※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-21 18:50:28
看板 marvel
作者 標題 [其它] youtube上的恐怖影片頻道
時間 Sun Dec 10 18:36:15 2017
CryptTV - YouTube
Get the best in HORROR from Crypt TV. New scary films added every: TUESDAY at 1pm. THURSDAY at 1pm. FRIDAY at 1pm. We love scary stories, we believe s ...
按一按就有機翻的中文字幕了 雖然是機翻 加減看還是看得懂
Mordeo | Scary Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - YouTube
There is a price to PAY for EATING FLESH in these WOODS... SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!
There is a price to PAY for EATING FLESH in these WOODS... SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!

The Birch | Scary Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - YouTube
He who breaks me shall come undone... SUBSCRIBE now for weekly new scary videos: Facebook:
He who breaks me shall come undone... SUBSCRIBE now for weekly new scary videos: Facebook:

Instawolf | Funny Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - YouTube
There's something behind you in your selfie....(WARNING: This gets....STRANGE) SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!
There's something behind you in your selfie....(WARNING: This gets....STRANGE) SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!

Gotcher | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - YouTube
We must TAKE from him what he TOOK from US.... SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!
We must TAKE from him what he TOOK from US.... SUBSCRIBE for weekly horror shorts every Tuesday, Thursday & Friday!

Lights Out - Who's There Film Challenge (2013)
Lights Out - Who's There Film Challenge (2013) - YouTube
Winner of 'Best Short' at FANT Bilbao 2014: Winner of 'Best Director' in the 'Who's There Film Challenge'
Winner of 'Best Short' at FANT Bilbao 2014: Winner of 'Best Director' in the 'Who's There Film Challenge'

Coffer - Short horror film
Coffer - Short horror film - YouTube
Since halloween is upon us here's another 3 minute horror from Lotta Losten and me. Yep, the Lights Out lady is still living in that apartment... dauid.com -...
Since halloween is upon us here's another 3 minute horror from Lotta Losten and me. Yep, the Lights Out lady is still living in that apartment... dauid.com -...

See You Soon - 14 second horror film
See You Soon - 14 second horror film - YouTube
Our submission to the Raindance Halloween 14 Second Horror Film Competition. More horror here:
Our submission to the Raindance Halloween 14 Second Horror Film Competition. More horror here:

Pictured - Short horror
看到這裡 你是不是覺得奇怪 怎麼都是這女人
Cam Closer
Cam Closer - YouTube
A short horror film about a camera phone with a special feature. Turn your lights down and the volume up.
A short horror film about a camera phone with a special feature. Turn your lights down and the volume up.

Not So Fast - Horror Short
Not So Fast - Horror Short - YouTube
Very dark image on purpose. If you can't see anything in the dark check your gamma settings. Check out the behind the scenes here:
Very dark image on purpose. If you can't see anything in the dark check your gamma settings. Check out the behind the scenes here:

Attic Panic - Short horror film
Attic Panic - Short horror film - YouTube
A short horror film in a new part of our house - the attic! Behind the scenes:
A short horror film in a new part of our house - the attic! Behind the scenes:

Closet Space -Short Film
Closet Space -Short Film - YouTube
We made a short in our new place. More Twilight Zone than horror this time. Making of:
We made a short in our new place. More Twilight Zone than horror this time. Making of:

Still Life
Still Life - Short movie, very shocking but also very clever. You wont believe the ending. - YouTube Short movie called still life, great atmosphere and an amazing ending. brookstreetpictures.com Director Jon Knautz's Twitter account Jon_Knautz

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QBGuZM1 (marvel)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/marvel/M.1512902179.A.581.html
推 : 心臟不夠力,等女友回來再看1F 12/10 18:43
→ : 網路不夠力,到家補看2F 12/10 18:45
推 : 晚點看看3F 12/10 18:45
推 : 好看不可怕,特效妝滿厲害的,英文對話很簡單不難懂4F 12/10 19:07
推 : 膽子不夠大 明天中午上班看5F 12/10 19:51
推 : 覺得不是可怕有點噁心 但妝效超讚6F 12/10 20:06
※ 編輯: ahw12000 (, 12/10/2017 20:16:17推 : 只敢看純文字7F 12/10 21:38
推 : 大家都要等等才看XD8F 12/10 22:39
推 : 體力不支 慢慢看...9F 12/10 22:43
推 : 推10F 12/10 22:43
推 : 喔喔 之前就有想貼過來,可是不知道有沒有人貼過 裡面影片都11F 12/10 22:54
→ : 很讚而且好像是每個禮拜定期更新
→ : 很讚而且好像是每個禮拜定期更新
→ : 其實我很想聽聽大家對Mordeo的評語? 雖然一開始沒交代13F 12/10 22:57
→ : 兩個人是怎麼開動的 可是那個咆嘯跟意境 我覺得好高啊
→ : 這部我看了好幾次
→ : 兩個人是怎麼開動的 可是那個咆嘯跟意境 我覺得好高啊
→ : 這部我看了好幾次
推 : 看了很好睡16F 12/10 23:23
→ : 沒有恐怖的氣氛..zzz17F 12/10 23:51
推 : 喔喔!我找這超久的18F 12/11 01:40
推 : 給你爆19F 12/11 02:33
推 : 我也有訂閱crypt!很有意思!20F 12/11 07:10
五大恐怖的學校懲罰方式 - YouTube
[訂閱募資PressPlay_] 詳情: 奇怪仙人掌加入了【PressPlay】 希望能夠回饋更多喜歡我作品的人 從小小金額【每月50元】 就能夠支持仙人掌 只要輸入你想要支持的金額或是喜歡的回饋金額在右上角框框 【每月元】 按下加入VIPP就可以囉:...
[訂閱募資PressPlay_] 詳情: 奇怪仙人掌加入了【PressPlay】 希望能夠回饋更多喜歡我作品的人 從小小金額【每月50元】 就能夠支持仙人掌 只要輸入你想要支持的金額或是喜歡的回饋金額在右上角框框 【每月元】 按下加入VIPP就可以囉:...

→ : =share22F 12/11 09:41
→ : 仙人掌有很多
→ : 仙人掌有很多
推 : 推24F 12/11 09:46
噓 : 乾~~~~~~噓樓樓上啊啊啊啊啊啊25F 12/11 13:16
推 : 推26F 12/11 13:39
推 : 卡一個27F 12/11 15:56
推 : 想說下面的部分感覺怎麼好像看過28F 12/11 15:59
→ : 原來樓主去年也有Po類似的文XDD
→ : 原來樓主去年也有Po類似的文XDD
推 : 點開youtube有中字30F 12/11 16:29
推 : 推奇怪仙人掌31F 12/11 16:40
推 : 等夜深人靜的時候再看32F 12/11 17:18
推 : 謝謝分享33F 12/12 05:09
推 : 434F 12/12 14:35
推 : 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚v大連結被斷好可怕35F 12/12 18:23
推 : 推仙人掌~36F 12/12 20:41
→ : 個人覺得仙人掌的蠻無聊… 一點都不恐怖37F 12/14 19:20
推 : 仙人掌感覺很沒頭沒尾 而且校正有待加強38F 12/18 01:38
推 : poppy39F 12/24 19:35
推 : 推40F 01/21 01:02
※ 看板: Marvel 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1497
作者 ahw12000 的最新發文:
- 13F 4推 2噓
- 每年到了12月,板橋新北耶誕城總會吸引大批人潮前往,周邊住房商機也跟著熱絡。但是 近期有民眾在網路旅宿社團抱怨,花了1萬6千元入住台北新板希爾頓酒店兩天一夜住宿, 但卻延遲到晚上9點才能入住,直言「 …587F 274推 57噓
- 25F 14推 1噓
- 11F 8推
( ̄︶ ̄)b alice1997219 說讚!