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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-04-22 17:26:18
看板 Gossiping
作者 WeiYinChen16 (一生懸命)
標題 [新聞] 馬雲說他明年離開後,不會回歸阿里巴巴
時間 Mon Apr 22 16:23:21 2019

Jack Ma says he won’t ever come back to lead Alibaba after he leaves next year
新聞報社: CNBC
UBLISHED THU, SEP 20 2018 ‧ 1:28 AM EDT
UPDATED THU, SEP 20 2018 ‧ 1:39 PM EDT
記者: Evelyn Cheng @CHENGEVELYN

TIANJIN, China —Jack Ma, the iconic co-founder of Chinese e-commerce giant
Alibaba, said Thursday that he will not return to run the company after his
planned departure next year.

That’ll still hold even if his successor is facing difficulties leading the
tech behemoth, Ma said, adding that he expected to remain in frequent
communication with the company.

“I won’t come back, because I don’t feel like I have left,” Ma said in
Mandarin at a World Economic Forum conference in Tianjin, China.

Chief Executive Officer Daniel Zhang will succeed Ma as chairman of the board
next September, the company announced earlier this month. Until that time, Ma
will remain executive chairman. He plans to stay on the board of directors
through the 2020 annual shareholders meeting, while focusing more of his time
on philanthropy and education.

Ma said Thursday there are many things he wants to do, including teaching
others how to become successful, and appreciating wine.

“I don’t want to die in an office,” he said.
馬雲說: "我不想死在辦公室"

The tech pioneer also repeated a sentiment he’d expressed earlier this week
that companies need to plan for 20 years of trade tensions between the U.S. and
China. “Whatever the U.S. would do , we will have our own solutions based on
our principles,” he said.

“Of course you are in a lousy outlook ... but that is the same case for your
competitors,” he said, according to a translation provided by the World
Economic Forum. “You don’t need to do a zillion things, but you need to do
something right.”
Ma made headlines on Wednesday when he told Chinese news agency Xinhua that his
company no longer plans to create the 1 million new American jobs he’d
previously forecast due to increased tensions between the world’s two largest

Ma did not directly respond to a question during the Thursday event about
Alibaba’s stock performance, which has dropped about 7 percent this month amid
the announcement of his departure. He said he speaks with CEO Zhang every day,
but they haven’t discussed the share price that much.

He likened Alibaba to a child he had nurtured and who had now grown up, gone to
college and must face society’s tests alone. “The parent is always there, but
the child must experience it himself,” Ma said.

these kids are younger, they need me more,” Ma said, according to the World
Economic Forum’s simultaneous translation. “In my 80s or 90s, maybe I’m on
the beach, I listen to the radio, and the news says that Alibaba does
wonderfully, I will be profoundly happy.”
馬雲說" 現在小孩還年輕,還需要我"
"或許等到我80 90歲的時候,我會在海灘上聽著收音機,新聞說阿里巴巴表現棒極了

新聞連結: https://cnb.cx/2VhhEE3

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s155260: 要逃跑惹1F 04/22 16:23
s820912gmail: 維尼填滿了2F 04/22 16:23
kenek0612: 要去避風頭嗎3F 04/22 16:24
lymyuming: 你想回共產黨也不讓你回吧4F 04/22 16:24
※ 編輯: WeiYinChen16 (, 04/22/2019 16:24:42
iMANIA: 黨要割的韭菜 你不能搶5F 04/22 16:24
Jason0813: 要被范冰冰了6F 04/22 16:24
julia66: 保命要緊,下一站美國?7F 04/22 16:24
mmnnm: 慘 雖然是賣假貨的...8F 04/22 16:24
dslite: 貪財男9F 04/22 16:25
popopal: 去美國被抓說不定比較好?10F 04/22 16:25
aggressorX: 共產黨叫你滾11F 04/22 16:25
roger4767: 被離開,最好趁這機會逃去美國12F 04/22 16:25
ryrp: 被離開13F 04/22 16:26
sunnywing: 那高雄要邀誰來14F 04/22 16:26
orze04: 安全下莊已經贏了15F 04/22 16:28
bigbirdfly: 不想被自殺死在辦公室(O16F 04/22 16:28
julia66: 說個笑話,財大業大中國就不敢動他17F 04/22 16:28
leinru: 他是含著眼淚說的18F 04/22 16:29
arcc: 塊陶~19F 04/22 16:29
cores: 郭董看在眼裡,搶著上位,身家財產更有談判空間20F 04/22 16:29
momogoo: 要去夾邊溝了21F 04/22 16:30
ipl: 被離開22F 04/22 16:31
RecluseMF: 哭哭23F 04/22 16:33
f33783378: 講給外行人聽的24F 04/22 16:34
f33783378: 不過命保住最重要
max52001: 都變黨的 不跑會死阿 9.2和郭董最愛的中國式民主26F 04/22 16:36
jason000: 要來高雄了27F 04/22 16:36
jeff12280: 都逃走了當然快跑28F 04/22 16:37
ku399999: 996是幸福 不想死在辦公室29F 04/22 16:39
BRANFORD: 想回 就回得去嗎?30F 04/22 16:39
ganbatte: 急流勇退,這是媲美張良的大智慧選擇 不然要等著當韓信嗎31F 04/22 16:39
bcsrpsve: 黨要的,還有得你選擇嗎?(笑話32F 04/22 16:39
excia: 你想也回不去阿33F 04/22 16:41
ayrtonvitas: "我不想被死在辦公室"34F 04/22 16:44
wainshain: 史上最大BOT案35F 04/22 16:45
Einstein5566: 我不想被死在辦公室36F 04/22 16:45
HRyan: 他現在要擔心的是被自殺37F 04/22 16:47
HRyan: 口憐
ims531: 悲哀中國人39F 04/22 16:48
adm123: 太子黨的對外招牌,人形立牌40F 04/22 16:48
getbacker: 幾個月前就被架空了啦41F 04/22 16:56
widec: 馬雲怕在辦公室被暗殺厚?42F 04/22 16:57
schooldance: 保命要緊43F 04/22 16:57
greedypeople: 民主不能當飯吃  但不民主飯會被別人捧去吃44F 04/22 16:58
kanetakusan: 如果不是體力活,996累不死吧,憂鬱到得病倒有可能45F 04/22 17:04
kanetakusan: 。我之前大學畢業後幹過457的打工,大概做了2.3個月
kanetakusan: 吧,雖然爆幹長還週休零日,但是我喜歡那工作而且老
kanetakusan: 闆人超好,包三餐,他帶家人去吃千元大餐也都會把我
kanetakusan: 一起拎去吃,所以我是做得蠻爽的。後來覺得不想當一
kanetakusan: 輩子打工仔還是辭掉去找坐辦公室的正職了。
azhu: 不想被抑鬱症51F 04/22 17:05
MK250: 已經是黨的,會讓你回去?52F 04/22 17:09
nosheep: 滾,廢物一個53F 04/22 17:10
kentin: 聰明,當然不回歸啊趕快移民美國定居享受生活了。反正錢也54F 04/22 17:20
kentin: 夠花好幾代了。只有五毛窮鬼才在歌頌中國夢
tamynumber1: 被人整碗端走,你現在感覺如何?56F 04/22 17:20

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