※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-02-02 18:54:28
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作者 標題 [閒聊] TSM:準備在2024重回英雄聯盟一級聯賽
時間 Fri Feb 2 13:31:39 2024
欸 等等
TSM Esports Communications Update
Before diving into this update, we'd like to take a moment to acknowledge all
of you - our fans. We've seen your frustrations, and we understand and
appreciate the patience you've shown as we've been working behind the scenes
on our esports strategy. The ecosystem has faced some challenges in recent
years, and we are trying to be mindful of our approach to ensure our
sustainability and longevity as an organization. Moving forward, we will make
our best effort to issue updates quarterly.
That said, we want to reaffirm that TSM is still fully committed to esports.
Although we cannot share many of the finer details of our plans for the
future, we can confirm that we are actively looking to participate in
multiple Tier 1 esports including League of Legends, VALORANT, and Call of
We are diligently working towards our goal of acquiring a League of Legends
franchise slot in a Tier 1 region by the end of 2024. This process takes time
and requires patience as negotiations of this magnitude have many hurdles
along the way. We are equally as eager as you are for TSM to return to LoL
It is also our strong desire to be in VALORANT Champions Tour. We will
continue to evaluate the VALORANT Challengers League viability after Open
Qualifiers have ended.
Call of Duty has a really dedicated community and it's something we would
love to be a part of.
We are excited to kick off 2024 by rejoining the Rocket League competitive
space, and hope that all of you will join us in supporting our new squad.
We're actively looking to enter new games and we'll update our fans when the
timing is right. Rest assured, we're listening, and our goal is to give you
great teams to cheer for under the TSM banner.
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and unyielding love for the
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: keel90135 2024-02-02 13:31:39
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bl7uzCn (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1706851901.A.331.html
推 : ???1F 02/02 13:32
推 : ?????2F 02/02 13:33
推 : ?????3F 02/02 13:33
→ : 找到新爸爸了?4F 02/02 13:33
推 : ????????????5F 02/02 13:34
推 : 是要回去哪 lcs?6F 02/02 13:34
推 : ?????7F 02/02 13:34
推 : 差低於樂準備好了8F 02/02 13:34
推 : 重回一級聯賽 PCS9F 02/02 13:35
推 : 又可以看到觀眾喊TSM了,值得了10F 02/02 13:36
→ : 找得到金主?11F 02/02 13:37
推 : 蛤阿12F 02/02 13:37
推 : TSM godtone13F 02/02 13:38
推 : NA是一級聯賽 算的吧?14F 02/02 13:38
推 : 邪教又拐到金主拉?15F 02/02 13:38
推 : PCS TSM Maple16F 02/02 13:40
→ : 冠名HPS吧17F 02/02 13:40
→ : 繼承地獄豬隊史18F 02/02 13:41
推 : 我大PCS要重返榮耀了19F 02/02 13:41
→ : 隊呼:佛心公司 佛心公司20F 02/02 13:41
推 : 找到人了21F 02/02 13:42
推 : 啊是要轉生到哪個賽區22F 02/02 13:45
噓 : 笑死23F 02/02 13:51
推 : 去PCS 由TSMC贊助TSM24F 02/02 13:53
推 : 想省錢又打一級就pcs吧 兩張票欸25F 02/02 13:54
→ : PCS歡迎 一定很精彩26F 02/02 13:55
推 : PCS喜獲一員27F 02/02 13:55
推 : 想出國的話PCS CP值超高28F 02/02 13:58
推 : 真假29F 02/02 13:59
推 : PCS是一級聯賽嗎 還是要四大賽區?30F 02/02 14:00
→ : PSG: PCS 真的俗擱大碗31F 02/02 14:01
→ : 對喔psg有多一個名額 真就給tsm也不是不可能的事(32F 02/02 14:03
推 : 美國公司剩下8人,亞洲成立公司有啥問題嗎33F 02/02 14:04
→ : 還是跟台積電合作進入PCS HEHE
→ : 還是跟台積電合作進入PCS HEHE
推 : PCS歡迎你35F 02/02 14:06
→ : 以PCS來看 FAK/BYG都可能不玩,不可能買墊底隊吧36F 02/02 14:07
推 : 來pcs直接上一級37F 02/02 14:09
推 : PCS 有兩個次級挑戰者,也算一級賽區 HEHE38F 02/02 14:10
→ : 買什麼隊有差嗎 不是越便宜越好?39F 02/02 14:11
推 : 找台積電冠名贊助好了40F 02/02 14:13
→ : 5個選手3個後勤比地獄豬還豪華ok的41F 02/02 14:14
推 : 買BYG/FAK 還可以持續用選手阿,買地獄豬是找誰?42F 02/02 14:16
推 : 看來看去也只剩白癡賽區了吧 但PCS能算一級嗎?43F 02/02 14:16
→ : PCS有澳洲/日本挑戰者 比起 其他外卡好多了44F 02/02 14:17
推 : PCS 前二 實力跟 NAEU 第四差不多 算1.5級吧45F 02/02 14:17
→ : 有直接門票的當然都是一級46F 02/02 14:19
推 : 來PCS 應該就能把FOFO 買回來打了47F 02/02 14:20
推 : 樓上CFO今年本來就有打算買FOFO啊48F 02/02 14:23
→ : 難不成白痴梗玩久了會變白痴? 有門票當然是一級49F 02/02 14:24
推 : 能買回來 ,想買不回來還是有差50F 02/02 14:27
→ : 比較爛的一級賽區還是一級賽區51F 02/02 14:32
→ : 之前不就說要轉區52F 02/02 14:32
推 : 終於找到一級聯賽了?53F 02/02 14:41
推 : LPL LCK?54F 02/02 14:44
→ : 內文是寫2024年末 代表這整年在lol這邊沒要進場55F 02/02 14:47
→ : 其實去年也有一級聯賽的相關放話然後無事發生
→ : 其實去年也有一級聯賽的相關放話然後無事發生
推 : 跟隔壁棚某個一直要當第六隊的一樣嗎XD57F 02/02 14:52
推 : 先當作屁話看58F 02/02 14:53
推 : 一級聯賽PCS59F 02/02 14:59
推 : \TSM/60F 02/02 15:04
推 : 又回到最初的起點61F 02/02 15:06
→ : 我怎麼記得去年是說主要賽區 今年退到一級聯賽了62F 02/02 15:10
推 : 這個我看過,休息一年,然後回來63F 02/02 15:16
→ : 網咖組隊,觀眾驚呼是誰在比賽台上
→ : 網咖組隊,觀眾驚呼是誰在比賽台上
推 : 照現在的走勢 放一年再買戰隊肯定會變比較便宜65F 02/02 15:29
→ : "looking to participate.." "working towards..."66F 02/02 15:49
→ : 聽聽就好 就講還在努力而已
→ : 聽聽就好 就講還在努力而已
推 : 加入pcs 收視率滿滿68F 02/02 15:58
推 : 8個人抽籤選位置嗎69F 02/02 16:06
推 : 台積電冠名70F 02/02 16:08
推 : pcs資格這麼便宜要不要買71F 02/02 16:26
推 : PCS張開雙臂歡迎72F 02/02 16:26
推 : TSM!73F 02/02 16:54
推 : TSM當初放下的豪語 只能是LPL LCK LEC吧74F 02/02 16:56
→ : 現在LEC應該也要去掉了
→ : 現在LEC應該也要去掉了
推 : 蛇蛇不是一年領快兩億台幣 現在去北美還有這麼高嗎76F 02/02 17:16
推 : 8席77F 02/02 17:19
推 : 蛇老闆不是6M/2ys?78F 02/02 17:28
推 : 台積電聽起來可以組大團的79F 02/02 17:45
→ : 一年快一億啦 是兩年1.8億80F 02/02 18:07
推 : 被台灣人輪流吸乾81F 02/02 18:24
→ : 來PCS胖虎賣一台車就夠了82F 02/02 18:33
※ 看板: LoL 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 11
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