※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-12-04 15:48:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國電子船首先啟航,結果用途是來挖煤礦
時間 Mon Dec 4 14:34:56 2017
China spoils the launch of world’s first electric cargo ship by using it to haul coal – ThinkProgress Truly emissions-free shipping will require rapidly shifting off of coal. ...
The good news is that China, the world leader in electric vehicle production a
nd use, has launched the world’s first all-electric, 2,200-ton cargo ship. Th
e bad news is that the groundbreaking vessel is being used to haul coal.
Since shipping is poorly regulated and runs almost entirely on heavy fuel oil,
濳he trillion-dollar industry is a major polluter. Major ports are notorious f
or having unhealthy air.
And even though the industry generates some?3 percent of global carbon polluti
on, the 2015 Paris climate agreement doesn’t even cover shipping, since it ta
rgets emissions毪y滢ations, not transport毪etween濳hem.
That leaves much of the job of cleaning up the industry to individual companie
s.嚒o it should be a welcome moment that China’suangzhou Shipyard Internati
onal has launched “the world’s first electric ship with a capacity” of 2,20
0 tons, as the澵tate-run Global Times澑eported汢arlier this month.
這使得想要達到減少污染的工作變得非常困難,所以當Global Times提到中國廣州船塢公
The ship is short-haul: It can travel about 50 miles with its?1,000 lithium ba
tteries after two-hour charge, which is the loading and unloading time for the
ship, state news site ChinaNews.com澑eports. So it can be charged while it is
Sadly, the Chinese spoiled the launch of this otherwise green cargo ship by us
ing it to transport氲oal for electricity generation on the Pearl River in Guan
gdong Province. The ship can carry up to 2,300 tons of coal, though ChinaNews.
com reports such vessels could in the future be used for “passenger ships, ro
-ro ships [roll-on/roll-off vessels carrying wheeled cargo] engineering vessel
s” and澵imilar purposes.
來載一堆人,ro-ro 船以及其他運輸工具」)
來載一堆人,ro-ro 船以及其他運輸工具」)
"This kind of ship takes into consideration the harmony between humans and nat
ure and can protect water quality and marine life, and should be copied by oth
er ships sailing on local rivers,” Chinese environmentalist咗ang Yongchen tol
d the Global Times.
中國環保專家王永成跟Global Times說「這種船將人類以及大自然合平共處,因為它可以
Certainly running on electricity of any kind is better for the local environme
nt than burning heavy fuel oil. But moving rapidly off of coal generation is t
he only way China can ensure that the total lifecycle emissions of transportin
g cargo on an all-electric ship is beneficial to both their country’s air qua
lity and the world’s effort to preserve a livable climate.
備註:好啦 電子船還是給點掌聲XD
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→ : 電哪來的1F 12/04 14:36
→ : 冒險蓋2F 12/04 14:36
推 : 就開頭啊 至少作出來了 一開始技術不成熟載人到時候出狀3F 12/04 14:36
→ : 燒煤來的吧4F 12/04 14:36
→ : 況也不會比較好5F 12/04 14:36
→ : 船運走50英里是搞笑喔6F 12/04 14:37
所以還不能長途呵呵※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 12/04/2017 14:38:07
推 : 台北港開出去到不了台中港的意思,只能開到基隆7F 12/04 14:38
推 : 發電的煤自己載8F 12/04 14:38
→ : 這造船公司裕隆有投資對吧9F 12/04 14:39
推 : 50英里.......10F 12/04 14:40
→ : 還以為是什麼突破性的新科技 笑死 XDDD
→ : 還以為是什麼突破性的新科技 笑死 XDDD
推 : !? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww12F 12/04 14:41
推 : 很棒啊 大型電子垃圾+113F 12/04 14:44
推 : heavy fuel oil是重油 商船以重油為主柴油為輔14F 12/04 14:45
謝謝指正,我以為沒有重油這種東西才翻成柴油的※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 12/04/2017 14:46:11
推 : 應該翻譯成電動船吧?15F 12/04 14:48
推 : 讓我想到有搭載反應爐的鋼彈 跟只能充電的鋼彈16F 12/04 14:52
→ : 電子船有80吋螢幕 鍍鉻把手和全車潰縮區嗎?17F 12/04 15:00
推 : 至少港口附近硫化物可以減少吧18F 12/04 15:00
推 : 用漂的不行嗎19F 12/04 15:10
推 : 載煤礦錯了嗎?「無汙染」電動船一定要載太陽能電池喔?20F 12/04 15:17
→ : 還沒說電動船的電是怎樣發電來的哩
→ : 還沒說電動船的電是怎樣發電來的哩
推 : 五十英里廢到笑22F 12/04 15:23
→ : 很哭的是 翻譯太傳神23F 12/04 15:27
推 : 至少立意良善24F 12/04 15:27
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 34
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