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看板 LoL
作者 標題 [情報] Shyvana, the Half-Dragon Revealed
時間 Tue Nov 1 07:43:22 2011

Shyvana, the Half-Dragon Revealed | LoL - League of Legends
Official website for League of Legends. Join millions of players in an award winning Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Download and play today!
Official website for League of Legends. Join millions of players in an award winning Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. Download and play today!
Shyvana is a melee champion that heavily rewards aggression. She does so by
utilizing a modified Fury* resource that accrues anytime Shyvana lands an
auto-attack. Once her Fury is full, she can unleash it to transform into a
dragon, giving her substantial buffs, ability enhancements and some upfront
http://0rz.tw/xBjKp (龍型)
Twin Bite
Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack. Both attacks trigger On-Hit effects
and Fury of the Dragonborn effects.
Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.
Shyvana deals magic damage per second to nearby enemies and her Movement
Speed is greatly increased for 3 seconds. Shyvana's Movement Speed bonus is
reduced over time.
Dragon Form: Burnout scorches the earth, continuing to damage enemies that
stand on it.
Flame Breath
Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals magic damage and melts the target's
Armor for 4 seconds.
Dragon Form: Flame Breath engulfs all units in a cone in front of Shyvana.
Dragon's Descent (Ultimate)
Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target
location. Enemies along her path take magic damage and are knocked toward her
target location.
Passive: Shyvana reinforces her scales, increasing her Armor and Magic
Resist. Defensive bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.
大絕有被動->+Armor MR,龍型時雙倍效益
Fury of the Dragonborn (Passive)
Shyvana's melee attacks enhance her abilities.
Twin Bite - Reduces the cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
Burnout - Extends the duration by 1 second to a maximum of 6 seconds.
Flame Breath - Deals 20% of the ability's damage to debuffed targets.
Dragon's Descent - Attacks generate 2 Fury* and Shyvana passively gains Fury*
over time while in human form.
Twin Bite ->降Cd 0.5秒
Burnout ->提升持續時間一秒,最高+6秒
Flame Breath ->對被她debuff打到的單位製造20%本技能傷害
Dragon's Descent ->每次攻擊增加2怒氣,人型狀態會慢慢回復怒氣
*Note: Fury was mislabeled “Dragon’s Blood” in the mechanics preview
There are those few dragons in Runeterra who have mastered the intense
magical energies that course through their unique anatomies, evolving into an
elusive Celestial Dragon. These powerful and enigmatic creatures spend most
of their time hidden away from the lands of men. However, there are those who
find themselves drawn to civilization and who take on human forms to immerse
themselves in the world of humans. Occasionally, one finds itself drawn to
the spirit of a human and they have relations. Sometimes, in the slimmest of
odds, the union will bear fruit and that offspring will be one of the few
half-dragons to have graced Runeterra.
Shyvana is one such creature, born to a simple Demacian farm-girl and her
Celestial Dragon father. Left to be raised by her mother, her oddities were
something that couldn't be hidden from her community, though she was
protected by her family. Once her family had perished in disaster, she was
left alone for the first time – truly alone. Shyvana quickly became an
outsider and it wasn't long before the community's fear began to put her in
danger. Facing mortal danger at the business end of an angry mob, she was
rescued by the traveling noble, Jarvan Lightshield. The noble was a man who
strangely knew exactly what she was and took her under his wing. It wasn't
long before she was offered a chance to use her natural skills in the service
of Demacia, as Jarvan initiated her as one of the elite guard. Following
Jarvan into the League of Legends was only natural.
(A Wild Jarvan Appears)
J4 :唔喔,好龍女
Shyvana :唔喔,好王子
J4 :不一起嗎?
Shyvana :OK
Shyvana is a fierce warrior, with the blood of one of the most powerful
magical predators in all creation flowing through her veins. Unlike some of
her fellows, she is a subdued personality – somber, cool, and collected.
However, when the moment strikes, her draconian heritage manifests and there
are few that can stare her in the eyes and not feel the primal urge to flee.
“By the blood of my father, I will end you!”
"WTF Kayle heal me!"
"STFU I healed you for 45 -_-"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :被搶了只好自D= =1F 11/01 07:44
I WINhttp://truth.bahamut.com.tw/s01/201111/7b1f27b4c744db2a489d4c61325fa667.JPG
推 :跪求翻譯2F 11/01 07:44
→ :Q下次攻擊變兩次而且都觸發ON-HIT,這樣SHEEN跟三相3F 11/01 07:48
→ :不知道能不能無視內建CD觸發兩次?
→ :不知道能不能無視內建CD觸發兩次?
推 :Sheen就是多把一次base AD的傷害打上去而已 O_O5F 11/01 07:49
→ :只是不知道是一次觸發SHEEN第二次因為SHEEN內建CD而6F 11/01 07:51
→ :沒觸發,還是說Q本身讓兩次都有吃到SHEEN效果
一定是只有一次啊.....→ :沒觸發,還是說Q本身讓兩次都有吃到SHEEN效果
推 :翻譯慢了..T_T8F 11/01 07:55
I WINhttp://truth.bahamut.com.tw/s01/201111/7b1f27b4c744db2a489d4c61325fa667.JPG
→ :一定只會觸發一次吧,內建cd3秒9F 11/01 07:56
推 :看不出怒氣能幹嘛10F 11/01 07:58
→ :怒氣改龍血吧,讓之前翻譯一致,也跟怒氣有區隔11F 11/01 07:59
→ :避免有人以為是蠻王鱷魚的怒氣
→ :避免有人以為是蠻王鱷魚的怒氣
推 :可是英文就是用fury 怒氣是滿的時候變龍型態13F 11/01 08:00
→ :我覺得他就是怒氣而已..
→ :我覺得他就是怒氣而已..
→ :喔,沒事,我現在才看到*的備註15F 11/01 08:03
推 :- -這是啥鬼龍型醜成這樣16F 11/01 08:03
→ :是雜誌之前誤印成龍血17F 11/01 08:03
推 :龍型態好醜...orz18F 11/01 08:07
→ :好歹像WOW的巨龍那樣比較帥阿 Q_Q 感覺像醜蜥蜴...19F 11/01 08:08
→ :看故事...被J4收進後衛(宮)團為DIMACIA服務....20F 11/01 08:08
→ :他大絕會喊DIMACIAAAAAAAAA!!!!對吧?
→ :他大絕會喊DIMACIAAAAAAAAA!!!!對吧?
推 :九尾不是龍吧@@天啊..這樣會降低我買的意願22F 11/01 08:09
→ :好歹要........參考一下火影
→ :好歹要........參考一下火影
→ :這隻比較適合變成龍然後按S變野怪(?)24F 11/01 08:09
→ :根本就德萊尼人25F 11/01 08:12
→ :根本是母版克加斯26F 11/01 08:14
推 :也太不像龍了吧.....27F 11/01 08:18
推 :龍型很醜 原文下面有人說是CHO女友XDD28F 11/01 08:19
→ :明明可以做出小龍這種 為啥一定要作成科加斯29F 11/01 08:21
→ :以為龍型態跟CHO那樣大30F 11/01 08:30
→ :龍好醜..人可以接受 很像高橋和希風格31F 11/01 08:31
推 :看起來也是紅龍~像龍后那樣不好嗎 ~32F 11/01 08:31
推 :我寄錯了 九尾不是這個patch 這是另外一隻英雄>"<33F 11/01 08:33
→ : 記
→ : 記
推 :新英雄只收女角- -+35F 11/01 08:34
推 :這隻也是女角 :| 只是.....36F 11/01 08:34
CAN NOT USE※ 編輯: doomleika 來自: (11/01 08:35)
→ :要相信陸服的強大威力37F 11/01 08:36
推 :龍型好失望 囧38F 11/01 08:36
→ :根據經驗 人外我只能買 不然到後來都後悔沒買= =39F 11/01 08:37
→ :龍型是這樣的話一開始的預告圖根本詐欺!!!40F 11/01 08:39
推 :重點是沒有ㄋㄟㄋㄟ...XDDDDD41F 11/01 08:40
→ :預告圖看起來比CHO還大..42F 11/01 08:40
推 :只能期待Skin了43F 11/01 08:43
推 :齋藤義龍表示:44F 11/01 08:48
推 :紅龍女王表示...45F 11/01 08:49
推 :好醜...有點失去第一波買的衝動了46F 11/01 08:52
→ :這龍形真是不可思議的.....47F 11/01 08:53
→ :這根本就是CHO的堂兄妹吧-_-48F 11/01 08:53
→ :噴火大龍比較符合我的期望49F 11/01 08:54
推 :這龍型態不能做好看一點嗎-.-...50F 11/01 08:55
推 :龍型醜到一個極致...51F 11/01 09:03
推 :上去POST抗議看看說不定會重做XD52F 11/01 09:06
推 :龍形的Q用海神斧會不會很恐怖@@?on hit互相疊?53F 11/01 09:09
推 :龍型醜這樣才能賣SKIN...54F 11/01 09:09
推 :做那麼醜要怎麼賣勒?55F 11/01 09:09
推 :傻孩子,賣skin啊。skin賣美美的,才會又一堆人掏荷56F 11/01 09:13
→ :包。
→ :包。
推 :咦? 龍血系統勒...?58F 11/01 09:13
推 :好醜59F 11/01 09:14
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