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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-12-17 12:37:52
看板 car
作者 phcebus (菲比斯)
標題 [分享] Lexus LC500 開箱
時間 Sun Dec 17 00:59:12 2017

先圖 心得文後補

開放車友站內認識一下 XDDD,不然車主太少好寂寞



因為這個月已經曝光過了 交車的白癡照就不碼自己了~


Dropbox - lc500_1.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_2.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_3.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_4.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_6.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_8.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_9.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - LC500_7.jpg
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...


       It's over now,                                    ████      
             The music of the night!                   █▅█
                                                       ◥◤     @  
                                                              . Phoebus -

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gooooogle: 恭喜!這台車跟這個配色真的狂!1F 12/17 01:05
Joey0824: 有夠帥!2F 12/17 01:07
replacements: 恭喜!羨慕!好棒棒!3F 12/17 01:07
cychung: 樓主深夜放毒啊  帥車!恭喜4F 12/17 01:08
chen21536: 這靚車是不是台灣已經完售了啊5F 12/17 01:09
2017配額 今年7月完售
可以買2018的配額 XD 要等多久就不知道了

聽說structure blue 特別版的藍很特別

Flare yellow也是LC500獨有色 以後請叫我小黃駕駛

2018 Lexus LC 500 & LC 500h Preview | Lexus Enthusiast
Here it is -- a full technical overview of the new Lexus coupe. ...


但我看明年2018年居然已經沒這顏色了 lol

2018 Lexus LC - Luxury Coupe | Lexus.com
Explore the 2018 Lexus LC and LC Hybrid's distinctive styling with dynamic performance. Look into the Lexus LC line today. ...



jp791228520: 幹好帥6F 12/17 01:10
monson0412: 這台絕對吸睛7F 12/17 01:12
sss81521: 恭喜8F 12/17 01:13
NEWinx: 帥翻9F 12/17 01:16
Miketroutla: 這顏色太狂了吧10F 12/17 01:16
Kowdan: 超級帥11F 12/17 01:17
DenyPedrosa: 帥得亂七八糟XDD12F 12/17 01:25
lll156k1529: 好車,我覺得更勝德系對手13F 12/17 01:25
lai101011: 太屌了 恭喜14F 12/17 01:26
lll156k1529: 但這台Hybrid版不知道是來幹嘛的15F 12/17 01:26
realjjj: 菲神推!16F 12/17 01:28
Boasoul: 選這顏色真得很狂XD恭喜!17F 12/17 01:31
valsione: 居然Cue我XDDD 恭喜恭喜18F 12/17 01:31
ORK: 計程車,不賴19F 12/17 01:32
got it! 還好隱藏式門把,不然路上會有人想開車門 XD
gp125: 太狂了20F 12/17 01:35
valsione: 結果最後站內信的都不是車友(喂21F 12/17 01:36
kktt254: 幹 好屌22F 12/17 01:37
roger50409: 這顏色好帥啊!!!!23F 12/17 01:38
tony77998: 幹 太帥了吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!24F 12/17 01:38
※ 編輯: phcebus (, 12/17/2017 01:40:05
sm3489: 有錢真好QQ25F 12/17 01:42
yungyuan: 壕啊26F 12/17 01:44
yungyuan: 越看越帥欸
Zz5566zZ: 我只能說 這些機會不屬於我28F 12/17 01:48
iamok329: 美車推29F 12/17 01:48
CactusFlower: 期待底盤感想!!!!30F 12/17 01:54
DirkMavs: 真的帥到掉渣 很有特別的美感31F 12/17 02:05
polouucc: 太帥了這顏色32F 12/17 02:10
aa98658754: 超帥~33F 12/17 02:11
sportb: 好帥!!34F 12/17 02:28
QQKENNY: 今天在路上看到紅的,真的帥!35F 12/17 02:34
sowhysowhat: 比想像中帥xd 不知道什麼時候路上遇的到36F 12/17 02:34
plokmijnuhb: 車本身已經很帥了,這顏色太稀有了~帥到爆37F 12/17 02:37
iqlow: 車帥到你會沒朋友38F 12/17 02:37
yiesten: 乾超級帥!!!! 恭喜啊!39F 12/17 02:46
yiesten: 再推一下,lc500真的帥爆!
sleepybaby: 恭喜帥車 不過同樣價位我會想選F-Type41F 12/17 02:57
Jimmy74: 好帥!42F 12/17 03:12
monkeydpp: 原來是菲比斯大大!!!43F 12/17 03:19
owen1803: 推 帥爆惹44F 12/17 03:20
sk6: 來朝聖股版股神,恭喜入手新車。45F 12/17 03:58
qa1122z: 推小黃駕駛,可以電話叫車嗎?(誤46F 12/17 04:03
a27588679: 小黃(招手~~~47F 12/17 04:11
assblack: 恭喜48F 12/17 04:15
lizardc1: 推!!49F 12/17 05:20
Cowyau: 太帥50F 12/17 05:42
woulin: 黃色缺點是以後脫手時 價格會比較差一點51F 12/17 06:29
ibgh5964: 菲神!52F 12/17 06:35
jo0903: 囂張與銷魂,尤其是pose53F 12/17 06:48
popbug: 好帥,夢想的品牌54F 12/17 06:57
danielyoung: 敗只有pose XDDD 車太帥啦!55F 12/17 07:18
z85917131: 狂56F 12/17 07:25
gtcw: 帥57F 12/17 07:28
qazwsx6107: 好猛啊!可以跑多元計程車嗎?58F 12/17 07:38
matt01: 跟十張(咦)59F 12/17 07:46
Aso: 這屁屁真美 這個月好像有看到一台60F 12/17 07:48
gm0127656: 恭喜菲大買了一台好車!61F 12/17 07:54
ThorPUSSY: 帥 感謝分享62F 12/17 08:06
ThorPUSSY: 期待之後再上來分享心得
oledu: 是菲大!64F 12/17 08:09
csiccmy: 推,帥車65F 12/17 08:11
bba75149: 恭喜大大牽好車  真的帥66F 12/17 08:20
pyt1006: 菲神真狂67F 12/17 08:22
knightliu: 原來是菲神,這台好帥阿68F 12/17 08:27
d83602: 帥到炸!恭喜69F 12/17 08:36
Mulsanne: 根本概念車70F 12/17 08:39
duck10704: 羨慕...71F 12/17 08:47
bruceiq: 遇到這台我一定要招手啊72F 12/17 08:54
renu186667: 傳說中的菲神~恭喜73F 12/17 09:01
zaqwsxcde: 帥啊!!!74F 12/17 09:03
emoil5566: 帥啊75F 12/17 09:04
jason0330: 太 帥 了 吧76F 12/17 09:29
jazzprozac: 車子超帥 但要噓一下圖片的上傳方式77F 12/17 09:31
jazzprozac: 補推
DongHao: 帥死喔79F 12/17 09:35
kobe7610: 超帥的車,恭喜車主80F 12/17 09:38
f21814: 帥到掉渣81F 12/17 09:40
ManaBear: 顏色超狂!讚讚讚82F 12/17 09:45
justhandsome: 猛推83F 12/17 09:47
DRnebula: 這顏色好屌84F 12/17 09:54
ws643908: 原來是菲神,這台別貼etag吧XDDDD貼前檔撕下來85F 12/17 09:56
djaaron: 黃蜂!86F 12/17 09:58
jerrysuper: 推菲神帥車 其實不貼e-tag也會被辨識計費87F 12/17 10:15
espreso: 帥慘了,都給你帥就好了88F 12/17 10:17
sanwan: 帥翻了89F 12/17 10:20
bboyalbert: 菲神必推90F 12/17 10:22
jeffle: 超帥,南港廠?91F 12/17 10:27
bizozi968: 有錢真好92F 12/17 10:30
shake1949: 辣93F 12/17 10:41
dennis06: 推94F 12/17 10:41
s80548aa60: 帥!!!95F 12/17 10:44
edison0927: 妹把不完了,羨慕96F 12/17 10:54
puamystery: 帥車必須推97F 12/17 10:56
devil4227: 頭燈讓我想起獵人的西索98F 12/17 11:01
orz5207: 帥車 推99F 12/17 11:01
bboy13579: 有菲神有推100F 12/17 11:07
NewNewBaby: 帥啊101F 12/17 11:08
orny: 靠背,這我一定招手102F 12/17 11:15
orny: 可否拍個V8的聲音聞香一下~
ismc: Test520開瑪莎拉蒂,菲比思大大開Lexus跑車,兩名偶像104F 12/17 11:24
mhmichelle: 恭喜超帥105F 12/17 11:25
a4761533: 菲神今天有參加lexus車聚嗎106F 12/17 11:28
半夜朋友有說 臨時來XD
※ 編輯: phcebus (, 12/17/2017 11:29:59
chewie: 恭喜107F 12/17 11:31
duck105: 狂~恭喜恭喜108F 12/17 11:32
zizou: 說真的.....狂109F 12/17 11:34
fire2003: 帥喔~110F 12/17 11:36
GigiBuffon: 原來是股板神之一的菲比斯  車超帥啊 推XD111F 12/17 11:37
forthewill: 只能跪了112F 12/17 11:40
d88647511: 推113F 12/17 11:47
peter4022: 帥啊114F 12/17 11:47
ImFroggen: 恭喜115F 12/17 11:48
mocha200e: 菲神推116F 12/17 11:48
ianenix: 超帥!!117F 12/17 11:54
asj: 帥車 恭喜118F 12/17 12:02
flymomo2001: 帥帥帥!!!119F 12/17 12:06
hunk124: 菲神推!120F 12/17 12:09
bakuman: 真-股版神人 給推!121F 12/17 12:20
AirLee: 喜歡這台的配色122F 12/17 12:21
ASKA: 覺得 etag 醜就趁剛貼快撕掉。可以改貼別的地方。123F 12/17 12:28
pgs720: 菲神太猛拉124F 12/17 12:32
changyann: 好漂亮尤其是c柱那125F 12/17 12:33

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