※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-29 03:20:12
看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 情報數則:俄國說波蘭計畫入侵烏克蘭
時間 Fri Apr 29 01:20:19 2022

Štefan Auer
Germany’s reluctance to send more weapons to Ukraine has strong popular support. Is Scholz’s position simply reflecting the general mood, or has he decisively shaped it in the first place?https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschl...-hinter-die-Union-zurueck.html …

Visegrád 24

The German Parliament just voted about whether to send heavy weapons to Ukraine.

586 MPs voted yes  

100 MPs voted no

The pressure is piling on the Scholz government to do more.

Ulrich Speck
59% der Deutschen für Sanktionen gegen Schröder.https://twitter.com/BILD/status/1519560277586554880 …
Rechtlich offenbar möglich - Mehrheit der Deutschen für Sanktionen gegen Schröder https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/p...-sanktionen-79905914.bild.html …

Jack Detsch
NEW: Ukraine has control over most of its airspace, with its Air Force and air defenses still intact 63 days after Russia’s invasion: UK Defense Intel

 air activity is focused on providing ground support in south & east.  mostly limited to stand-off strikes elsewhere

Samuel Ramani
Russia's foreign intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin just warned that the U.S. and Poland are planning a joint invasion of western Ukraine

Michael Weiss  🌻 🇺🇸 🇮🇪
Don’t need an explanation for why these Republicans voted this way. But Democratic Socialists who rightly rail against billionaires in America who are not underwriting a genocidal war in Europe should very much want to expropriate Russian billionaires who are facilitating one.https://twitter.com/kareemrifai/status/1519471625242136576 …
The fringe coming together to form the Protect Russian Oligarch Yacht Caucus.

Jack Detsch
NEW: US has information that Russia is planning for a forced capitulation of Ukraine’s democratic elected government “dissolving all local municipal governments”: US official

US ambassador to OSCE Michael Carpenter said  has set up new govt structures in occupied territories.

Eerik N Kross
Moldova’s deputy interior minister said the grenades that were used in the mysterious explosions in Transnistria are produced by Russia and are only used by the armies of Russia, Transnistria and Gabon. “I don’t think these were the Gabonese,” he said….

 🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker
#Ukraine: Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles, recently delivered from #Australia, are already being tested by the Ukrainian army. As seen here, the vehicle was uparmed with a 40mm Mk 19 automatic grenade launcher and a M240 machine gun.

Visegrád 24
Julia Davis
Russia’s most famous journalists and “experts” saying on state TV that nuclear war with NATO maybe wouldn’t be that bad after all since the Russians will go to heaven, while the Westerners...

Shashank Joshi
Patrushev. "If anything today unites the peoples living in Ukraine, it is only the fear of the atrocities of the nationalist battalions...the result of the policy of the West and the Kyiv regime under its control can only be the disintegration of Ukraine into several states."https://twitter.com/MarkGaleotti/status/1519222930273619968 …
Nikolai Patrushev, hawk’s hawk and a man I described as ‘the most dangerous man in Russia’ (https://www.buzzsprout.com/1026985/4169738 ) has given an interview to govt newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta. A lengthy thread 1/
https://rg.ru/2022/04/26/patrushev-z...huiu-unichtozhenie-rossii.html …

Samuel Ramani
Russian media is claiming that Ukraine planned to invade Russia and annex the Kuban region

There is no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there is only
one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next
second — surrender.
        ~ Ronald Reagan, 1964

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Schottky    : 差不多該來出個俄羅斯幹話產生器了1F 04/29 01:23
Howard61313 : 很好,看來重裝援烏在德國已有過半民意基礎2F 04/29 01:23
jabari      : 波蘭:再說啊!我是想入侵你們的東普魯士啦3F 04/29 01:24
Howard61313 : 然後美國國會那個名單…竟有AOC4F 04/29 01:25
tony160079  : AOC這個垃圾投反對不意外5F 04/29 01:25
rockmanalpha: 當笑話看是不錯 有轉Joke版的潛力6F 04/29 01:26
kmte019     : 哇喔…真的每次都能生出很白爛的幹話…7F 04/29 01:27
test23786   : 核戰死後上天堂??  這鬼話好像中東那套自殺炸彈8F 04/29 01:28
test23786   : 客說法……
qazws931    : https://i.imgur.com/6tTYuNR.jpg10F 04/29 01:29
yamatobar   : 現實永遠比娛樂文創還離奇11F 04/29 01:31
gunng       : 波蘭與美國入侵烏克蘭  俄軍炸西烏  北約啟動 計劃12F 04/29 01:33
gunng       : 通?XD
jamie81416  : 德國還肖想填補東歐國家捐贈烏克蘭武器後的空缺。14F 04/29 01:35
jamie81416  : 很懷疑有哪個東歐國家敢收,東歐可不是西歐,是隨
jamie81416  : 時會幹架的,要幹架時再被德國切斷補給可不好笑
nctudog     : 這是我第三次聽到俄國指控波蘭要入侵烏克蘭= =17F 04/29 01:36
Akitsukineko: 現在是在跟某些id的推/噓文比鬼扯的?18F 04/29 01:36
gunng       : 還有一個是戰前俄羅斯找波蘭瓜分烏克蘭19F 04/29 01:37
hahabis     : 中鵝應該來個世界盃幹話大獎賽20F 04/29 01:37
hahabis     : 肯定精彩
BlackBass   : 俄國的文膽是請中國人來寫嗎?22F 04/29 01:39
test23786   : 極右和極左不論哪個只能說都不是正常人23F 04/29 01:44
same60710   : 那個主持人真的是俄羅斯人不是伊斯蘭教徒嗎XD24F 04/29 01:44
Bugquan     : 幹你娘,笑死25F 04/29 01:45
test23786   : 烏克蘭乾脆借道給波蘭打俄羅斯好了xd26F 04/29 01:47
diyaworld   : 下一次是不是烏克蘭準備發動第三次世界大戰?27F 04/29 01:47
biaw        : 假旗gogogo28F 04/29 01:48
mycwk       : 波蘭計畫入侵烏克蘭,然後烏克蘭入侵俄國??29F 04/29 01:50
diyaworld   : 俄羅斯外宣部是不是認為全世界都跟大部分俄羅斯人30F 04/29 01:51
diyaworld   : 一樣白癡?
test23786   : 他們把烏克蘭人民當白痴吧…… 他以為這樣講是有反32F 04/29 01:53
test23786   : 波情緒嗎
Palpatineli : 左邊確實是gof但是Massie算極右喔?不懂美國政治可34F 04/29 02:00
Palpatineli : 以不用講
loki08957   : 波蘭想拿回加里西亞也不是什麼秘密了吧36F 04/29 02:05
GaryMatthews: AOC Omar 科科37F 04/29 02:05
GaryMatthews: 不過昨天的友台法案幾乎全票通過 可見我們的外交官
TheDragonBug: 如果把中國人算進去的話 全世界的確會有好幾億人信39F 04/29 02:08
GaryMatthews: 拉票實力不錯40F 04/29 02:08
TheDragonBug: 這種鬼話  畢竟中共94這樣餵養他們的 ...41F 04/29 02:08
hansopp     : 烏克蘭:歡迎波蘭趕快入侵我42F 04/29 02:12
GaryMatthews: 波蘭入侵那個不能照字面上解讀 實際意思是:波波如43F 04/29 02:15
GaryMatthews: 果派兵到烏克蘭助拳 我們就有理由全國動員令
test23786   : 但是他進到烏克蘭也不足以全國動員令,除非波蘭入45F 04/29 02:23
test23786   : 侵俄領土
jerry90289  : 因為波波要入侵烏克蘭 所以我(俄)先入侵47F 04/29 02:24
jerry90289  : 這到底….?
nctudog     : test23786 但是烏克蘭就是俄國領土的一部分(X)49F 04/29 02:28
Pegasi      : 死後上天堂..俄軍已經變阿拉花瓜+蒙古西征綜合體了50F 04/29 02:29
wick726     : 波蘭坦克生態系入侵,下次換什麼品種51F 04/29 02:40
DrizztMon   : 阿拉花瓜的言論都出現了52F 04/29 02:50

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