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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-11-20 20:39:13
看板 Gossiping
作者 zzzz8931 (宅男)
標題 [新聞] 伊利諾州現在是美國第二大計算機科學來源
時間 Mon Nov 20 18:22:07 2017

Illinois Now Second Largest Producer of Computer Science Graduates In the U.S.


Katherine Davis

As Chicago’s innovation scene continues to grow, tech employers should have
plenty of fresh talent to choose from, according to a new report, which shows
the number of local STEM graduates, and computer science grads specifically,
is skyrocketing.

The report, published today by the Illinois Science & Technology Coalition
and LinkedIn, shows that Illinois is now the second largest producer of
computer science graduates in the country, awarding nearly 10 percent of the
nation’s computer science degrees. And from 2012 to 2016, Illinois rose from
43rd to ninth when ranked among states who had the highest number of STEM
field graduates overall.

這份由伊利諾科技聯盟和 LinkedIn 發佈的報告顯示伊利諾州現在是美國計算機科學專
業畢業生的第二大來源,授予了全國近 10% 的計算機科學學位。從 2012 到 2016,伊利
諾州從第四十三上升到第九,在全國的 STEM 畢業生總數排名裡頭。

In 2016, Illinois institutions produced more than 40,000 STEM degrees,
representing 31.8 percent of all of the state’s graduates, outpacing the
national average, which is about 28 percent. Among those STEM degrees earned
last year, 3,300 were earned in computer science.

“With an increased focus on cloud computing, big data, IoT, and mobile
computing, the importance of computer science talent in the economy continues
to grow,” according to the report. “Those with computer science skills are
some of the most sought-after members of the workforce, with around half a
million computer and information technology jobs expected to be added
nationally by 2024.”

報告稱: "隨著對雲端計算、大數據、物聯網、行動計算技術的關注日益增強,計算機
中最吃香的成員,預計到 2024,全國將會增加 50 萬個計算機和資訊技術工作。

Additionally, there’s a diverse pool of students earning STEM degrees in
Illinois. About 50 percent of the degrees earned were by international and
immigrant students.

此外,在伊利諾州還有大量的學生多樣性在攻讀 STEM 學位。大約有 50% 的學位是由國際

“Illinois’ economy is in a unique position to capitalize on foreign-born
talent,” the report states. “The strength of Illinois’ universities,
especially in STEM, attracts students from around the world. The share of
STEM degrees awarded to nonresident students is far higher in Illinois than

But are there enough tech jobs for all these recent grads? The outlook is
better than it has been. STEM jobs in Illinois generally lag behind the
national average, but according to the report, the state is taking steps to
close the gap. Over the last five years, Illinois has been adding STEM jobs
at a rate that is outpacing the national average. Computer-related jobs
specifically have increased 5 percent annually, according to the report.

但是否有足夠的技術工作缺給這些畢業生呢?前景比現在還看好。伊利諾州的 STEM 工作
伊利諾州一直在以超過全國平均水準的速度增加 STEM 工作。根據該報告,與計算機有關
的工作每年具體增加 5%。

The study also showed software engineers in Chicago often stay at their jobs
longer than in other regions. Of course, the city loses some of its talent to
other tech hubs like San Francisco and Seattle, but Chicago retains more of
its computer science talent than other cities, keeping about half of them.
Illinois’ largest employers of computer science students who graduated from
an in-state college include Nokia, Allstate, State Farm and Discover.

的雇主,包括 Nokia、Allstate、State Farm 和 Discover。

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q4gpInJ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1511173330.A.C53.html
frommr: 計算機手機ㄅ就有惹1F 11/20 18:23
popoman177: Calculater我手機也有誒2F 11/20 18:24
kuramoto: 電腦3F 11/20 18:25
jajujo: 為什麼電腦會翻成計算機啊4F 11/20 18:25
UMass1982: UIUC,IIT, UIC 這三家成果豐碩5F 11/20 18:26
GGWP2014: computer science6F 11/20 18:29
leopika: 伊莉讚讚7F 11/20 18:29
nova06091: compute本來就是計算的意思8F 11/20 18:29
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jyenhuang: 到底是什麼時候開始改教電腦的阿? 我小時候都還叫計算10F 11/20 18:32
jyenhuang: 機
blakespring: 計算機科學是很早期的用語 計概是殘存的遺跡12F 11/20 18:32
jeffrey0929: 計算機做得跟按摩椅的遙控器一樣13F 11/20 18:34
cat5672: computer翻計算機其實較符合原意 中國就是這樣翻的14F 11/20 18:43
odahawk: 電腦才是亂翻,這東西根本沒有思考能力15F 11/20 18:46
CFFFFFFFFFFF: 聽你在唬爛,電腦的翻譯明明比較好16F 11/20 19:21
jyenhuang: 台灣最早也是翻成計算機 後來才被叫成電腦17F 11/20 19:39

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