了發展玩命星際宇宙鋪路啊87F 07/12 11:21
推 : 暴走兄弟?88F 07/12 12:57
推 : 要不要直接跟變形金剛一起演算了...89F 07/12 15:37
推 : 爆走兄弟演過了90F 07/12 18:13
噓 : 別在拍了 爛電影91F 07/12 21:45
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 69
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