※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-05-10 13:50:30
看板 car
作者 標題 [新聞] 鴿子超速被測速拍照
時間 Thu May 9 14:15:00 2019
News world Pigeon caught speeding after flashing past camera
A pigeon in the small German town of Bocholt has fallen foul of the law, brazenly breaking the speed limit ... ...
y breaking the speed limit by flying through a 30km/h zone at 45km/h.
The pigeon’s offence was captured on a speed camera as it zoomed down the resid
ential street.
The photo was taken in February but was posted on the town’s Facebook page last
week and quickly went viral.
Since the bird was travelling at 15km/h over the limit it could technically be h
it with a $40 fine.
But officials were left pondering how to extract the cash.
"Whether, and more particularly how the speedy bird can be made to pay the 25 eu
ro ($40) speeding fine remains to be seen," the post said.
Locals joked online that the pigeon was faster than your average courier, and th
at perhaps an appropriate punishment for the bird would be community service as
a carrier pigeon.
Pigeons are capable of flying at speeds of about 97km/h over hundreds of kilomet
res, and racing pigeons have been recorded clocking speeds of up to 160km/h, ind
icating that the pigeon may have slowed down for the camera.
1. 在德國小鎮超速15公里罰25歐元
2. 鴿子可以以平均時速97飛數百公里遠
3. 賽鴿最高紀錄時速160公里
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SqyLdpi (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1557382503.A.CEC.html
推 : 我以為是條子1F 05/09 14:17
※ 編輯: arcross (, 05/09/2019 14:17:57推 : 他國事務2F 05/09 14:18
推 : 我笑了3F 05/09 14:18
推 : 台灣一堆限速40的 這隻鴿子來台灣罰單收不完4F 05/09 14:18
推 : 好猛喔 怎麼偵測的5F 05/09 14:21
→ : 以後汽車最高速沒160 電動車行程沒100 都能笑他不如鴿子6F 05/09 14:24
推 : 以為是警察+17F 05/09 14:25
推 : 原來是鴿子啊,我還以為是鴿子呢!8F 05/09 14:29
推 : 當你超速 而在公園被你餵過的鴿子決定幫你9F 05/09 14:29
推 : 以爲是警察10F 05/09 14:31
推 : 不好意思 這隻是我家的ADSL11F 05/09 14:32
推 : 鴿子可以飛160喔,好猛12F 05/09 14:45
→ : 所以騎腳踏車也有機會被拍囉13F 05/09 14:50
推 : 鴿子:閃三小14F 05/09 14:53
→ : 鴿子:我的眼睛!!!15F 05/09 14:58
→ : 電影裡丟顆棒球過去都感應得到~16F 05/09 15:17
→ : 所以國外不是用壓線圈囉?17F 05/09 15:21
→ : 台灣的線圈照像現在只能抓闖紅燈~19F 05/09 15:29
推 : 哈哈,B大的那個好歡樂20F 05/09 15:44
推 : 限速30在台灣早就被喊搶錢21F 05/09 15:50
推 : 有看有推XD22F 05/09 16:04
推 : XDDD23F 05/09 16:06
推 : XD24F 05/09 16:10
→ : 哈哈記得grand tour有幾次也在聊鳥類飛行的速度25F 05/09 16:25
推 : 看標題還以為是警察XD26F 05/09 16:29
→ : 真有梗27F 05/09 16:44
推 : 以為是警察+128F 05/09 16:55
推 : 跟我想的鴿子不一樣29F 05/09 16:58
→ : 唉唷 怎麼這麼可愛30F 05/09 17:53
推 : 有笑有推31F 05/09 18:36
推 : 哈哈,鴿子要被罰社區服務32F 05/09 18:41
推 : 這跟車板有關聯嗎XD33F 05/09 18:44
推 : 我知道是鴿子超速被照、但那隻鴿子也未免太大了吧34F 05/09 19:18
推 : 這罰單怎麼寄,沒拍到車牌35F 05/09 19:32
推 : 真的 這隻鴿子也大的太誇張 都比照片中的車大了36F 05/09 19:36
→ : 幹你鴿子!37F 05/09 19:42
→ : 原來是鴿子 呼~
→ : 可埃~
→ : 原來是鴿子 呼~
→ : 可埃~
推 : 真的鴿子XD40F 05/09 19:49
推 : 罰單要寄去哪裡?41F 05/09 20:44
推 : 看圖就笑了42F 05/09 20:54
推 : XDDDD43F 05/09 22:08
推 : 大約1200塊錢44F 05/10 00:20
推 : 開36被照,超速6公里罰15歐...45F 05/10 01:25
推 : XDDDDDDDDDD46F 05/10 01:27
→ : 反向走行也能測速取締、強47F 05/10 02:49
推 : 在國外很讚 在台灣 政府搶錢 龜車48F 05/10 09:08
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