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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-09 23:14:54
看板 car
作者 Scape (缺鈣缺很大)
標題 [情報] 第一部量產的Tesla Model 3已經下線
時間 Sun Jul  9 13:57:29 2017





Elon Musk之前有說過第一部量產的Model 3會在本周五時下線





第一台下線的Model 3是黑色的,選裝了比較大的19"輪圈

(可以參考這篇文章:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1499245731.A.1FD.html )
[情報] Tesla獲得了Model 3的輪框設計專利 - 看板 car - 批踢踢實業坊
不就是一個輪框,有什麼好提的? 可能很多人都會這樣覺得 但這些輪框有它特別之處 第一款輪框是之前常在到路上被捕捉到的Model 3原型車最常使用的輪框:  



Tesla Model 3: pictures of the very first production unit at the factory | Electrek
After confirming that Tesla completed the first Model 3 production unit at the Fremont factory late on Saturday, CEO Elon Musk has now released the fi ...


After confirming that Tesla completed the first Model 3 production unit
at the Fremont factory late on Saturday, CEO Elon Musk has now released
the first picture of the historic vehicle and a few more shots have

The vehicle seen in the pictures is actually Musk’s own Model 3 since he
was gifted the first place in line by Ira Ehrenpreis, an early Tesla
investor and board member, for his birthday.

He apparently chose black for the color and the bigger 19〃 wheels though
his options were supposedly somewhat limited. As he himself confirmed
earlier this year, Tesla is limiting the number of options on the early
versions of the Model 3 in order to limit the number of possible
different configurations to fewer than 100 compared to the Model S’ more
than 1,500.

Tesla is attempting to simplify the ordering process and the production
in order to facilitate the ramp-up of the mass market electric vehicle.
More options are expected after they reach higher volumes.

What do you think of the first production Model 3? Let us know in the
comment section below.

He clearly made sure that the picture is not showing too much ahead of
the launch planned for the end of the month. (Update: he shared a second
picture embedded further down that is a bit more revealing, but still no
roof, badges, or interior)

But an Linon the TESLA Owners Worldwide group on Facebook also
caught the Model 3 VIN1 while they were taking the picture:

Obviously, there’s not much to see from the pictures that we didn’t
already see on the release candidates spotted over the last few months.

Now Tesla plans to build about 30 more units for the delivery event
planned for July 28th. That’s when they will hand them over to first
customers and open up the online configurator to more reservation holders
as they start to ramp up production of the $35,000 all-electric sedan and
work through their backlog of reservations.

In the meantime, it looks like Musk will be the first to enjoy what is
undeniably the most anticipated car in a long time – maybe of all time.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1POSNC-K (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1499579852.A.F94.html
※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/09/2017 13:58:32
refgdata: 反觀鹽懂有開自己牌的車嗎1F 07/09 14:07
a27588679: 老闆居然開自家的車,真棒!2F 07/09 14:11
mai11iw3250: 反觀3F 07/09 14:13
brian80547: 反觀4F 07/09 14:14
LouisPrime: 反起來5F 07/09 14:28
sysop5566: 裕隆說好的電動車呢6F 07/09 14:35
xxxcat: 股票目標1807F 07/09 14:42



說這話的人名叫 David Tamberrino



在這波TSLA下跌之前他的投資績效是  -23.x%

這波做空讓他賺了不少 但他的績效目前也只有  -19.9%




※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/09/2017 15:04:00
henry00000: 開自己家的車給推8F 07/09 15:09
Gayu: 這台本來不是 Elon 的,是Tesla董事會裡一個叫 Ira 的9F 07/09 16:08

沒錯,Ira Ehrenpreis把它當成送給Musk的46歲生日禮物 XD


第一輛Roadster跟Model X的車主也是Musk,只有Model S不是

※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/09/2017 16:14:12
Gayu: 但他把這台車讓給 Elon10F 07/09 16:10
kazami: 推開自家車11F 07/09 16:13
cute15825: 嚴董會開正L嗎12F 07/09 16:20
Gayu: 不過 Ira 自己的推文也說到, SN2 是他的 XD13F 07/09 16:26
endless0121: 老闆開自家車 反觀 嚴嚴呢14F 07/09 16:34
art216169: 鹽董應該有開GTR15F 07/09 16:55
capitalofz: 比想像中好看欸16F 07/09 17:03
endless0121: 沒買台關上車門很帥啊17F 07/09 17:20
ainor:   反觀18F 07/09 18:02
rehdscoo: 反觀19F 07/09 18:11
gruenherz: 不錯啊 台灣有幾家做吃的敢讓自己小孩吃20F 07/09 18:26
b9823009: 目前特斯拉不適合台灣,車價貴充電站又少。21F 07/09 18:51
ast2: 內裝太廉價那個大螢幕又很突兀22F 07/09 19:16
capitalofz: 特斯拉要盡快在高速公路休息站設充電點23F 07/09 19:16
ast2: 台灣電動車要普及至少再等10年吧24F 07/09 19:17
capitalofz: 10年不久啊 特斯拉上市到現在十年了嗎?25F 07/09 19:17
endless0121: 設了也會被油車佔用 很可憐ㄉ26F 07/09 19:23
volcom: 不期待充電站啦,自己家裝比較實在27F 07/09 19:53
BruceLuo: 車價貴? 不是全球統一價? 只能怪台灣人薪水太少QQ28F 07/09 22:08
kerich: 今天到台茂,看見特斯拉超充區有台速霸陸停上面...29F 07/09 22:23
kerich: 這種亂占停車位的又沒罰則,以後電動車普及後,一定會衍
kerich: 生很多問題

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